



The five-story pagoda is a stupa to enshrine the stupa (the remains of Buddha).
Since it was built in 942, it has been destroyed by fire.
It collapsed several times due to fire and was rebuilt with reinforced concrete in 1973.

Large, thick pillars hang from the ceiling, and each component of the stacked towers is intentionally loose without being tightly joined.
The looseness of each member and the pendulum action of the central pillar are the main elements of the pagoda,
The tower does not resist vertical or horizontal shaking of earthquakes, but absorbs them to prevent collapse.

Illuminated five-story Pagota is very beautiful at night夜の街

仲見世を本堂に進むと、宝蔵門があります。オリジナルは942年に建てられた旧仁王門の再建で、大谷米太郎から寄進されたものが今の宝蔵門。左に呵形像、右に吽形像の仁王像を奉安されているので、別名「仁王門」と呼ばれ、共にインドの古代武器を持っており、身体健全や災難厄除の神として信仰を集めています。 上の部分には国宝、重要文化財が収蔵されている(国宝の法華経と重要文化財の「元板大蔵経」「元版一切経」や寺宝)ので宝蔵門と呼ばれています。





Hozomon Gate (Treasure house gate) was originally built in 942, current gate was donated  by Yonetaro Otani ( founder of Hotel New Otani) 

This gate holds a pair of statute Nio. Left side of stature is called A zou Right side is UN zou.


This pair of huge straw sandals was  made by 800 citizen in Yamagata Murayama city. They are hand made , and It takes a month. It would be renewed once in ten years. Evils find them , they will be frightened seeing huge sandals which indicate existing giant man. A pair of sandals can protect us from evils. Wishing to be a good walkers, many people touch it.












Japan’s border control has been lifted last year. 

Cities and towns are coming back to life again.


Kaminarimo gate. ‘ Thunder gate’

Two big wooden statures are inside the gate.

‘Fujin’ is the god of wind. ‘Raijin’ is the god of thunder.

The original gate was built in the 10th century(942). It burned out several times over the centuries.

The gate hadn’t been existing for many years.

This one standing today was donated by Konosuke Matsushita.

He was suffered from serious disease . Chief prist prayed his cure ,after that his condition got better. Chief priest asked Matsushita to build the gate, Matsushita willingly accepted.   The gate was completed in 1960.

The rantern is put down only in the Sanja festival .

In addition, when the typoon and heavy rain hit this area, the ratern is put down.