ヨみっな! >3<

I'm very happy that we finally uploaded videos! ^^
I don't know if they are so good, but it was very fun to film them~ It's so easy and nice to work with Viria. ありがとうね <3
So..now we are practising again and our first dance together will be Arashi Hit Medley (音譜嵐ヒットメドレー音譜)
I'm also practising hard Ohno-san's Top Secret, but uploading it will take a while or two, 'cause the dance is pretty hard and I'm pretty narrowminded about dance stepsガーン But I do my best and try to film Ohno's Rain soon too ^^
ジャー。。。またね 0/

Yesh! We did it~~

Finally we had two videos ready for hipmop ^^ <3

...Nee-chan comes today here and we will upload them ニコニコ

We had so many problems with this so I'm super glad バナナあせる~~

Waaa..so I hope everyone will like them :DD ~

I'm sorry I have been long away >.< I'm not good at blog writing~~

So, I was cosplaying Tegoshi Yuya last weekend.

It went pretty well but my hair wasn't so good T.T

I will post photo next time~

We made onigiri with Sukka and we eated them at con おにぎりラブラブ


Yesterday we had special day in school and we went to Heureka.

It's Finnish sience center and there's much funny things to do にひひ

That machine said that I look like my friend xD

I try to write again soon!
