Always Keep The Faith 東方神起

Always Keep The Faith 東方神起

私はカシオペア座とビッグ東♥JYJ東方神起5のためのカシオペア ♥そしてまた、私は大好きです빅뱅YGSwagFamilly♥東方神起 ジェジュンユンホチャンミンジュンスユチョン東方神起 永遠に愛♥난사랑재중지드래곤과은혁~私はただ愛します슈퍼주니어♥Always Keep The Faith♪(*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆♬

Chanyeol birthday is always beautiful for me. He's just have cutie, cool, and handsomeness face!. I just couldn't handle too if He doing hot and sexy performance.
He always make me can't breath what He did. Sometimes I get can't handle my laugh when He doing funny. He just looks a like cutie kids.