The happy time in my life is doing everything for you.


I am back after I forget my password.

So see you around


Dear Diary

Long time no see dear. I've been busy lately.

Well, my work and my life.

After I got back from Tokyo I have to work in the next morning!

and I have I look after the kids for the English on Stage Contest

everyday sometime I forget to eat!!! 

However, I was pass and we got the second place 

Tomorrow thing will be back to my normal life!

I hope so.

Until then. . .

Dear Diary

Long time no see dear, I am so sorry I've caught in the middle

of somethings. The fact, I've to manage many things

in life lately.

However, I still hanging in there but I just sick and tried of people

around me. Not even she give me an courage but still making

street. I really wanna fast forward my life to the day that I

free from these feeling the day that i am totally free from


I really do hope that day will come soon or I will exhausted

to death

Until then...

Dear Diary

Today is my birthday since I've been born for many years

I guess I fell used to it
This is the birthday Girl who turn 25 this year!!!

Can you believe it?

By the way, I had a chance to change my ID Card

This year, i will be more careful and tired to build

my own home which I should do long time ago.

Secondly, I will marry to him so you 
 please wait for me

I'm coming!

Until then

Dear Diary
For those who didn't know me 
I, Naruhime Nadeshiko
Always do what I love,
so what's I love is what I do,
and if you don't love what you dojust quit and do whatever you really love to do,
don't even care what people have said,
cos' people has their own minds and mouths
however, it's bloody hard for them to really know yours
if they don't even care!!!So, why am I bother to care!!!
Until then. . .