
Men and women

You were satisfied with what you did.

What's keeping you busy nowadays?

First International Conference

I don't care about the looks.

A married women's hasband is the only man who can give her gifts, floweres, etc.

Men are attracted by what they see, and women are attracted by what they hear.

Men are more logical, and women are more emotional.

memo - 2

A. Try to look as if you know where you are going, this may not be so easy if after all it is the first ever time in that country, but even still look confident as IF you know.

B. Carrying maps around looking perplexed, and stopping to look at monuments or buildings, obviously shows that you are from out of town, and may attract the wrong type of attention.

C. Using travellers cheques, will always be helpful, as will using a credit card for any purchases made so that you can take advantage of the additional insurance offered.

D. Do NOT pull large amounts of cash out of your pocket. This will catch attention, no matter what country you are in.

E. Try to think about where you are going that day and carry sufficient cash for that and any unforeseen extras, plus a card. That should cover all you need and will limit any losses if anything did happen.

F. Do NOT accept drinks from anybody that you have just met, especially if in dubious surroundings or do not know, they could be laced with any type of concoction.

G. Try not to go on "wonderful trips" or to a "super shopping centre" rides with people who approach you in the street. This could lead anywhere, and will probably cost you a lot more than by taking a normal taxi.

H. Check on your first day whether you need to reconfirm your next flight, if so do it then. Some airlines do not require this anymore but it is still worthwhile calling them so that they at least have your contact details, in case the flight is delayed or whatever.

I. Do not carry your passport around, leave it in the safe in your hotel.


00:19:59 [Gail] to [All]: Who do you like in your family?
00:20:36 [Gail] to [All]: Who are the persons that you like in your family?
00:23:09 [Gail] to [All]: Who is your favorite actress/actor?
00:23:57 [Gail] to [All]: Who do you study English with in your family?
00:24:55 [Gail] to [All]: Who else studies English in your family? Only I am studying English in my family.
00:26:26 [Gail] to [All]: Who do you live with? I live by myself.
00:28:17 [Gail] to [All]: What books do you usually read?
00:32:02 [Gail] to [All]: What types of movies do you watch during your free time?
00:36:39 [Gail] to [All]: What is your student-life like?
00:40:15 [Gail] to [All]: When do you usually go to bed?
00:41:43 [Gail] to [All]: I usually go to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning.
00:43:21 [Gail] to [All]: Where do you live in China?
00:44:14 [Gail] to [All]: Where do you want to go in your next vacation? I want to go to Hawaii.
00:46:15 [Gail] to [All]: frequency -- the number of times you do a certain thing/activity repeatedly
00:48:22 [Gail] to [All]: How much does it cost to buy food for eating each day?
00:48:52 [Gail] to [All]: --> daily expenses for food per day
00:49:56 [Gail] to [All]: How much do you spend for food for each day?
00:50:24 [Gail] to [All]: which -- when asking someone to make a choice

Useful Phrases - 05/10/21

Lars: Tina, I am trying to fill out this job application and they want to know about my educational history. It's a little confusing because I don't understand the terminology they are using. They are using words such as college, junior college, major, minor, B.A., B.S., Masters and Ph.D.. I have heard these words, but I don't really understand the system.

Tina: In America, all students basically study the same thing until they reach high school. After high school, students have the choice to start working or go to college.

Lars: What is the difference between a college and a university.

Tina: In the U.S., there isn't a big difference between the two. Colleges tend to be smaller schools and universities are usually larger schools with more facilities.

Lars: What are junior colleges?

Tina: Colleges and universities in the United States are extremely expensive. Even schools which are funded by the government can cost thousands of dollars a year. Most states have created junior colleges, which are inexpensive schools where students can complete the first two years of their education. Afterwards, students can transfer to a normal college or university.

Lars: How long do students usually study to get their degree?

Tina: Usually, it takes four years to get a B.S. or a B.A. American students try to complete their studies as soon as possible because each additional year can cost a lot of money.

Lars: What do B.S. and B.A. ?

Tina: B.S. means "Bachelor of Science" and B.A. means "Bachelor of Arts."

Lars: What does the expression "to major" mean?

Tina: The area of study which we specialize in is called "a major". We are also allowed to choose a secondary area of study called "a minor." For example, I majored in biology and minored in Japanese.

Lars: What other kinds of degrees are there in the U.S.?


B.A. = Bachelor of Arts

B.S. = Bachelor of Science


Ph.D = Doctor of Philosophy

major / minor = 主(副)専攻

educational background

higher education----education after graduating from university or college

My university has a lot of facilities which enable students to get connected to the Internet free of charge.

Useful Phrases - 05/10/11-2

New idioms:
1.once in a blue moon.............very rarely

2.take ages............take a very long time

3.come in handy.............be useful or convenient (suddenly)

I wash my shoes once in a blue moon.

It takes ages to finish to read a book entirely.

I think my car comes in handy. Because when I suddenly want something, I can go shopping by using it.

