ありがとうカタール! 宮城・女川で大型冷凍冷蔵施設「マスカー」が操業開始 | 潜伏中なブログ




我 不惑なれど 未だ悟りを得ず。

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Thank you Qatar!! شكرا يا قطر ありがとうカタール!!

被災地・女川の水産業をカタールが再建支援(1) - 12/10/16 | 10:38






 共同の冷凍・冷蔵庫を使用することができれば、各社が個々に再整備をすすめるよりも負担が軽減できる。共同の大規模施設を建設し、それを核にして女川の水産業の再建を図る方法が見えてきた。そこに、被災地支援を続けていた日本財団の紹介により、中東・カタールによる「カタール フレンド基金」に応募する話が持ち掛かった。

 カタール フレンド基金とは、カタールが被災地の復興の取り組みに資金援助するもので、総額80億円(1億米ドル)の寄付により設立。三菱総合研究所が事務局となり、岩手県、宮城県、福島県における「教育」、「健康」、「水産業」の3分野のプロジェクトを支援対象としている。


 カタール フレンド基金は女川町冷凍冷蔵庫の再建に20億円を出資。「もし自前でやっていたら、資金も不足し、工期も延びていた」(髙橋理事長)。震災後に女川を去った水産業従事者が戻りつつあるといい、「マスカー」を核として「一度魚をやめた人が、一緒に立ち上がることができたというのが一番うれしい」(同)。「衛生管理で優れた先端的な設備を共有化すれば、付加価値も生まれる」(女川町の須田善明町長)。今後は、周辺の水産加工団地の整備が課題となる。







(平松 さわみ =東洋経済オンライン)

QFF ‘mega-project’ opening tomorrow 

The facility in Onagawa, Japan
The Qatar Friendship Fund (QFF) will open the doors to its first mega-project – “Maskar”, a multifunctional fishery processing facility in Onagawa, Japan – during an opening ceremony tomorrow to be attended by senior dignitaries from Japan and Qatar.
The processing facility – “Maskar” – named after a traditional Qatari fishing method, will be the world’s first tsunami-prepared fishery facility. 
The 7,760sq m multifunctional fishery-processing centre, which will benefit about 7,500 fishermen and house more than 40 local companies, will contain sorting, refrigeration and storage facilities.
The facility is anticipated to generate a market value and spillover effect of ¥67.3bn and will be a significant catalyst to the resurgence of a strong and sustainable local fishing industry.
The role of the QFF is to spearhead rehabilitation efforts in Japan, with special focus on child education, healthcare and fisheries. 
This initiative represents a significant milestone in the work of the QFF.
Many coastal towns in Japan were devastated by the Great East Earthquake and Tsunami disaster of 2011, which led to critical damage to the fishing industry, resulting in widespread unemployment and economic downturn.
In Onagawa alone, 70% of the fishery infrastructure was destroyed.
This was alarming considering that over 70% of the people of Onagawa were previously employed in industry related to the fisheries.
Reviving the fishing industry is now key to reversing the situation and the QFF has prioritised helping in the rebuilding of the industry.
Under the leadership of HE the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Khalid bin Mohamed al-Attiyah, the QFF announced last April its commitment towards the implementation of its first mega-project, a $24.3mn fishery project in Onagawa.
The project has now reached completion, marking a significant step forward for the QFF and the thousands who will benefit in the local Japanese fishing industry.
The project is also remarkable in that it sets new global benchmarks.
The rehabilitation of Onagawa’s fishing industry is significant as it is a major supplier to the Japanese market.
A significant 60% of silver salmon and ascidian, popular ingredients in Japanese cuisine, originate from Onagawa’s fisheries.
The gesture of partnering with Japan in key reconstruction projects is a strong symbol of the understanding and friendship between Qatar and Japan.
Another five projects are already underway in the fields of education, healthcare and fisheries.

Al-Attiyah opens fishery processing plant in Japan 
HE the Chairman of Administrative Control and Transparency Authority, Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah, holding talks with Japan’s Environment Minister Hiroyuki Nagahama in Tokyo

HE the Chairman of Qatar’s Administrative Control and Transparency Authority (ACTA), Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah, who is also the chairman of the Qatar-Japan Joint Higher Committee, yesterday inaugurated in the Japanese town of Onagawa, a multifunctional fishery processing plant built at a cost of $24.3mn from the Qatar Friendship Fund.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by HE the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Khalid bin Mohamed al-Attiyah, the mayor of Onagawa town Yoshiaki Suda, and other senior officials of the Japenese town. 
Addressing the gathering, al-Attiyah said: “First and on behalf of HH the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, HH the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and the Qatari people, I would like to offer our deepest condolences to all the citizens of the Tohoku area… With many coastal towns devastated by the 2011 Great East Earthquake and Tsunami disaster, the reconstruction of the fishing industry remains a major challenge. In support of reviving the fishery sector and returning the dreams and hopes of Tohoku’s citizens, the Qatar Friendship Fund has prioritised the rebuilding of the fishery industry”. 
“ Under the leadership of  Qatar’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs HE Dr Khalid bin Mohamed al-Attiyah, the Qatar Friendship Fund announced last April its commitment towards the implementation of its first $24.3mn fishery project here in Onagawa where the fishery industry has been devastated”, al-Attiyah said. 
“Today, we celebrate together the opening of the world’s first Tsunami-proof fishery facility. The 7,760 square metre multifunctional fishery processing centre will contain sorting, refrigeration, and storage facilities”.  
“In addition it will employ about 7,500 fishermen and will house more than 40 local companies. The facility is anticipated to generate a market value and spillover effect of 67.3bn yen. Furthermore, this project will lead to the development of a strong and sustainable fishing industry that will support Japan’s local economy”, al-Attiyah said .
“We know  that there is still a lot of work for the complete recovery of the fishery  sector in the Tohoku area, and we do hope that our small contribution can make a difference by nurturing the dreams and hopes of the victims of the great East Japan Earthquake and massive tsunami. 
“As you know, this year is Qatar-Japan 2012 and we are celebrating 40 years of a strong and friendly partnership between our nations that is built on mutual understanding, respect and trust. Our relationship has grown stronger over the decades and  covers different areas including, but not limited to, trade, research, diplomacy, global development, and culture.  
  “Both HH the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and the Qatari people are truly looking forward to strengthening our friendship with the Japanese people, and are confident that together we can make a difference. 
    “The Qatar Friendship Fund underscores this friendship, and communicates it in a tangible way. Qatar’s vision reaches out to touch the lives of people in a real and positive way. Demonstrative of this, I am honoured to be here today to witness the opening of the  Ongawa Fishery Process Centre. 
“Furthermore, I would like to share with you that the Qatar Friendship Fund launched five new projects in Fukushima, Miyagi and Lwate prefectures. These projects are in the areas of education, health and fishery. We hope that these projects will hopefully benefit more and more people in the very near future. 
“Finally, I would like to offer my most sincere appreciation to our implementation partners who have worked tirelessly on the completion of this centre. I would also like to extend my thanks to the Qatari Ambassador to Japan, Yousuef Bilal, and his team for their hard work and commitment,” al-Attiyah said.