I learnt something really strikes me in sociology class today. In the U.S. successful people with high educational background like having a degree from Harverd tend to take a position of Meritocracy, which is the idea of power and privilege seen as “earned” with certain effort. They claims that America is where people can do anything as long as they work hard enough, whereas people with the opposite position, which I should probably mention as those don’t have a chance to get enough education and thus lead them to poverty tend to think that effort may not be paid off. Where I am getting at here is that people do have different perspective from one another based on their social class, which I find really intriguing. Prestigious school graduates would think they have earned that “privilege” by putting lots of effort regardless of the fact that many of them are ironically wealthy enough to even forget that they are blessed to be able to go to college whereas there are most enthusiastic, motivated, and talented students who simply cannot go attend school for whatever reason and think that the privilege is not really something you earn, but something you can get if you are already privileged, which in this case mean that you can go to one of the top and expensive colleges because your parents are rich. So, it seems to me that people make their arguments possibly unconsciously based on their own experience. The more successful you are, the more you attribute it to your own effort. Needless to say, vice versa.  

Now, what do you think?

I am back.

I’m simply just gonna write about things I hope to get done today. It’s about 9:30 am now. By the end of today, I hope those listed below would be either done or almost.

1, cleaning up my room little quick with a vacuum cleaner

2, Reading the Geoscience text book once again a little more in depth so that I can get a perfect score on the weekly quiz in which I took last night and got 7 out of 10. Yes, I got one more chance to try it.

3, Reading Bioscience text book chapter 1&2 which will help me better prepared for the next lecture on Monday.

4, Laundry. It’s simple. It’s time to do it lol

5, To start working on my assignment in my writing class.

6, This is the one I wanna put my whole day working on. Step test.

7, The last but not least, reading sociology text book and an additional reading material.

Wondering how many I can get done or even get to start lol

I might come back later writing how many I actually did complete. See what happens.

Take Care音譜

Yay!アップ Here I am. This is my first blog though technically I just had a “real” first one a while ago with just a few sentences for a testing purpose. Anyways, I welcome those who are here and reading though this.

I will be posting a blog hopefully daily about whatever I feel like writing about. This includes things happened the day, thoughts on my mind, things I am working on, or anything, just like any other person writes in a blog.

For those who are reading this, or possible future subscribers…

1, I am doing this on my behalf in which I can look back later on things evolves me and shaping who I am at the time as well as keep track of what is going on my mind time to time and see any change that would be appearing sooner or later. Let me clarify this a little more. People usually change time to time in the way of their ideas toward certain things. By keeping a record of how I feel about whatever things I write about now, when I look it back in the future, I will see the change in how I think differently from how I used to when I write it, and I do want to see the change in myself. See what I mean?

2, As you might have already noticed, I am not a native speaker of English, neither did I grow up in the States, but I am currently attending a university in America. One of the purposes of this blog is to look into my own writing style, analyze, and then try to improve it as well as simply to get used to write things in English.

3, Any feedback would be appreciated. Feel free to ask me questions or leave a comment. Thanks to the technology, which enables me to know the opinion of different random people here with any feedback, I expect that I will be able to know how my blog gets evaluated by whoever visits my page. This is a place where people can post their comments anonymously. Yes, you can badly criticize me for whatever I write down here. One thing though, go ahead and write whatever you want, but nothing can bring me down because I won’t take any too-harsh comments on the internet where they are not talking to me face to face. People with their courtesy and responsibility for things they say would be the one who I truly deserve to hear from. Hope you understand my philosophy.

For those who are patient and have reached down here, I hope you will be back as I post a blog in a future. 

All right, take care パー