Cross trainers are a great cardio tool that provides a low-impact, yet complete workout. They're easy on the joints, hips and back, as well as your knees. An elliptical, or cross trainer, has arm handles so you can pull and push while moving your legs on the pedals. This allows you to work out both your upper and lower bodies, thereby increasing muscle tone and fat burning. It simulates activities such as walking, running, or climbing stairs. The equipment also works your core muscles. The following are some of the best ways you can increase your cross trainer training:


  1. Increase resistance-You can adjust the resistance of your elliptical to suit your desired intensity. Higher resistance will increase your results and help you get stronger. You will lose weight and increase your strength by increasing the resistance on your spin bike. You will be able to pedal harder when you have a higher resistance setting, which increases your strength and stamina.
  2. Add intervals-The HIIT training follows a simple pattern of a brief spurt of intense exercise, interspersed with a slow down or a break period. Interval training is a better option than longer-term cardio exercises for increasing your metabolism. You can include intervals of fast pedaling, followed by a recovery at a normal speed. Keep doing this for a while and you will be amazed at the results. HIIT can help you lose weight faster than other workouts.
  3. Push and pull-Cross trainers should have handlebars. To give your upper body a workout, you can simply push the handlebars with the arms and pull them with the pedal. Pulling and pushing will increase your triceps strength, while pushing will improve your biceps. To avoid injury, keep your spine straightened with your shoulders back and abs engaged. You should move your arms at a 90 degree angle. To get a complete workout, the handlebars can be combined with normal pedaling motions.


4.Don't hold on to the handles-.To give your core muscles a great workout, leave the handles behind. The handles can be removed to strengthen your abdominal muscles, just like core exercises such as crunches and planks. This mode can also strengthen your lower back and cervical region. Cross trainers can help you achieve a slimmer waistline by improving your stability/balance, and burning a lot calories.

5.Pedal Backwards-If you pedal backwards, your cross trainer workout will be more effective. You will also be strengthening and engaging another set of lower body muscles (especially the quads and calves). You will be surprised at how your body reacts to short bursts of backwards movement. This will give you a great workout.

6.Get Involved-If you have a TV in front of your face, you will be able to do more with your exercise. Your mind will be distracted by the characters and you will find it difficult to exercise. You could also listen to your favorite music while you exercise. Playing a game of fitness could be a great option.FitwarzThis allows you to compete against other virtual players around the globe. The Fitboard will show you how fast and long you can go.