In-app FileNo.003 - 006 Pack LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY ROOM hack tool


Device Iphone

Version notes Version 1.0.2 Patch Notes

genre Entertainment

Publishers Level-5 Inc

Published date 2013-06-27

280 Reviews

350,96 megabyte

Layton in iphone wtf noooooooooooooooooo.
Also, in the Courious Village, SPOILER* he makes his own freaking glider out of a giant globe and curtains.
Hang on, is Al wearing his old coat there at the end? The one he wore in that picture of him shooting Makepeace.

Unwound future is just fucking story was Grand, 10/10... of course its not the only best Professor layton game... still i loved Unwound future more <3.
Brings back memories.
I love the music.
Just about died at back orifice.
@Thamer4life That is an excellent point.
Thats too bad that almost of these masterpiece havent been released in korea except only two ones.

I like all of them, thing can beat the original.
Ok so is there not going to be another Layton game because at the end of lost future Luke sent a letter saying that he has another mystery to solve but then in the next game(spectre's call) and all the games after were set at a time before curious village. So that means there's a mystery to be solved after lost future which means a new game. Right? If I'm just being stupid then please tell me.

1. Bring back Layton 2. At least bring him and Luke to Smash. He can fight

I've already asked people to stop ranting. And. Frank West. Really? Your example is Frank West? He was bashing heads right from the start. Of course he worked.
With professor layton in them D.
@SuperMegaPanda1 By accident.
Best game ever - cit. Pewdie.
Man so many years of nostalgia, played since the beginning.
Creator Level-5 Inc. help find hack hack legit LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY room 2.
I wish more people knew about this game.

It's been quite a journey, right Hershel.
I still think that Professor Layton and the Curious Village and Professor Layton and Pandora's Box themes are muddled up. I'm extremely certain that they are. I own both games and I'm sure they're wrong.
Yes, I've come to see my mistakes during this past month. Hopefully, I'll be a true gentleman myself someday.
I hum this to myself almost everywhere I go. It's my theme song. X3.

Oh god this game is so fun. i could play it all day. XD.
The part when you inexplicably think faster and suddenly understand it all.
The first song is not the curious village theme, is the profesor Layton's main theme 🤓.
And you are totally allowed to hate Professor Layton. But your comment was just mean spirited. There is a fine line between that and being a troll. If you wish to hate on a game series, do it somewhere else. You will get nothing but grief here.
This song is so cool! Best song. Wonderful!>
His winning catchphrase would be Why, this reminds me of a puzzle. and upon commensing his special attack, he would shout The culprit. is YOU. and point at a random opponent who gets insta-KO'd. :D.

Creator Level-5 Inc. help find hack hack legit LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY room.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who hears the dark cloud 2 feeling music in the curious village's theme(I know I'm not the only one, I'm just wondering if anyone else hears it.
Puirsuit Cornered Jazz Puzzle.
What's your favorite Layton twist? Personally, I like Azran Legacy's the best. There are actually 2 major twists, which I didn't know. I was already spoiled on one so I thought I was safe, but nope! Let's just say the other twist broke my heart.

Even though its really long its so much fun to play.

Based Koshiro.

God, I love this game. I prefer it to the actual Professor Layton games...

Hershel must seriously be my favourite name ever.

Feel the Touch.
This is a Phoenix Wright rip-off. Scratch that. Its like. errr Layton + Phoenix Wright with worse characters...
Pipe vs Sword in Eternal Diva also begs to differ.
Man, I really have to finish playing these. I never finished Lost Future because I got stuck once, neither did I finish the new 3DS one, and I even completely forgot to buy the Miracle Mask.
What do you think is hardest puzzle ever? i think totally 7 seven squares.
Oh wow... I knew it was him al along. frustrating hour of my life that was.
All the more reasons for me to get the games. I already have, and completed, Ace Attorney: justice for all.

Lol, and 4 is the only one I don't really like. I mean I like how it starts but then it goes. strange, and too long. And yeah that's true, but I like how it continues, and the last part is beautiful.
Where can I obtain these tunes.
The music in Professor Layton has infinite charm and class. I'd love to see someone dancing with a partner to this music someday.
@Thamer4life remember the diabolical box do you remember when he fights with tthe guy that was supposed to be a vampire? he fighted so that means he can fight.
Don Paolo! pressing the dislike button 11 times will not make things any better for you.
I am a big professor Layton fan and this has just made my day! thank you so much.
I'm interested in how this was only at 70k only 2 months ago and now almost 100k.

