Top Religious Sites in Morocco


The country of Morocco is 99% Islamic. It holds some of the biggest spiritual attractions in the Arab world. Morocco is known for its many mosques, having one in every neighborhood. Some of the most popular religious landmarks in Morocco are the Hassan II mosque, the Kairaouine mosque, Moulay Idriss, and the Ben Youssef Medersa.


The Hassan II mosque is situated in Casablanca, and is the largest mosque in Morocco. It is also one of the largest mosques in the world. Its minaret is the tallest minaret in the world, at 120 feet high. The Hassan II mosque was built in 1986, at the king's command. This mosque is located on the water, in accordance with the king's, its namesake, wishes. It is decorated in Moorish style, with some modern touches, such as a sliding roof that will open to the heavens on special occasions. It also has lasers that will point the worshipers to Mecca, the most sacred site of Islam. Hundreds of Moroccans come to worship there every day. They also offer guided tours to visitors.


The Kairaouine mosque is found in Fes, the spiritual capital of Morocco. It is the second largest mosque in Morocco. It is definitely one of the oldest universities in the Arab world. It was a place for bright Islamic scholars to study. Its minaret was built in 956 and the mosque is thought to be built in the 10th or 12th century. The Kairaouine is the oldest monument for Islam in Fes. It is also the holiest mosque in Morocco, and it plays a big part in the religious festivals of Morocco. Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter the mosque, but tourists are permitted to glance in as long as they don't actually enter it.

Moulay Idriss is not an actual monument but it is a small town nearby Meknes. Moulay Idriss was a descendent of the famed Islamic prophet, Mohammed. He was his great-grandson. This town holds the tomb of Moulay Idriss and therefore it is a famous religious site, and place of pilgrimage. He started Morocco's first Arab dynasty in 787, but got poisoned in 792 by his enemies. Idriss also worked on Fes, but it was his son that really founded it and is buried there. All of the shrines to Moulay Idriss are closed to non-Muslims.

The Ben Youssef Medersa is located in Marrakech. It is an Islamic school that is connected to the Ben Youssef. It features some of the most incredible architecture and Islamic design in Marrakech. In this school, or medersa, students memorized the entire Qur'an. About 900 students were housed in the school, in dormitories. It was built in the 14th century by Merenid Sultan Abou el Hassan. However, it was refurnished in the 1560's by the Saadian rulers. Similar design is found in the Saadian tombs in Marrakech.



If you would like to see the fantastic history and culture of the Islamic world, then you should not hesitate to visit Morocco and see these monuments. It is an experience that will never be forgotten!