











WHIPLASH347   Trump Reinstated as 19th President calls up a new Vice President JFK Junior as everything from 1871 was illegal an unconstitutional. [Justice Thomas only Supreme Court Justice remaining] Trump will step down John will become President like he would of if it wasn't for Killary plotting to kill him. He will then call up General Flynn as his Vice. Trump will become 1 of the 7 new Kings. Most likely the King Of Kings. 7 Trumpets. 7 Presidential Msgs to all phones on EARTH. 7 Kingdoms.
















Mon. 1 July 2024 John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram: Military is the only way. Since Donald Trump became US President more than seven million children and women have been rescued from Sex Trafficking and Slavery by the Military (only in the US). Happy to report that all of the biggest players of the Illuminati Cabal have been arrested and prosecuted, most of them executed for their heinous Crimes Against Humanity. Saving the children of the World would not have been possible without someone as strong and incorruptible as President Trump and the 1,700 strong Military leaders in command of the brave US Military who have witnessed pure evil during their rescue missions. They say some 17,000 times worse than War atrocities. Do you know how many celebrities, businessmen and politicians have blood sacrificed either their own children or close family members for the Cabal? Look it up. It’s all of them. Some Cabal players have been left on purpose to be arrested and tried publicly when the evidence of their evil is revealed.  7/1/24 JFK.Jr. ミリタリーが唯一の道。US大統領トランプは、ミリタリーによって7百万人もの子供達や女性(アメリカだけで)を人身売買から救い出した。あちらの大物たちは逮捕され裁かれている、ほとんどは人類に対する犯罪で処刑されている。強くて堕落しないトランプ大統領のような人や、レスキュウミッションを行うときにまさに悪そのものを目撃した勇敢な1700人の強いミリタリーリーダーたち、でなければこれは達成することはできなかった。どれだけの’セレブ、ビジネスマン、政治家が自分たちの子供や身近なものたちを悪のためにブラッドサクリファイスしたかわかるだろうか。彼らの悪が顕にされるために、わざと逮捕されないでいる者たちもいる。


GOING BACK TO 1776On July 2, 1776 Continental Congress resolves "these United Colonies are and of right ought to be Free and Independent States Going back to 1776. Republic of Columbi アメリカが乗っ取られた年、1776年に戻る。