Sooo good and great for studying. Put this playlist on if you're studying! It's so relaxing I love it ❤️.
I love how little japanese games like this one have better soundtrack than big productions like gears of war and halo.
Personally thought Smooth kind of butchered the first theme, good to know I can always come back to listen to these masterpieces though.
@mewboy23799 I know what you mean this is the piece of music I would use for dance choreography for my dance exam if it was allowed to be over 3 minutes long which its not.
Thanks. You my enjoy my ace attorney series too. Adi.
This is now 20% COOLER! Someone really needs to make a Layton MLP:FiM crossover.


@Thamer4life Who says you can't win a fight using your head. Layton should totally be in a fighting game. He deserves to be in one just as much as any other video game character does.
Quien me iba a decir que cuando te veia por ahi comentando tu tenias un video con mas de 100k de visitas xDD.
I gave Prof a rather casual voice. Kinda like Phoenix Wright, now that I think about it. I give voices based on how they look and how they speak.
Whoever composed the songs in this game is/are talented.
0:58-1:15 eargasm.
Creator Level-5 Inc. help find hack hack legit LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY room furniture.
I never heard of you guys til I clicked on your channel about 5 minutes ago. Listened to the first few seconds. Liked.  Subscribed.

I love professor layton its awesome but i think this is pandoras box theme but still awesome love flute part.
Perfect music to work to.
Every time this starts playing, I immediately turn my volume up. It fills me with so much adrenaline and excitement, I can't help but jam out to it for a few minutes. xD.
L don't have a problem with this. At least it's not an actual successor to professor layton series and is just a spin off on a completely different device entirely. That way they can experiment all they like without tarnishing a good series.

Este soundtrack me recuerda a un puzzle.
Am i the only one who is thinking who the hell is the mum. Prof. think he had it in him.
@zeldafan1997 That's preposterous.
We gots to solve us some mysteries yo.
Never played professor Layton games despite me owning spectres call. I know one thing, this franchise has some great music. I came on this video after watching With Ethers glorious acoustic cover of Curious Village.

Thank you for using the European covers. I don't know why they are different elsewhere.
Ive never heard the music in my game i think something is wrong with the app.
Heck Yeah! He could kill people with his fencing and Puzzling Intellect.
Its finally out and its awesome.

RIP Akira Tago.
Thx mate I love this music.
Fantastic OST. But where is my Layton DLC in Smash 4.
I love this soundtrack...
ENCORE! Me during this part: Strapping, no I was so close to exposing you but then- Oh hey, it's Potty Prof.
I got pandoras box when i was 6 and it was AMAZING. #nostalgia.
Can anyone tell me what genre of jazz THIS might be? really smooth jazz.
I just met the voice of Layton(Chris Miller) I think I can die happy now. One of my teachers knows him so we got to meet him, and we got his autograph. And we also learned that he is a professor at the local university.
Does anyone have timestamps for this.
Layton is so cool, I love all Layton games.
The music of a true modern gentleman.

I finished every Game and it was My favorit Series 😭😭😭 (I'm from Germany.
Thanks for that u made me lol.
@bombkirby And now look at Wright in MvC3. A disappointment. His attacks are ridiculous, the voice acting is dull and all wrong, and they MURDERED my favorite PW tune: Cornered. Phoenix Wright turned into a total joke that even a 5-year-old would find childish. I'm not against creativity at all; I cherish it. And because I do, I'm careful with it. And because I am, I saw that failure coming from miles away. Your argument was compelling. I want to talk to you more in private. Good day, sir.
I literally started crying when I heard this. I played these when I was 4 or so and I remember solving some puzzles on my own and I was so happy. The nostalgia just hit so, so hard. Thanks, Pokemona.

The one person who disliked this can go die.
A true gentleman uses his intellect and wit, not his fists.
I have always love the layton series for the mystery. I sucked at most of the puzzles though.
LAYTON. solves the puzzle.
Best soundtrack ever.
Hint coin.
Wish they'd make a soundtrack album for them all, like of all the themes and stuff. I flipping love the music :3.

