it's hard to be a listener

a speaker can choose what you gonna say
but a listener has no choice to block what you don't wanna listen

listener is a invisible victim
so i say it's hard to be

what a whore!

whether draw the tickets or not is up to me, not you
don't give me attitude, ur not my boss

it's just because you don't have friend in jp
but there are still many ways to join, if you mean to do
i hate people who always jus wanna rely on others without paying any effort

even you wanna share FC fee with me
so what?

i don't need your money at all!!

so just fuck off! bitch!

hyde and HYDE aren't the same person! OK?
they playing different roles in bands!

what am i expecting for?

i feel like i'm paparazzi :)
yes, just like that song!

Viva la Vida
Carpe diem

easy to say but hard to achieve

seize the day...

everytime talk about this serious issue
turns out to be countless signs,,, endless sign

what should i do

i'm tired of chasing something that don't belong me
but i cannot stop thing of that,,,


nothing to expect