5/8(水) 16:15。




CAさんが話してることが全然わからない、とか間違った解釈したり、一拍置いてから全てを理解したりすることが多くて、、CAさん以外もだわ隣のお客さんとの会話も。例えば、“Would you like some water?”ってフレーズ。最初のwouldが聞き取れず、“Juice or water?”に聞こえて話が噛み合わないってことがあって、あとから、ああこう言ってたんだ〜って理解して、なんとなく悔しい気持ちに。でも無事着いたからもういいや!笑







8th May 2024, 4:15p.m.

I eventually arrived at the Heathrow Airport! It was very very long flight, so I was tired. I mean,  it took more than 28 hours to arrive there, including the transition at Singapore. I really want to complement myself, well done Nanami! I came to the UK by myself. Moreover, it is my first time to go abroad. Nice! Brave!

I was actually kind of confident about my English, but it had been broken even before I arrived in the UK. I couldn’t hear what the CA were exactly talking about. Or I could understand only some words, so I interpreted wrongly, and after a while, I could fully understand. For example, A stuff said to me “Would you like some water?”, but I couldn’t hear the word ‘would’, and I thought he said “Juice or water?”. So I couldn’t have a good communication with him, and after a moment, I fully understood what he said. Hummmm.., I was like frustrated..? Anyway, it is okay because I could arrive here with no problem. 

By the way, I was impressed that people in the UK are very kind. My biggest concern was that if I could get to Oxford, and in conclusion, I could arrive there almost easily. I get to Oxford from the airport by bus, but I was so nervous that I asked my host mother by email. So she told me that use bus and taxi, but because it’s my first time abroad, I felt uneasy because the bus didn’t come on time, so I bought a ticket twice. And I waste my money about £20. But I do not care because I could get my host house.

 In addition, luckily, my host family came to pick me up at the Thornhill Park and Ride because there was no taxi. They are soooooooooo kind and nice and sweet people! I really really appreciate to them. Thank you so much! When I met them, I felt relieved. Also after I arrived the house, my host family cared about me, and treated me very kindly. I realized that I am blessed with people. 

That is all my first day in the UK.

Good night~