So unsettling.
Alright, alright, You got me. No doubt Layton would be quite a popular character in Super Smash...
A slow, intense remix of this theme plays during the final cutscene on Azran Legacy :3.
Oh my. So many memories, I think even a tear ran through my face! Thank you so much for making this video, left a like! 3.
30 people are not True Gentlemen.
Anybody have an idea in wich period of time this Songs would belong to.
@Thamer4life But Layton did learn how to fight, and Phoenix gets abused so much he might have learned how to handle himself, besides, fighting games are more mental than many other games (ok, maybe some aren't, but having to consider what your character can do, what the opponent's character can do and then going into individuals' strategies and counter strategies and other stuff, it can get complicated at a high level play) Fighting games are not so simple, quick minds help a lot in them.

Este tema lo escucho cuando estoy viajando en bus, nose porque, pero me gusta :3.
Ah loving this! Being a Layton fan from the start I enjoy listening. My favorite game must be The Lost Future because I just loved the story, and I think it was the most emotional one. I have played all of them except for the newest two, but I am getting them soon.
The fourth and the last game definitely disappointed me. I love the Professor Layton, but there's nothing like the original three. And I was sobbing throughout most of the 5th one.

However perhaps we could make an exception.

I feel as if i'm traveling in europe

Can't decide between Diabolical Box or Unwound Future. Both are epic in their own way.
This just punched me in the face with pure nostalgia.
I have a hard time picturing that guy as Layton's son... I'm just going to pretend he coincidentally has the same last name.
How is it desperate for money.
Layton is now my favorite game. I finished the diabolical box. My favorites.
Awesome song.
Layton in SSB. epic.
The last one I played was Lost Future before my original DS which had a 7 year run went to console heaven. Need to buy a new one. Love those themes and the game isn't bad either.
This is Lucy's Objection theme.

@LastMomentOfLife oh. is their music good.

Amazing, awesome, spectacular, just pure beautifulness this is

Brings back the memories.
I really hope they release Phoenix Wright and Layton for Europe. I don't even know it but I'll play it in frickin' German if I have to.
OoO by a long shot...
@thatdamnfish Lucky. Everything I touch gives me a sliding block puzzle.
You know this is only video one out of about 10 yeah? D.

HeCK YEah time for sleuthing.
After playing the Layton games, I have become the only 12 year old in my area who owns a stovepipe top hat.
Can you get nostalgia over a game you only just finished watching a week ago.
14:06 which series is this? I wanna know! D.

Aww~ ya pronto me comprare mi ds ! este sera el primer juego que compre

What's the song from 14:36.
I am crying... I fucking love these games The Good old time...
What genre of jazz is this.
This music sends a chill down my spine <3.
13:01 Wait a second. BARTON IS THE COMMISSIONER.
Would i be complete wierdo to ask you to do an updated version to include the crossover game.
This gives me a slight cowboy bebop vibe.
First greatest of all.
The last song, where did it come from. i know all the others except for that it from the movie.
It's Carri-AY-re, similar to Pok-AY-mon.

Haha, yeah you're right. But probably I love the last one because it was different xD.
In professor layton and the spectre's call's theme in the background there is a callback to professor layton and the miracle mask's theme don't u think.
Is case 009 really good? Just finished 002.
6:43 - there is no freaking way that Al could have shot the evidence is purely common sense. One- Al was tied up and blindfolded, looking at how the ropes are tied at his arms he can't raise his hands high enough to shoot her more so in her left temple. (as shown at 2:52. Also, if his statements are true he was not in possession of the firearm until Diane was shot, then he couldn't have shot her. Second- even if Al could can he shoot Diane if he's blindfolded. It makes no sense.

Lost future was the last of them I played. Kinda glad though. IT was such a good game, I think any of the others would have felt like a let-down. So just the original 3 for me.
Nr 4😍🔥🔥.
I took Lucy to be Cockney until Dustin Scowers comes in with his me bruv's off ve 'ook I did some research after that. Seeing some of the words she used (summat, nowt, ta) including her repeated usage of were instead of was in cases where was is correct, I think she's very likely to be somewhere from Northern England.
Just great.
Comment what you named your hamster xD (Mine was Chubalot.
*Clicks on the diabolical Box theme* Hmmm. Nah *Goes back to this.
This was the first song I heard from this game, and tbh I'm really happy I found it. It got me into the game in the first place.

I actually had to pause the video to stop laughing so hard. My stomach hurts soooooo much now.  ̄▽ ̄.
The professor layton games are one of the only games that i stopped at the title screen to listen <3.
Professor layton has some of the most underrated themes in gaming history.
I havnt played the game i saw the comercial on hulu the song got stuck in my head and now i wanna buy it :D.
Creator Level-5 Inc. help find hack hack legit LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY room escape.

