
*- Bienvenue -*


My name is Kouji, but I don't say my french name !

My life is about visual kei. I love it. You know, in France a lot of persons love Japan and its music.

I think that Japanese music is more cool than others.

Of course i can speak a little japanese.

I love a lot of visual kei band, especially oshare kei !

Canzel, Oyuugi Wagamama Dan X PARADEIS, An Cafe, Zip.er, v(NEU), SMILE, LogiQ, Ayabie, SuG, Moran, Alibi, Megamasso, Pizzcato, Ass'n'arrow, Kiryu, Vani;lla, Sectma, Vistlip, Braze a Trail, Aicle, Berry Bell, Ashe', Himeichigo, Downer, Serial Number, Choco bo, Juliette, A(p)ril, Marunarudo, Daizystripper, Sid, Mix speaker's,inc, LM.C, AibeLL, DiO...

You know I try to buy all CDs i can, but in France it's very difficult ! So i bought it on Cdjapan or Brand X, but shipping charge are very expensive !

I was at An Cafe " EUROPE DE NYAPPY " Tour ! I was to Miyavi World tour in paris too !

I think i will go to DiO's Concert in paris on 29th November, and maybe at LM.C tour too !