geyser | 英語+アフタースクールの岡村キッズワールド


OKAMURA KIDS’ WORLDは、姫路市にいる小学生の放課後に

Hi, it's Miles again.ニコニコ

For our most recent geography lesson, I taught the children here about geysers.
I explained to them that on a basic level, geysers are kind of like hot springs in that both of them are a result of underground water being heated by nearby magma.
The difference between the two is that if the hot water has a way to reach the surface, then it becomes a hot spring.
On the other hand, if the water stays trapped underground, sometimes it builds up so much steam that it shoots to the surface through a narrow passage, which is a geyser!
After I taught everyone about geysers, we all practiced some of the new geography vocabulary we had learned together, along with other geography terms I'd taught them about in previous lessons.

I'm always happy when I get to share lessons like this in a way that children across different English skill levels can understand and enjoy.
Anyway, that's all for now - until next time