ノリヒコ・タケウチ 「コミュニケーションがあなたと世界を変える」 TEDxSapporo | TEDのすゝめ ( TED 英語 スーパープレゼンテーション 洋楽 映画 スポーツ )

TEDのすゝめ ( TED 英語 スーパープレゼンテーション 洋楽 映画 スポーツ )

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Norihiko Takeuchi - Communication Changes You and the World

TEDxSapporo で行われたタケウチ ノリヒコ教授によるプレゼンテーションです。
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【話題】 日本人は変わるべきだ
【時間】 3分45秒





survey :調査

mutual acquaintances :共通の知人

open-minded :開放的に


Good evening, ladies and gentleman. Thank you very much for coming. So, are you ready to listen to me? Oh, very good.

Japanese people should change. 

According to overseas survey conducted to one thousand passengers on the planes, 45% of them have experiences of meeting people, meeting somebody, which means they talked with new people. 30% have met at least one person on the ground. 8% have had some kind of relationship. Isn’t this a bigger percentage than you think?

I often find myself and my partners are the only people talking around us. I sometimes feel that they are missing their precious chances. People next to you may be interesting, very interesting. Or you may have mutual acquaintances. We often feel that we live in a small world, don’t we?

I think Japanese people should be more open-minded. Although we are told not to talk with strangers, it doesn’t always work. If your neighbors seem to be bored, why don’t you talk to them and enjoy communication? 

Why did I choose the topic? Well, communication changes you and the world. Once you get new ideas and knowledge through your communication, you’re not the person you used to be. You had been affected by communication, and you have changed. It might be a slight change, but change is change. At the same time, you may exchange your partners. You may change your partners. In some cases, you can affect others a lot through communication. If someone is seeking what they want to do, you may be able to give them some hints. Once you and your partner have changed, the world is not the one it used to be. Of course you can change yourself by reading books and magazines, by studying, by practicing sports and art. That’s fine. However, once you experience the joy of communication, you may want to talk with your neighbors. If you want to change the world, you can write books, you can make movies, make new smartphone application, make new IT tools, and so on. In such ways, you can change the world on a large scale. However they are not the only ways to change the world. You can talk with people in persons. What you do affect people and the world. Communication changes you and the world.

Thank you very much.