.The long arm quilting machine is extremely popular. You rather spend a little more than compromise on quality. However for larger quilts, time taken to complete was much longer, and these were quite tough to handle. It all depends on you, your budget and how much your going to be using your long arm quilting machine. These machines are electronic, and make the process of quilting rather quick, as it covers a wider area in a short span of time. Alternatively you can wait for sales or discounts. In today's age, you'll find mostly machine made quilts, as hand made quilts have become extremely rare. Can you picture, a group of women, all sitting together, making a large quilt, and constantly having to get up and move, in order to cover each part of the quilt. Moreover, you have to keep shifting your position, along with the quilt, so that it fits into the sewing machine.You can purchase a long arm quilting machine at various prices. And so the person who's making the quilt, can focus only on a portion of the quilt, at a time. Machines of well known brands, are naturally much more higher than the lesser known brands.Quilting has been an age old tradition.A regular sewing machine can also be used for your quilting purpose. This was quite exciting for them, as they would get to meet one another, as well as do things that they enjoy together. This long arm machine makes the quilting process much more efficient, and is time saving as well. Quilting has also passed down to generations, and is still carried out by many. Machines make the quilting process much quicker, and a lot easier. If the quilt was small, then it would not take much time. You can either use a regular sewing machine, which has quilting capabilities or you can use a long arm quilting machine, which is exclusively meant for quilting. These days, women don't have the patience, nor the time to sit and hand make quilts, more so if its a large quilt. Moreover, its much more comfortable as you don't have to keep getting up and changing your position or the quilt's position. This lands up being as uncomfortable and uneasy as making your quilts with hand, where you have to keep moving. Sounds tiresome doesn't it?Thanks to technology, all this has changed. Quilters love to spend their time, sewing and patching different pieces of fabrics together and seeing their designs taking shape.In the olden days, quilts were made by hand, as no machines were available then, and this was quite a time consuming process. You can now make a quilt with a long arm  quilting machine in a short period of time, and with not too much of effort. Nowadays, you have machines to help you with your quilting. The difference in prices is mainly due to the quality of the machine. Its arm is around 18 inches. These machines are specifically meant for quilting larger quilts. However the main draw back with a regular machine is that, its arm is just seven inches in length. In days gone by, women used to gather around and do quilting work together. Though there are many, who still prefer to make hand made quilts