


  could not on their own start. Tang style heart talking about, or got up to see it was said, said The Road, there are two kinds of points in my mind, one illusory Illusory Road is you immortal pursuit Avenue, these are invisible and the real existence of the Road, the road can be described from the heart, so Wei Zhiwei Road heart Another Road is visible, itThat everyone is taking the road, the heart and mind of each person is different, the thinking is different, are taking the road of course, will not be the same, even in some places a little similar Heaven dictates, life on the road always

 Some of the same things, but the outcome of each individual are not the same, for better or worse. I think the word, which is the pursuit of the goal of the human heart, whether the nothingness or reality, has his existence is necessary. Tang Wind finished the left surprised immortal. Was said to be slightly contemplative thought for a moment, then relieved smiles Then you say, in your heart what is the Road. Ranging Tang style sit down, was said again asked Tang wind Xiangyebuxiang, he exclaimed I am free, such as wind, cloud-like freedom, even though the world of rules also can not control my thoughts, even if the beam
  Ranging cents feet and experience the Tang style, it does not revere ask another question, the Tang style initiative, said I come to ask you, but want beDo not subject to the constraints of the secular world where the ceremony? See the grateful fairy stupidly did not answer Tang wind continued Then you become immortal is not really free, unfettered?
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