Do you desire add-on nutrition to your diet? If yes, then you have landed on the right page. Here is a list of the top five nutritious vegetables that you can directly toss in your salad. Get ready to explore!

Raw broccoli
Broccoli supplements crunch and stalwart phytochemicals, nutrients obtained only in plants, to your salad. Also, you can try packaged broccoli slaw for a distinctive essence.

Roasted beets serve great in wintertime salads, or you can try them raw when cut up into tiny matchsticks, which supplements shade, zest, and some crunch too.

Cucumbersare a pleasant add-on to your salads. While all other veggies fight to achieve the best nutritionally, this green vegetable is skillfully playing the cool guy who lessens the warmth of the entire dish. Also, it is immeasurable for the skin too and rich in vitamins. 

Daikonis close enough to red radishes to substitute whenever you like. Its form and size make it more straightforward to prepare. Also, you can cook it, pickle it, or eat it raw- which makes it a perfect ingredient for a salad.

In enhancement to its cancer-fighting characteristics, cabbage is an outstanding source of vitamins, for instance, C and K, comprising more than 20% of the regular value for each serving. Also, cabbage has been used throughout history as an herbaceous cure. 

Tossing healthy vegetables into your salad can heighten nourishment and zest.

Hopefully, these five nutritious vegetables may make it easy to put together a wholesome mix that will help you feel fuller and extra happy.