Hidden Door 11

“ Where has mom gone?” Asked the boy, “ Is she safe ?”

So-wn was there to answer the children’s questions, though things were too complicated to explain easily. The children still thought that So-wn and Pare were a couple and they were adopted parents with the real wish to be the parents to love their children. Also those children’s brains were with such high IQ their emotional stage was still of those youngs.

“ Do I really have to attend the party ?” Said Pare reluctantly, “ I don’t even have any dress to wear.”

That was a strong wish of a neighbour living in one of the houses built along the river. Pare was seen by some people and because she was so pretty people chatted about her and got interested, especially some men who were watching her from their windows up high.  The birthday party was for an old lady and everybody in the neighbourhood knew her and got invited to the party. 

“ What if my tip works and unnecessarily takes his attention?”

“ Pare, I don’t think there is a tip implanted in your brain. The idea of the way the tip would work is quite funny and very difficult to start with. And Mr Suzuki fell in love with you before he implanted. And I was only seeing you from quite a distance away. Who else was in love with you so crazily? So that you can say the tip is working? Maybe there was a tip ‘like that’ was there at Mr. Suzuki’s hand but I don’t think he implanted it in your brain. What stupid would implant such a tip in the head of the girl he loves?”

Pare was standing at the window enjoying the breeze and the scenery. 

“ I never saw trees from up high like here and never thought their bright green young leaves were so beautiful.”  

“ Pare,, we are talking about the party. Can I accept the invitation?”

“ I need a dress.”


私 は居心地悪く隅の椅子に腰掛けて窓の外を見やった






Then, another man in his thirties sat right beside me and talked to me without hesitation. 

“ Are you with anyone? I haven’t seen you in this area before? Have you moved to this area recently?”

I tried to think of a good excuse, taking myself to think longer than usual. The man was looking at me all over and making me so nervous. I stood up and went to a balcony. He came after me and said quietly.

“ It’s better here. You can breathe fresh air. Aren’t you thirsty? Shall I get you anything to drink? What would you like?”

“ Well,, somebody else is getting my drink. Thank you.” Said I, as I was feeling very restless.

Kenichi found us.

“ You are here. I was looking for you. Are you hot inside?” Said Kenichi , as he was acting, that he didn’t notice the man. “ Pare, you need to eat some too. You haven’t eaten since you woke up.”

Kenichi deliberately said what he said to tell the man that Kenichi was very close to Pare. Though the man said, 

“ Oh, then, you should eat. The lady’s maid is a very good cook. “

I kept being quiet as I didn’t know what to say. Kenichi said, 

“ That is true. I love her pork stewed in red wine. She bakes bread as well. Shall I get you some? If you wish to stay here.”

“ I will go. “ Said I, as I quickly took my stole and wore it on my shoulders.

Left out men talked.

“ Do you live with her?Are you her boyfriend?” Asked the man.

“ No, I am not her boyfriend but I am staying in the same house as her bodyguard.” Said Kenichi proudly.

“ Bodyguard? Is she in danger? What danger?” Puzzled the man.

“ It is a secret though she has to be hidden and has to be very careful.”

The man in his thirties didn’t really take Kenichi’s words seriously, instead he was trying to get another chance to talk to me. 

As the day went by many candles were lit and someone started playing a piano. It was a very good pianist. The live music sounded so lovely to my ears. The man in his thirties took my hand and led me to dance with the music. 

“ Pare, you are like a blossoming rose. You should enjoy the evening. “ Said the man, as he knew that Pare didn’t dislike him and he held Pare tightly unnecessarily. Kenichi was watching. Kenichi needed to watch if anything funny happens. He couldn’t be enjoying the dance with me as he had to be at the place where everything was clearly watched.

The perfume of the man I was dancing with and the motion I was thrown in, made me dizzy. 

“ Sorry, I need a break. I need some cold water. Would you?”

I asked the man I was dancing with. He looked happy being asked to do anything by me. 

In the engine room of the submarine of Russia, which went through the baltic sea carrying their top scientific heritage, Belil was watching the engine and other facilities as a chief engineer. He had been on the submarine for 65 days. Everything in the submarine was made so small. His room was tiny as well though it had every private need. The submarine was going the safest way, not the fastest way. So he had time to plan well.