What are the material things that you have for a very long time?
I took part in a golf tournament.
I bought the guitar six years ago......
Would you ever want to have a long hair?
According to the lesson, I need to relax more and smile in my presentation.
It takes ages for me to_____________.
What are the other things that you take care of?

Useful Phrases - 05/10/11

. . .when someone is arriving<誰かが来たとき、会ったとき>
Welcome back!
Come in.
It's good to meet you.(first time only)
It's good to see you again. (after the first time)

. . . when someone is leaving<誰かが去るとき、帰るとき>
It's been nice talking with you.
Have a good/nice day.
Have a nice weekend.
Have a nice trip.
Have fun.
Keep in touch.

Good luck!
Good luck on your test.
You can do it!
Do your best.
Do the best you can.
Work hard.
Keep up the good work.

Reassurance <励まし・安心させる言葉>
Take it easy.
Don't worry.
That's okay.
It's going to be all right.
Everything will be fine.
No problem.

Responses to good news <良い知らせへを聞いた時のひと言>
That's great!
That's wonderful.
That's really good news.
I'm glad/happy to hear that.
Good for you!
Good job!

Responses to bad news<悪い知らせを聞いた時のひと言>
That's too bad.
That's really sad.
That's terrible!(for really bad news)
I'm sorry to hear that.(for sad news)

Useful Phrases - 05/10/10

the man is using a graph in his presentation

mock up---practice
signpost---a sign, an indicator or a guide
move on---to continue progressively
turn to---to change another topic or page
expand---to widen up or increase the scope of the topic
digress---to swerve or change totally about the topic (swerve 逸脱する)
go back---to return
summarize---telling the important , vital point or gist(=the heart and soul of the topic)
recap---quick review(without explanation)
conclude---to close, to bring to an end or to finish

<< How to make a good presentation in English >>

1. How much you prepare for the presentation.

2. Practice in front of a mirror.

3. Record your own presentation and listen to that.

4. Practice in front of your acquintance and ask for some comments about that presentation.

other important thing>

smile, eye to eye contact to the audience, feel free, movements with your hands, keep modurate voice, ice breaker(greeting in Japane -- "Hajimemashite" or "konnichiwa"), build confidence

tie the knot (with A)-- to marriage (with A)

Please tie the knot as a sign of our love.

It's high time to...(当然~していてもいい時だ、潮時だ)

Once upon a time...(昔々)

I'm greatful that my parents have tied the knot and given a birth to me.

There was a food tasting party in the restaurant, which I work for. I have full stomach now.

restate --- state again with another word

tiring day(疲れる一日)

old days(過ぎ去った日、昔)

back in the good old days(古き良き昔に戻って)

I went to Kusatsu spring, which is very famous spa in Japan. That spa has open-air spa(bath). So I enjoyedseeing the moon and the stars, and talk with my friends.

Useful Phrases - 05/10/04

Today I had my day-off .

[vida] What can you say about the picture here?
[me] If I were Cinderella, I will never forgive them.

[vida] When are you planning to go to Arizona?
[me] November 13th. Thank you for remembering that!
[vida] You're welcome! I wish you all the best. I wish you I could travel too. But I have to save first...

[vida] Who is the greatest person in your life and why?
[me] Of course my girlfriend. And my parents are also such persons.

Because They gave birth to me. So I thank that they fell in love and got married.

How do you see your life after ten years?

Good luck for your dreams for the future!!

at that time....

[vida] What kind of t.v. programs would you like to watch?
[me] I like the TV program about people who live in the country side.

What do you want to do with your life?

Useful Phrases - 05/09/28

I always have a butterfly in my stomach before lesson. (おなかが痛くなる程)緊張する

I just got home.

Do you know someone who is so kind?

Whenever I feel sick or have no money, she helps me.

I hope all of you are fine and still have the energy for tonight even if you had a busy day.

Pain in the neck 目の上のコブ、いやな仕事、いやなこと、面倒

My boss is a pain in the neck for me.

If someone is very annoying and always disturbing you, they are a pain in the neck.

Pain in the butt, or pain in the ass (USA), and Pain in the arse (UK) are less polite alternative forms.

Buzz ニュース、知らせ(電話の音、騒音の意味もある)

There is no buzz in my university.

Useful Phrases - 05/09/27

<< To express positive thinking >>

1. Turn over a new leaf 心を入れ替える

ex.) I used to needle my brother. One day my mother slapped me.

That's when I turned over a new leaf.

2. Go the extra mile 一層の努力をする

ex.) These days, I always go the extra mile to make a good presentation

in English next November.

3. Good samaritan 苦しむ人に無償の援助や同情を与える人

ex.) I have donated my blood to someone, to be a good samaritan.

4. Put one's best foot forward ベストを尽くす

ex.) I'll put my best foot forward in the conference in order to make a good presentation.

5. Rise and shine 起きる、起きて元気に一日を始める

ex.) I rise and shine at 9 a.m. everyday except the day I have a baseball game

early in the morning.

For the better 良い方向に

ex.) He decided to do something to change his life for the better.

(How was the day today?)

These days, I have been writing my research paper.

Today I have submitted it by e-mail.

So I'm really relieved now.