Modafinil is a Nootropic that belongs to the drug class of central nervous sytem stimulants. It is a prescription eugeroic agent approved by the FDA. Modafinil is primarily used to manage excessive daytime sleepiness in individuals with conditions of narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA),and shift work sleep disorder (SWSD). It also improves cognitive functions, episodic memory, mood, focus, ADHD, etc.

Modafinil is prescribed worldwide for its benefits. It is a legal medical available under valid prescription from a registered healthcare professional. 

If you are from Australia and want to buy Modafinil in your country then it can be purchased from any pharmacy like Mymodalert online pharmacy (No prescriptions required). If you are worried about the availablity and leaglity of using Modafinil in Australia then read this blog, where it says that Modafinil is legal in Australia-