Nie's Journal

Nie's Journal

“Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.”
Markus Zusak

I just think this recently. 

Social media is growing fast, there are tons of it and we used it frequently depends on the trend. Getting new friends trough a lots of platforms, meet them, and somehow, being a best friend for years. But, did the relationship tied forever? 

When the trend changes, the old fashion platform were gone. The old friends that we knew in the past not in contact again and voila, in a brief moment, somehow we think about the past, the people we knew, the old platform which used to be fun and hip, and the memories filled the air. 

I like the old times, fun and colorful. When nowadays felt so grey and monotone. I use to think like that. People change, and when we meet the old friends maybe our click being apart. 

So, how are you old fellas? 