Creator Level-5 Inc. help find hack hack legit LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY room room.
This has effected me permanently. I DEMAND A SECOND.
You got Ace Attorney Investigations in my Professor Layton.
How do you know so much about the Layton games? You must be a real pro at them! Can you teach me.
When that sax hits at 0:44.
This sent shivers down my spine, PROFESSOR LAYTON FOREVER.
Just how can people dislike this video? I don't get it...
Spectre's Call was cool at first but then it just kept going onnnn and onnn.

Still immature. but its still funny :D.
A true gentleman always has his theme played live Luke.
Why are there 11 dislikes.
@Bottery If they do, they'd have to find a way to completely randomize it, like some brain quiz challenge.
Thanx pokemonamoni! Just earned another sub.

Last Specter has the best theme, but story wise Unwound/Lost Future is the best

@ongyuh No.
Mystery roomoo. yes thats it guys.
@TheGuyRightBehindYou HAHAHAHAHA! yeahhhhh. That's how it is. I save my fave songs for cool moments in life. Or doing the things I love! Sonic SpinBall on Sega Gensis reminds me of bologna sandwhiches. lol.
I thought the ending was anticlimactic, but the teaser for a possible next game was absolutely epic. Hint for 009: don't narrow your search to the rooms themselves.

Your voice for Alfendi is horrible, just saying

Objection. I believe this would fit a presto Confrontation theme.
A true gentleman leaves no puzzle unsolved...
Creator Level-5 Inc. help find hack hack legit LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY room with a view.

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I don't know. I heard somewhere that Inspector Layton is Professor Layton's biological son.
+Matthias Gaillard SPOILER ALERT: Spectre's call's theme is the fight with Descole near the end of the game.
He could sword-fight and stuff. He's displayed that skill before.
I love bossa nova.
Beg for your lives Gangrel.
This one is my favorite.
This brings back memories I remeber playing this when I was 7.
I can clearly see myself putting this soundtrack on while two of my friends are arguing.
I love + 16:22.
@SuperMegaPanda1 I clicked the Like button while trying to REPLAY it. ;D.

@Fadi11live Dr. Mario minigames will NEVER come to Apple devices. Why? Cause Nintendo has a 3DS. They're not going to release games on a competitor's device.
Its like the more i listen through these theme i changed what my favorite one was damnit why these themes so damn good never played his games yet but just got a 3ds so ya tell the one's i should get first.
Please level-5 make another proper professor layton game.
Are these European titles or something? In America, Pandoras Box is called the Diabolical Box, Lost Future is called Unwound Future, and Spectres Call is called the Last Spectre. Weird. Also, what game is the last song from.

This theme has A LOT going on, man. It's intense.
Ah, sweet denial. :3.
You most probably are making very many Layton fans upset and angry by putting such comments everywhere, so why are you doing this.
Im so pissed that they decided to release the latest games on 3ds ONLY! i can only play from the curious villiage up to spectres call and im so left behind i the fandom.
75 people need to be taught how to be a true gentlemen.
I own a DS and yet I continue to wonder why I don't have any of these games.

How could all these good sounds come out of a DS speaker.
This is wonderful music, but I haven't played the game so it just reminds me of Dark Cloud 2 every time.
Where do I get these games and what's the order of them.
@Thamer4life I disagree with your opinion, i actually liked how they made him, and his moveset is one of the most creative ones i've seen, sure, the voice acting is not perfect, and they could have made better the cornered theme, but i loved his moveset and the way he changes from investigation, to court and cornered mode, you can't say it was a total disappointment, nor that they were actually creative when making it's too soon to say the audio is bad too...
Professor layton is my fav game. i always have to cry when i finish one of the games, just because every single story is beautiful. everything's just perfect about these games.

Damn, i really liked this game a lot.
The songs are beautiful.
Creator Level-5 Inc. help find hack hack legit LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY.
Wow Professor who knew you were such a nerd.
Creator Level-5 Inc. help find hack hack legit LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY rooms.
A true gentleman knows good music when he hears it.

@lalethium - NO WAY. O.O.
It's great that you've localized this. Now what about Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney? Come on, Level-5...
Oh my ghod. I dont know about the other games, but Im aware of the animation Lady Layton and this game's existence after a day of scrolling through the appstore out of boredom. Im hooked, I want to know more about these characters (are they even canon with the actual game? I like Al, he looks ok XD Now im torn between finding out more about the whole Layton series or just leaving this series behind for it seems like its been here (and active) a few years back, probably dead now. No bother, mind if anyone tell me the whole series and its line-up? 3.