In his room Belil prepared five tiny but powerful bombs and a bottle of liquid nitrogen.  He put those hidden in his uniform and went to the places which he decided well balanced to destroy all. After setting the bombs he went to the laboratory opening its door with the secret code which he found infrared light. It was very easy to find and move their scientific heritage in the containers he got and froze them with liquid nitrogen. The containers were super tough and he was wearing a swimsuit for the deep water. He went to one of their exit doors, which was of rare use. The camera was bent by him some days ago. He got the oxygen tank and opened the double door one by one, and came out of the submarine. He didn’t swim  away right away. He put a gum-like material on the cameras and ladders, on which could detect his running direction, for them to be useless. The detectors were not getting close attention anyway as Belil was talking to the radar and camera operators that they didn’t have to be careful at all as there was nothing to be afraid of in the deep water at that age and nobody would ever think a submarine would be carrying anything that important. He was telling those men  their unnecessary attention to the enemies in different ways and words every single day till they became so lazy that  those men started being so neglectful that they often went to the cafeteria or the smoking room, or watched films, even played chess which was their national game needing lots of concentration, all during their working time.

Belil swam far enough and the location of the submarine in the Baltic was so desolate that it would be almost impossible to find any remains. He pressed the button. 

It was so deep that the surface of the water had no effect. The whole thing including everything and everyone apart from Belil and the frozen scientific heritage smashed into pieces in one moment.     

A part of a novel about factory produced clone rights

The Place Of Truth  11 

“ Gosh ! It was hectic. I need a good cup of coffee.” 

Jupom sat as he dropped his body on the chair spreading all his limbs as he no longer cared about other people's eyes.

“ You are always so busy. You’ll die suddenly someday from the piling up of exhaustion that you keep ignoring.” Said Mikail as she looked at Jupom from head to toe as she was examining. “ You are completely exhausted. You have to take a holiday. There are other doctors to take your place for a while.”

Jupom shaked his head and looked down.

“ There’s no such thing as my substitute. I don’t trust other surgeons. I know I am good and almost perfect. Patients need me.”

The rain was falling on the flowery garden and made all those plants lively with shining drops of rain on their leaves. Even though the rain made the plants happy, it didn't do the same work on  Mikail.

“ Ohhh, it’s raining again. “

“ It hasn’t rained for a while. Look, those plants are lively now. I like it when any life looks lively.” Said Jupom with a smiling face. “ Mikail, the sun makes us alive and grow. So does the rain. We all need water to live. It’s a blessed rain. “

Mikail said, 

“ I don’t need water.” 

Jupom frowned and scratched the back of his neck. THen, he looked up to say something. Though, instead of saying anything to Mikail, he saw the garden with his eyes wide open. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the garden again. He stood up from the chair and went near the large glass window. 

“ What the hell…..” Muttered Jupom as he was looking at the garden becoming completely bare, being left only with the soil. 

He saw the trees lined along the street, which were disappearing one by one. So were every single plant and flower. The bare world without green was spreading in front of his eyes. He turned his head and saw Mikail smiling. 

“ Stop ! Mikail ! Stop it right now !! “  Shouted Jupom as he ran back to the chair where Mikal was.  “ Stop ! Mikail !! “

He held Mikail’s arm and shaked her. 

“ I don’t like rain.” Said Mikail in a peaceful voice. “ I don’t like those plants which get the most of rain’s goodness.”

“ Put them back ! Mikail, they are not yours. Many people love those plants. We eat plants as farmed vegetables. We do need them. Mikail, you would lose things to eat and would die.”

“ Would I die? “ Mikail frowned. “ I don’t wish to die yet. But I don’t know how to put them back. Sorry.”

The phenomenon of disappearing plants stopped. But the garden of the hospital and the trees and the shrubbery along the street attached to the hospital didn’t come back. 

“ Sorry. “ said Mikail with a blank face. “ I just didn’t like the rain. It makes me sad. Sorry.”

She got up from the chair and looked at Jupom.

“ But you need a holiday.”

She left Jupom like nothing happened.

Jupom went to the operation room for the next heart transplant patient. He saw a nurse but no other staff.  The nurse said, 

“ Doctor Hen, The offered heart is missing on its way.”

