In the morning I still was convinced I'm not in love.
But in the evening I realized... I am. (///∇//)
hello! (*^▽^*)
I did not write into this blog for long time, BUT I have a reason now!
I got a request from a friend, to sew a Kigurumi like this . ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ
It has to be finished by the 12th August and I get 50€ for it (〃∇〃)
Material costs are without the buttons 10€, so... MONEY MONEY MONEY! キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!
(Stil thinking if I should save it for a 3DS or buy a graphics tablet for it...)

Now here's my process for today:

First I gad to adjust the pattern onto the fabric φ(.. )

this is me! (*^▽^*)
my hair and the fabric have the same color! (〃∇〃)

Next was to cut it out, see here a pile of the result! (*゚ー゚*)

Then I took 3 parts to sew them together...

to get a hood! (*^-^)b

So in total:
[worktime] 2h
[music] YMCK
[problem] not enough blue thread for my overlook sewing mashine...
hello! o(^▽^)o
Yesterday I got my school report.
But when I got home, from that moment on I was all day in the kitchen.
In the evening I went to the grill party of my choir.

Really nothing special, but today is my Teeparty.
I'm so stressed out, I think I'm going to vomit in an instant...
Ok, my Anpans are ready, I have the tea... now I have to dress up and have still 1,5h.
My just hope I get my hair done properly o(;△;)o

Wish me luck, that everyything goes by good...
hello! (^-^)ノ~~
Today was our Styl0rday. Yes all 4 of us walked around in school all dress up. Yv looked really creepy (b^-゜)
After school was out, we all went to Tanja's garden to make Photos... I don't look those of Neko's cam, I just hope the analog pictures of me got better...

And guess what, at home I slept again. ZZzz....(。-人-。)
I woke up 10 minutes before my driving lesson: I had to dress up and eat quickly.
Then I drove around.
At home I read Parakiss. (☆。☆)
After I finished 1&2, that was the moment my mood got bad.
My brother's not coming home this weeken, I'm really sad about this (iДi)

What makes me depressed, too, is that my darling is gone. I miss him.
But also I feel so unimportant when he don't calls me and nobody writes me...
I'm tired. But not the sleepy tired, more the "if I don't go asleep now, I'm gonna cry all night long."- tired.
Guess I play some Pokémon and then go to sleep.

hello! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
Today we played Werewolf again, but not so long.
When I got home, I made Muffins and then felled assleep.
My boyfriend is at Wacken right now, so nobody phones me (iДi)

Tomorrow is the last "school day", because on Friday we just get the paper with the marks and go home.
So my friends and me wanted to style up. I go as Cupcake Lolita! o(〃^▽^〃)o
I tried my outfit on, and everything looks good. After that I tried on my maiddress, which I want to wear on Sathurday, too. I felt just so good.
This feeling was like: "In everything you wear, you just look good."
My Nazism even was sparkling at me in the mirror, when I was just jumping around in my underwear. (〃∇〃)
It's just great to feel pretty. I think I understand now why my darling wants to cut his beautiful hair. Stil I hope it's really a good idea... m(u_u)m
I need more sleep, I'm tired all the time.
Good night.
Yesterday I was just too lazy to blog, so I do it today for both days. (゜д゜;)

So Monday, I stayed longer in school, because we had our last theatre meeting for this year... but only 6 people came. Wow, it's so good that everybody looks at the news on our blackboard... not. (-。-)
We had real fun and actually I should have had a driver lesson, but I hadn't. My teachers car was broken. (iДi)

Then I got home and wanted to play FFCC My Life as a Darklord, but my mother wanted to learn and I couldn't access to the Wii. (。>0<。)
I was so annoyed, that I've gone to sleep.

Hours later I wanted to install FFCC, but I hadn't the right IOS and nothing worked. o(;△;)o
In the evening I played GROW Island... I couldn't do it...

Today I've gone to Yv's, to dye her hair, after that to the summer concert in our school.
I really must say, some people have problems... that now I really think my relationsship is kind of bloomy. (=◇=;)
So bye for now, I'm tired.
hello! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
So yesterday, I wanted to that Photoshooting, remember?
Because of that I styled myself very pretty Lolita (just look at my new profile picture) and made me a Bento.
It was Teriyaki-Chicken with japanese Omelet and rice, look good, doesn't it? (*^▽^*)


At 1pm I went to Nuernberg, to meet the others.
But I realised it only today, that I meet different people. (〃∇〃)
I knew nearly all of them, so the only fact I wondered about why we didn't went to Erlangen...
So we had a nice picknick in those colorful cages on the Insel Schütt.
Hopefully somebody gives me those pictures of yesterday soon! o(〃^▽^〃)o

Then Hime-chan, who celebrated her Birthday, asked me if I wanted to sleep over with all the others and go to the cinema. I agreed, because my parents were away anyway. ( ̄∇ ̄+)
We went into Harry Potter 6, even I didn't like to, but well, I got to know that Hime is actually Yuki's sister. And I wondered all day why they looked so alike... (・_・;)