Boy meets girl.

I loved this game just all of them but it's a shame that they stopped making these

They made a controller into a character. I'm pretty sure they can do it with Layton.
True, but theres no other way to get the latest games.
DROOLS. I want this. NOW.
I love all of these 😍 Why didn't you include the Curious Village theme (St. Mystere's Theme) You know, the one with all the accordions.
I think Specters call is the best theme because sound is gorgeous.
10 points.
I loved this game! And I laughed so hard at Alfendi's indignation on the supposed theory of how Placid Prof came to be 😂😂 Imagine if it were true! 😂😂.
That is because the composer who made the Professor Layton music is also the one who made the Dark Chronicle music.
Daaaaam I need the other Games remastered on 3DS.
His special attack would be like. a puzzle, and it would totally destroy the offender, being they couldn't solve it.

Hey if Phoenix Wright can take down Galactus, Layton can beat Giga Bowser.
When you get to the last paragraph of the essay and the teacher says ‘five minutes left.
Fantástico profesor layton has one of the best music.
Just got into the layton franchise and DAMN it is amazing! I love the puzzles music and gameplay. Layton forever :D.
It isn't, it's my honest opinion.
Ça doit être la 100ème fois que j'écoutes les magnifique et parfaites musique des jeu professeur layton. il faut que je fête ça lol.

All of those soundtrack, and each has it's own charm.
Damn! I cry evrytime!😭😭😭.
A True Gentleman should Like this and add it to their Favourites.
I still think Curious Village is the most iconic song for Professor Layton.
I have all the games but my title screen music is different for the first three games? I'm so confused right now 8o.
Hmmmm. this reminds me of a puzzle.
009 is really hard, impossible for me without a guide, and sort of a disappointment for the ace built starting in case 006.
I think the one in the middle did it me: 😳 damn hes good.
I've only played the Unwound Future. Think I should play more? I love games with great stories.

@MrChocodemon What so a Professor Layton movie but not in cartoon form

This a fun game yet not many people know about it I love TH Phoenix Wright vs professor Layton.
U.u was waiting the 2 professor Layton themes of Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright.
Almost 100 000.
Such an epic fight.
I live in the US. And what's your beef with the 3ds? Did it kill your family or something.
@realtrigram to be honest i think the original is better, but this version is good too :D.
My favourite themes are Pandoras Box and Specters Call.
Yes, well. Captain Falcon kind of looks like he knows a thing or two about fighting even outside of the Smash Bros series...

3DS in my opinion=Nintendo getting desperate for money.
Its quite nice that out the few millon layton fans a whole of 1 million fans came back to listen to this theme.
If they never make a sequel i'll die incomplete.
@WholesomeToast Harmonic.

Creator Level-5 Inc. help find hack hack legit LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY room 14

The curious village song was the best song for professor layton😃.
I love this theme so DAMN MUCH >O<.
There's a version of this with the lyrics of Game Bro layered on top. Needless to say, it's just as silly as it sounds, but (somewhat surprisingly) sounds alright. It led me to here. I've never played the game, but the music is pretty good. Just saying.
I want a big old collection of these games remastered on the 3DS. Maybe new cutscenes and areas and redone artwork on music.

Curious Village.
Ever since Lost Future came, my sister's standards for this game became so high that she didn't even bother to play the more recent ones.
@chicofur A true gentleman never dies, just pretends to be to let the nature follow it's path.
Hah. so the assistant is LUcy.
@Ashogo Maybe he was adopted.
@Thamer4life That's the entire point of Umineko no Naku Koro ni, as well, more or less, but they made a fighting game out of that.
This track makes me think of DanganRonpa for some reason.
Eh, kind of. It's the first one I played so it's hard for me to tell if it's really the worst or it's just because it was the first one I played. They all have their problems I think maybe Unwound Future just came a bit more out of left field than the others did.

Has a brother AND a sister? just got back from the lady Layton trailer.
Give me a puzzle with this song on and i will own it.
Doctor: You only have 1 hour to live Me: play this song Doctor: that is not how the meme works Me: you are wrong, this song gives me 10 years more.
It's so weird that someone like Professor Layton raised Potty Prof. They are almost completely opposite personality wise. Potty prof is certainly no gentleman. I wonder how they intend to explain how he came to be like that seeing as Potty Prof is the real Alfendi.