“ What !?” 

The nurse made a very sad face and said,

“And the patient who was supposed to get that heart just died a minute ago.  That was before we were reported the offered heart got missed. I mean the whole car is missing. The driver found himself sitting right in the middle of the highway and called us just now. He has no idea at all.”

Jupom felt a horrible chill and ordered the nurse.

“ Check other patients who are waiting for my operations and check how the list of organs we are waiting for are now.”

The nurse felt the great seriousness and danger from how Jupom was talking and ran to the nurse station. Jupom went there together as he asked another nurse to check on the patients.

“ Doctor Hem ! Mr. Pawl is having hard breathing. His consciousness is very low.”

“ Doctor ! Miss. Yuli. is losing the light rhythm of her heart. Oh my goodness, what can I do !? Why the sudden change?”

Then he heard a shout.

“ Doctor, the list is deleted !” Said the nurse who first told about the missing heart. “ How can such a thing happen ? I’m going to call the  donation control centre."

 “ Hello, I am asking about the deleted list of donated organs of ours. Why and who deleted it? We still need them. Can you fix the mistake for us? It’s an emergency request. Please get the list back on. We really need them as soon as possi,,,,” 

Jupom took the handset from her and hung up the phone.

“ What are you doing? Doc,,,?”

“ We don’t need them.” Jupom said with a blue face. “ The waiting patients are all dead now.”

“ What ?” 

She stood up and looked around watching people here and there screaming and sobbing.

“ What is happening?”

Jupom turned around and rushed to the elevator. 

In the hard rain happy steps were taken in the paddles she stepped, which splashed mud on her skirt. She saw the stains on her skirt and started rubbing off the mud on it. 

" Why don't they go !?" 

She was angry that her power was still limited and unstable so that she couldn't be a god, which made her even more angry.

Somebody grabbed Mikail’s arm, who were walking down the street with lacy dry trees like ones of winter’s in the middle of the summer. The tight grab made her light body swing and faced the person with the fist that was grabbing her arm.

“ Oh, Jupom.” Said Mikail with a smile on her face. “ Are you finished with all the operations you are responsible for? That was quick.”

“ You did it , didn’t you?” 

“ What are you talking about?” 

Mikail gave a puzzled look.

“ Do you know what you have just done?! “ Jupom was furious like a flaim of hell and couldn’t help shouting at her.” You just killed five people and wasted the donated hearts which were given with the kindest and the most compassionate mercies and selfless loves ! ! You just trampled on all those treasury lives and human spirits ! ! “ Tears rolled down his cheeks. “ You,,, You ,,,don’t tell me you don’t know what you have done.” Said Jupon with the least hope in Mikail.

“ Why are you angry? “ Said Mikail innocently and continued. “ So you can sleep and rest.” 

The rain was soaking them. Mikail touched her clothes and said, 

“ This damn rain would never stop. Irritating.”

She tried rubbing her handkerchief against her clothes. No matter how many times she rubbed, her clothes never got dry. Mikail threw the handkerchief at the wet ground and laughed cynically.

“ So,,, you didn’t like what I did for you.”

“ Who would thank for such a horrible thing? Mikail, you can’t kill lives like that.” Jupom was sobbing and collapsed there on the wet ground as he sat with no mental energy at all left. “ Please, Mikail. I beg you to get things back as much as you can.”

Mikail was sad. Jupom never understood her loneliness. She wanted Jupom with her.

“ Jupom, you need me. You are desperate to have me alive, aren’t you? “ 

Jupom looked at Mikail and said,

“ Yes, I need you. Mikail. I will do anything you wish apart from cancelling the operations. I will look for a good surgeon.”

“ Really?” 

Then, the presence of Mikail started fading and a very little boy, who was in the patients’ uniform of Jupom’s hospital, appeared. He had a name plate hanging with a thread around his neck, with a name saying ‘Wobe Gasper 4 years old’.

“ Doctor, I can’t find mommy.”

Jupom’s eyes were in fear . 

“ What are you doing here?”

The boy said, 

“ Where is mommy? I’ll have my heart exchanged tomorrow by you, doctor. You are good at it, aren’t you? To save life is your mission, isn’t it, doctor?”

