This is only the beginning of my blog so, please bear with me. I just started playing Ameba Pigg a few Weeks ago, so ... yeah. Ok, let me start with with introductions for now ~
  • Name: Anx (By an uknown abbreviation, but if it's names, it's Ani Xenori. It's not my real name, ok?)
  • Age: 11 years old
  • Birthday: April 19, 2005
  • Country: Philippines
  • Gender: Female
  • Hobby: drawing, playing games, watching anime PencilSmartphonePCTv set
  • Favorite Color: All kinds of Violet / Purple even Lavender
  • Favorite Food: Chicken Bird
  • Favorite Animal: Chicken Bird
  • Favorite Genre of Music: Acoustic / Pop Pink note
I did not put these in though. I like to make stories just by drawing or in other words, I like to draw mini mangas. I'm the year of the Rooster so I like Chickens. I only like anime with girls in it Since I'm a girl and I certainly dislike ecchi and harem genres. I like the countries Japan, Korea and US Yes, I do not like my home, Philippines but I love it because of its fresh nature.  (= ^. ^ =) I'm in Grade 5 right now so please treat me well〜