My Professor Layton collection is almost complete. I'm only missing The Last Specter!  And according the box for The Azran Legacy and the Nintendo website, this is the last adventure. (Even though it's the last part of the prequel trilogy) I really want the Professor Layton and Ace Attorney crossover to release the English version already.
Ohhhhh my god. I ship Lucy and Alfendi SO HARD. Screams They are so adorable.
Wow, a live argument between don and hershel.
This is a damn beautiful piece.

I've played every single one of these games, and I must state that The Azuran Legacy is the saddest one hands down. I'm currently playing Proffesor Layton VS Phenix Wright.
I would like to get these games but sadly I'm terrible at puzzles.
Last spectre is above and beyond the rest.
What's the title of last song.

Gave me nostalgic chills.
Grande professore <3.
Woah! I was not expecting a flute piece to come into this Professor Layton theme. This made me feel like I'm not listening a nostalgic remastered theme but more of, how do I say it, Latin Jazz.
Now like Professor Layton and the Bi-Curious Village, amirite guys.
This is amazing! dies.
Never regret Balrog.
PokemonaMoni You´re right these 6 games are true masterpieces.
I had never seen such music in any game series or movies. And in my opinion it has probably the best soundtrack in soundtracks history. I think I had never seen nothing so beautiful.

Autotuned Trash < Professor Layton Also, this is utterly random but, dont you hate clicking on (show the comment) to see the argument or whatever to find out after 20 (show the comment)s theres like a million back and forth replies.
Really loved the story of The Spectre's Call, I screamed when I realised it was a Prologue. Also Emmy is such an enjoyable character.
This one is from the Pandora Box, isn't it ? But I do love Professor Layton soundtrack, because this reminds me of a puzzle.
@DUMBOTRON200 its cool I don't think you're going to offend anyone by sayong the music style is tango: I've been wondering what kind of music this was for the longest time.

Daaaang this is awesome live.
I love professor layton, currently playing miracle mask hehe. I left a like ;3.
My favorite is the Miracle Mask and the Azran Legacy sounds cool too i have to get all of the games in this series my first was Miracle Mask i am pretty new to this series.
Can you put a download link to the whole playlist? Amazing! Love it <3.
Bring me a sandwich! Ha! Love this one. It's so funny.
I nearly cried at Azran Legacy's theme. and I haven't even played it yet.

Lucy done shut Alfendi DOWN.
Even if it was possible for him to have shot her it would've been considered self defense.
When you forgot to do your homework, so you're doing it it in class and the teacher announces she's picking it up.
From reading the title, I thought it would be a Super Mario Bros. and Layton crossover.
When I got Spectre's Call, I noticed something. In a way, the front cover breaks the fourth wall. The picture in the middle is framed by a window. And the main characters look out of that window. Probably unintentional, but you never know...
I think people are missing that Alfendi is Hershels son, not brother.
Freaking LOVE this version, and the orchestra one.
Unwound Future was my first Professor Layton...

Can anyone tell me where to download the OST (and I mean the OST with alll of the live songs and stuff. Thanks. (also, if possible, for all games.
1. 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 2.
Lol, would he use a sword or what.
As that the same barton from professor layton.
This reminds me of a puzzle >:D.
Never underestimate the power of Luke as a melee weapon.
What genre is this? I want to find a music similar to this.
Les ost de professeur Layton sont tous super (j'adore l'accordéon qui est présent tout le temps ou presque.

This sounds similar to the theme used in the movie. And it's AWESOME.

Why do people want Layton or Phoenix Wright in fighting games? Isn't this the whole point of their franchises? To prove that the power of the agile mind rules supreme? Psh, people these days.
I love all of them but my favorite is the spectre's call. Greetings from México.
My brother kept pausing this and I'm like How much do you hate Professor Layton? And he screamed FIFTY MILLION AND SIXTY so I kicked him out of the room.
As much as I prefer my layton games on my DS, I am still excited for this :D.
God, I love this music so much. It's elegant and classy but isn't overwhelming. I play the violin and I so wish I could play this song... I've seen sheet music but it's either for piano or is too complex for me to play... D.
Isn't there a live version of the Pandora's Box? Diabolical Box.

I LOVE THIS SONG. the moment I tracked Zack down to the murder and heard this song I not only flipped, I FRIGGEN VOICED Alfendi Layton.