The Place Of Truth  12

“ No, No, No,,, This is not what it should be. They are acting like terrorists. This is too much destruction. How can we make things better while those psychics are doing shit like this !?” 

Ben was angry at the psychic clones who did drastic demonstrations.  

The Place Of Truth  12-2

Jupom was running into the hospital carrying the boy who went unconscious in the cold rain. As he went into the sector, which was strictly separated from other people for keeping the hygiene and the safety for the very seriously conditioned patients, he heard sobs and shouts which were very different from what he heard ten minutes ago. A few nurses ran to him and  said excitedly one after another,

“ Doctor ! Mr. Wilson. came back to life ! So did Mr. Bey and Miss. Yuli. They started breathing again !”

“ Doctor ! Mr. Pawl.’s heart and lungs are working again. We didn’t even do CR. And the missing heart was found in the parking lot of this hospital ! We can do the operation  now !” 

With the beeping sound of the door of the sector, two men in blue uniform rushed in with a case which was holding the heart Jupom was waiting for. 

“ All right everybody, we are going to start the planned operation which is a heart transplant. Try to be calm and forget what happened for a while. We will concentrate on Mr. Pawl. All right?”

It took them more than ten hours to finish the heart transplantation. 

“ The operation was successful. Now my staff are seaming the wound safely and he will be unconscious for a while. You can see him in a few days without conversation. No worry now.”

The family, Pawls, was so thankful and had their blood flow again. Pawl’s daughter hugged her mother without any words, just crying silently together. 

Another operation was waiting in a few hours. Jupom was going to  the resting room which had some beds for staff to sleep. On the way there were a small lounge for the families to wait for the patients’ operations to finish. There were also new patients registering in. Some people who were strange to each other were chatting. 

“ This hospital is a great hospital. There is no hospital like this one. You know that you have to wait so long for donations. In this hospital, you won’t wait more than one year. It’s okay to pay a little more. Actually the cost is not that bad like ten times or some such. It’s just one and a half more than other hospitals.”

“ Why can they get the donations so quickly?”

“ Apparently, Doctor Jupom. has a special connection. “

“ What kind of connection? Is he connected with Chinese gangs? “

“ Oh, no. Of course not. Nobody knows abd nobody asked him. You don’t want to lose your luck by bothering him, do you?”

It was actually a mystery ever since Doctor. Jupom. joined their surgical department he never stopped transplanting donated organs to their patients. The nurse responsible for the donation waiting list was told a new donation centre only with one email address. And she was told not to tell that email address to anyone else. That one condition would keep her place and her doubled salary. She only contacted the new donation centre with her private handscreen and when she worked with her handscreen she went to the restroom or did it at her place. She just told her co-workers that It was strictly confidential, otherwise they would not get the quick donations. Other nurses didn’t know her salary was double and they were already so busy. If she managed the donation waiting list and made the schedule of operations, they were happy as they didn’t have to listen to the patients and their families’ complaints and irritation.    

But at times when they had a faint break from their work some of them just wondered.

“ Don’t you think how quick the donations to come and the operations to be done, is a little too fast?”

“ What are you talking about? So we don’t have to cry all the time like before. Instead we can see such happy faces and hear happy voices. Isn’t that what you want?”

“ That is right. I am happier.”


Jupom went to sleep quickly. That was doctors’ talent that they had to get. Any little extra space in their schedule they were asleep.

Mikail stood right beside Jupom soundly sleeping.

“ I don’t know why you people are so noisy when I erase your problems. I only did it for you. Now you look happy after such stressful work. I don’t understand you, Jupom. “ 

Mikail’s puzzle would never be solved. Though she said, 

“ But I understand clearly that you do not need me as your lover. You only need me for your work. I knew. But I expected if you would start loving me.”  

She put her hand into a pocket and took a scalpel out. Slashing once on her throat, she slowly sat on the floor and held Jupom’s hand.

“ I am sorry, Jupom. This is the only way to give you a holiday.” 

As her mind was getting blurry she got a paper and a pen. She wrote in a messy way as her fingers were shaking.


I am sorry, Jupom. This is the only way to give you a holiday and to stop myself feeling lonely and sad.   Love. Mikail.       


