SeaGen - Sea Generation Tidal Turbine | 億の細道




A graphical representation of SeaGen, the 1.2MW tidal energy convertor that will be installed in Strangford Lough in April 2008.SeaGen is by far the largest and most powerful tidal turbine in the world with twin rotors each sweeping over 200 square metres of flow. http://www.marinetur...These have been installed for testing since 2003 in Northern Ireland and have been pumping 1.2MW into the local grid since Dec 2008. is a tidal turbine (1.2MW) operating in the Strangford Lough, Ireland. This is the turbine in operation with a current of 3.5 m/s.These have been installed for testing since 2003 in Northern Ireland and have been pumping 1.2MW into the local grid since Dec 2008. Insurance,Gas,Electric...