Mould is everywhere.? The ?root-like? structures of moulds are called ?Hyphae??? and can be allergenic. Perhaps the most important thing to remember? though is: if you don?t have a water problem, you don?t have a mould problem. Excessive mould growth needs just available water and a food source. Finding certain types of mould and high numbers of mould growing inside buildings is unusual and generally a result of a water intrusion. I will often get lab results with elevated Hyphae counts in buildings that are undergoing or have just completed renovations.? People most susceptible to mycotoxic mould are those who are immune-compromised or immune-suppressed from drug treatment. Keep in mind that only a certified lab can tell what type of mould is present and mould testing? requires safety precautions depending on location and context.


Part of the lab report might also include the term Hyphae. Mould growth can occur in as little as 24 to 48 hours when conditions are favourable so it is important to find, fix and dry water intrusion events quickly to prevent mould growth. They are heavy and difficult to put in the air except by active disturbance. Evidence supports concluding mycotoxin exposure can cause mucous membrane irritation and respiratory inflammation, fatigue, headaches, mood swings, and? even memory loss. Breathing excessive amounts of mould spores and touching mould with your skin should be avoided. Food sources suitable for mould growth are typically cellulose-based, like paper-faced gypsum board, plastics, paint, and dust in heating and air conditioning systems, and dirty fibreglass insulation. They are also at elevated levels during certain activities like harvesting and cutting grass. 


Mould spores can reach very high numbers outside at certain times of the year like summer and fall. Mould can grow in dark places and well lighted places just the same.? First rule of mould inspection is if you suspect it, have it lab tested. Mould grows well at room temperature, but can grow at much higher or lower temperatures.? Moisture intrusion into structures meets these requirements handily.. Excess moisture in buildings can cause mould growth in places like, crawlspaces, attics, bathrooms, air vents, and under sinks. This is a controversial aspect of mould because little is hot forging steel Manufacturers known about fungal toxins and how inhaling them affects people.Mould spores and fungi are everywhere in our homes, offices and outdoors