After the film we went to Jiggi, because there was nobody at home at hers and stayed with 6 people.
First we watched Sweeney Todd (my 5th time), god I love this movie! (⌒¬⌒*)
But after that... they had to play Project Zero! I was so afraid! 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。
Before going to bed (4am) and stil had to play Taiko no Tatsujin, to feel better.
Hime-chan hold my hand, so I could sleep better, she was so nice to me!
Even if we only talked about perverted things (-。-;)

The morning after, we had all breakfast together and went to then main railway station.
Internet told me, I should get my bus, if I take thaht U-Bahn.
So I got to my bus... and he just drove away infront of me! (((( ;°Д°))))
The only thing I wanted was to cry... and I couldn't reach my Counsin to drive me home...
Because of this I took the other Bus and walked over 5km home, in high heels and totally Lolita. ヽ(;´Д`)ノ
This is what I walked:
Look on google maps!

My feet hurt now really badly... and I'm very tired. (・・;)
And some stupid girl tries to annoy me, by "flirting" with my boyfriend! ( ̄ー ̄;
.. I'm jealous now, really.
hello! o(〃^▽^〃)o
Today I started my day with a good mood!
I had my nails done yesterday: black with white polka-dots. (‐^▽^‐)
That's why, I dressed completly in that way (〃∇〃)

But what I didn't know, that my art teacher is stupider than I though:
I had to paint my skulpture, which is white from papier mâché, white. 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。
First of all: It runied my beautiful nails! All my work... (T▽T;)
Second: My dress got dirty... but it's clean by now.
Third: He destroyed my good mood. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

So totally pissed, I went to my driver lesson. I can just tell: my teacher is soooo cute! (〃∇〃)
He told me, that I was a very nice person and he likes me a lot since he knows me a bit longer.
But a thing that totally embaressed me is, when he told me there a some lessons that are just work for him, but also one he's looking forward to. My lessons are second, so nice! (///∇//)

When I got home, I started cooking for tomorrow, because I'm going to a photoshooting! (=⌒▽⌒=)
For my Bento I made Teriyaki-Chicken.
Before that I called my Cousin, so I could know, he drives me tomorrow to the bus, because my parents are away and I don't want to be late! (*^∇^*)

When I got finished, I wanted to repair my nails... but I fucked up and had to do them from the beginning... tomorrow I hopefully finish them, but I won't have to much time \(゜□゜)/
So I redone my deco-den for my DSlite, it's much prettier now! (‐^▽^‐)

At the evening I went to my choir. It's stupid that it is always Friday evening, so I'm missing pretty often and don't know the songs! o(;△;)o
And October we already having our concert... oh god, I hope learn it by then...

I hope I finish tomorrow everything I want in time...

I never, ever, want to see this movie again. (/TДT)/
I'm talking about "Grave of the Fireflies". I already knew, that I don't want to see this movie, when I read it's about the 2nd world war , but also I want to see all Ghibli films. (x_x;)
And now I fell depressed and cried a lot, because of this stupid film.
Ok, first the mother died of those two children, then the aunt was some fucking whore. But then the small girl at the age of 5 years gets sick, after that they were told their father died, too. What's the end of the film? The cute girl dies, the boy burns her and dies, too. And I thought I hate happy ends. (´□`。)
I hope my darling calls soon, or I end up crying again without reason. Yes, I really feel depressed now. (T▽T;)

Now, what was my day like?
I got home and had to make my own food. Just after I got neither of both busses, because they were too full.
Then I had to go to the supermarket, because we had no eggs, right. 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。
Well, so I cooked, but ended up eating a lolipop. (^~^)
Later I gone again to the supermarket, because we had no mayonese...

After that, I ended infront of the PC and looked at some deco-den. I think I'm going to pay 20€ for the deco of my iPod. o(TωT )
Then I remade the deco of my cellphone (because Yv finally told me how to make it right) and finished my earphones. I looooove just to deco things, it makes me happy! (≧▽≦)

But still I have a problem:
I need someone who drives me Sathurday to the next village, so I can get on the bus on time. I want to go to that photoshooting! (`Δ´)

Bye for now, I have to keep on being depressed!
(FU GHIBLI ( ̄へ  ̄ 凸)
hello! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
I just finished the plush pokémon magikarp for my bf! o(〃^▽^〃)o
Just look!


Isn't he the cutest? о(ж>▽<)y ☆

So my schoolday today was short, only 4 lessons!
After that, my theatre group met to play a game called Werewolf.
It was so fun! (*^▽^*)
But because of that stupid wheather, my head felt like exploding. ( ̄∩ ̄#
After a nice afternoon nap, yes again, I felt much better!

And I surfed on the deco-den LJ community... and now I'm asking myself, if I should buy 200 pearls for 3€...
It's so cheap, but I bet my dad has something against it (iДi)
But somehow I have to buy something, if I want to deco my iPod...
Why don't I have the money? o(;△;)o
I want more pretty things...