Please tell me Im not the only one who would re-buy these games again on the switch.
A true gentleman leaves no Professor Layton's main theme disliked.
I finish today Professor Layton anf the Miracle Mask. too sad. I want all the professor layton's games! for now i have the Miracle Mask and the aslant legacies. But i don't play this, I want to do the others because this is the final.

This ost is. Epic.
@PokemonaMoni Thank you  so much for posting! I just adore the Professor Layton series.
Link dit not work for me, i request a fix sir, 3.
Lost Future will always be my favourite x.
No matter how many times I try I always cry listening to the themes from professor layton.

Different game universe right and I guess you'll never meet chrom because you might not be in SSB4.
Love the series soooooo much.
@MrEdiddle thats the company that made the game i think.
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

@Dlr64 And then. This puzzle reminds me of homework D

Well, this game may be bad, but its still a better love story than twilight XD.
I love Professor Layton music. My personal favorites are his theme (which is this one) and the Unwound Future theme, the live themes of course.
Hehehe, for someone to spend time on wikipedia about a game you must REALLY love it! Now please help me, I'm stuuuuuuck.
I absolutely love (Most) Nintendo games, and the Professor Layton series holds a special place in my heart, since I played Curious Village when I was 6-7 (It was my brothers game and DS) and Pandora's/Diabolical Box and Lost/Unwound Future soon after completion of Curious Village. Unfortunately, I have lost Curious Village and Pandora's/Diabolical Box, and I never got The Last Spectre/Specter's Call, Miracle Mask, and Azran Legacy. But onto the gameplay aspect, I absolutely ADORE the unique style of puzzle-based adventure, as opposed to certain games in which you just hack, slash and mash buttons (I'm looking at you, Hyrule Warriors) As I am completely incompetent at combat in video games, this series was a breath of fresh air. Combat can sometimes be fun, but I prefer using my brain over mashing buttons. Music wise, these games were absolute treasure troves, rivalling that of even TLoZ, Kirby, and Pokemon. Almost all of the tracks are memorable, and the music fitted its environment incredibly. I have pretty high music standards, so that means a lot. Story telling is where this series falls short. Believe me, the stories were great, it's just. The stories were kinda small. (At least in the games that I've played, I don't know about the latter three games) And unfortunately, this series falls victim to the same thing as De Blob; Very few games. De Blob had it even worse, with just two games before ending, but that's besides the point. The Professor Layton stories were great, yes, but they could've been longer. And finally, the only other snags I have, are that finding all of the Hint Coins (And spending none) and gaining all of the Picarats was NIGH impossible. And this isn't really bad, but the stories were heart-wrenching. In CV, Flora finds out that most of her loved ones are just robots, in L/UF, Future Luke/Clive loses his mind (Well, it was probably long gone, but meh) and destroys Underground London (Not to mention all the people, animals, plants, and belongings destroyed by Clive's machine) and Claire has, effectively, died TWICE. And the saddest by far, P/DB, Where Folsense is a ghost town, and It's residents have either gone to a different place, or have died. Oh, and to top it all off, Anthon has gone insane after Sophia's departure and is probably living his last years with Katia. But wait, the castle is in shambles after the chandelier incident, and Nigel is too old to be a servant anymore. Do I even have a heart anymore? I mean, it's been broken (By Nintendo and co.) Many, MANY times. Fi's Farewell, from TLoZ: Skyward Sword (Or any partners goodbye from TLoZ, really) Sectonia's demise, from Kirby: Triple Deluxe (And Nova's demise too, Nova wasn't really evil) And beating Wally from Pokémon R/S/E. And, of course, Claire. Need I continue the list of times that Nintendo and co. Smashed our hearts to pieces? OK, rant time over. Have a nice day, whoever reads this (currently) new comment to an old video. Chances are, nobody will see this, but if you do, congrats.

Dad: what are you going to do? Son: i am going to beat up 12 Haters.
Potty Prof.
Already played through the game. But ya know, PEOPLE VOICING IT.
Will this run on ipod touch 5.
Best song EVER.
Miracle Mask, Unwound future, Pandora box reallly make my heart broken The ending is just so sad but they also have great theme.
Do you think Layton has a chance to be in the next Smash Bros.? I mean, come on, even Snake managed to enter and Layton's games are only for the Nintendo consoles.
'office' Don't you mean orifice? phahaha! I love this! xD.