What is important to pay attention to when choosing an apartment?


People who are planning to buy an apartment face different problems when choosing it. Let's understand the details that need to be taken into account when choosing an apartment.


There are many parameters for choosing a future apartment. First of all, it is the reliability of the developer, the cost of real estate, the location of the future home and its technical characteristics. However, the layout of the apartment is no less important, because it makes a decisive impression on the choice of the buyer. 


What should you pay attention to when choosing a layout?


Simplicity of shapes

Rooms with sharp corners or rounded walls look extravagant, but they are much more difficult to furnish because they have less usable space. Classic square and rectangular rooms have more options and possibilities for furniture placement.



It is good when the area of the corridor does not exceed 15% of the total area of the apartment, and you can install a closet in the corridor. This part of the apartment should not take up much space, you need to make this place as functional as possible.



A large balcony is not always beneficial. The area of the balcony is included in the total "squares" of the apartment. According to the documents, the apartment becomes larger, and therefore more expensive. If you attach a balcony to the apartment and make it a separate room, you will need to invest in heating (and if not connect it to glazing, which also costs money).


 Redevelopment options

Assessing the layout of the apartment and the possibility to improve it, keep in mind that there are not only walls, partitions, which can be dismantled, but also support walls with columns, the location of which can not be changed.


 The "dirty" or "wet" area

The "dirty zone" is the area in the apartment where residents walk in outdoor shoes. It is located in the hallway and occupies the space from the front door to the place where tenants store their shoes.

Wet area is the place of the bathroom and toilet, which should be only in the place where the builder has provided. So you need to pay attention to the placement of communications (risers), because if the apartment is only one riser, then you can forget about the significant changes in the layout.



Are you planning to turn a large one-bedroom into a two-bedroom"? Remember that remodeling and allocation of an extra room only makes sense if each of the living rooms will have a window. After all, no one wants to live in a "dungeon", especially since it's not the best option for physical and psychological health.



It is better when the windows come with aluminum profiles. This, of course, is very rare and mostly in the premium segment dwellings, but such windows look very fashionable. Plastic profile can not be painted, and often such windows spoil all the harmony of the repair (especially if the repair in dark tones).


Storage space

At the stage of choosing the layout, think about where you will store non-seasonal items: a Christmas tree, suitcases, a baby stroller and a bicycle. It is good if it is possible to buy a barn outside the apartment, but otherwise you need to choose an apartment with a closet or pantry.


Ceiling height

Here it's more about design. If you dream of having large chandeliers, recessed lighting or plan to hide the ventilation system behind the ceiling, with a height of 2.5 m it is impossible to do this.


There is no such thing as perfect planning; in any case, you have to proceed from the needs of your particular family. We hope that the information about typical apartment layouts will help you make an informed choice, weighing the pros and cons of each option.


Source:  https://moscowestates.com/