


  area is not particularly large, but can clearly feel this force is to focus on a little explosive power is not so easy to be able to withstand. The Lei Yu ability is it? Speed ​​and lightning, and now he is the brains of the thinking, even odds chance of very little or even no, he is still not willing to give up! Since the one-eyed gorilla has been injured, the first goal is necessary from him to bite!

  Lei Yu again eventually lead to the body, left and right dodge leopard speed which is quite unpleasant, Lei Yu twice almost blunt instrument, but cleverly avoiding open. Form a triangle of the potential case at this time, Lei Yu wrapped in leopard occupy little, little bear, rhino and one-eyed gorilla guarding two point this situation Lei Yu want to single any one start, the other The two will the extreme time pincer siege.
  I see how you live! Dr. Tony standing on the upper end of the hole at the smiles coldly. Cyan forces no longevity Lingzhu, Lei Yu now more cautious than before, and he did not want to risk, but do not take risks now clearly impossible, so the situation, do not have any right to choose. Lei Yu in the hands of powerful infuriating slowly rising into the sky, wrapped his hands, Lei Yu decided to cast thirty-six star Schomburg second formula, but the attack of choice indeed use both hands to carry out two-way attack, so although it will weaken The intensity of attacks, but at least on the current is surrounded by the situation in which there will be some changes.
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