But she didn’t write,

I know you like my organs better.

A few hours passed and a nurse had to get Jupom awake for the next operation. When the nurse opened the door of the resting room she found a dead body on the floor. 

“ Doctor ! Doctor ! Wake up ! “ 

She shaked Jupom. She examined Mikail’s pulse and pupils and knew that CR wouldn’t work anymore.

“ Doctor ! Do you know this girl ? What the hell happened? Why are you sleeping soundly beside a dead body?” 

“ Mikail ?” Muttered Jupom still not knowing her feelings. “ Are you dead? Hu,,,dead ?!” Shouted Jupom, as he was examining her pulse. “ No,no,no,no. Mikail ! You can’t leave me. Mikail ! Come back !” 

He saw the nurse and shouted,

“ Get the CR and resuscitate her. We can’t lose her.”

 But the nurse already confirmed that Mikail was dead.

“ Doctor,,, but she is already,,,”

Jupom pressed the wound on Mikail’s neck. 

Another nurse came to the resting room to ask if Jupom was okay.

“ Oh, my god. Who is she? What happened?”

Jupom had to agree that Mikail was dead.

“ Miss Jay, can you reschedule the transplant schedule, please. “

Miss. Jay, the nurse who was managing the donation list, made a schedule for long hour operations with very little breaks between continuous for ten days.  

“ She is my clone. I am the owner. I’ll take all her organs, and transplant them to the urgent ones as soon as we can. Take her to the operation room.”

The very next scheduled patient was a little boy fixed with a life machine. Jupom knew what he had to do next.

He opened the body of Mikail and went straight to one little heart which grew beside the bigger heart along with other small hearts growing around the main heart. The assistant nurse saw the most horrible thing in the world. She saw five or six growing stomachs, libers, kidneys and pancreas in different sizes on each main organ.

“ Doctor,,,, what is ,,,” She couldn’t say more as she knew what Jupom was doing with the young clone woman’s body. It was an organ farm. Jupom said,

“ Are you ready with the 4 year old boy, Wobe Gasper?” 

“ I’ll have him ready right away.” Said the nurse and she ran to the boy waiting in the expiration room right next to where they were.

“ You are going to get a healthy heart now.”

The boy went to sleep as soon as he was put under anaesthesia. 

A uniformed man came to the nurse station as he was called to get donations, He got more than six boxes.  

Jupom went to the room where Wobe’s mother was. 

“ Mrs. Gasper., we got a donated heart, right size, right blood type, for Wobe. We have to do the operation right away. When was the time Wobe last ate something?” 

“ Oh, my god ! You got a heart for Wobe !? What a miracle !” Mrs. Gasper’s blue face suddenly got its colour back. “ He didn’t eat anything today. He is getting weaker and weaker. I thought I had to give up on him. My goodness, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you….” 

She collapsed on the floor. Little Wobe was waiting for a donation for more than two years, going through many different risky conditions. Every single time Wobe’s condition got worse she felt like years of her life were lost.

“Mrs. Gasper., Wobe will live a long healthy life. No worry anymore.”

Mrs. Gasper was crying.

Jupom knew that Wobe would get the new heart in no time as he got Mikail. Though he said that it was hard to get a heart donated. So he deliberately let them wait till the fourth heart started to grow on Mikail’s main heart..  

" Doctor, gloves." A nurse was waiting with the gloves for Jupom to wear at the door of the operation room. She said, 

" I am so thankful for your clone that she gave her heart to Wobe. We all were giving him up, weren't we ? She saved Wobe. It's such a miracle she did."

What else was said by the nurse, who was also waiting for the little heart with Wobe’s poor mother.

 The nurse said, 

" I saw her quite a few times here in the hospital. She was always looking for you. I'm sorry for your loss, doctor. "

Loss ?

Jupom never thought of it as a private loss . Mikail was an organ farm that he mutated by himself after he bought her. It was not just an experiment. He was producing organs in the body of blood type O, though she turned into a monster having psychic power which she could not really control well and Jupom ended up hating it. She was nothing but a farm for Jupom.

After checking Wobe with a new heart which was running well, he stopped in the middle of a large lounge where there were all the outsiders visiting. He stood still and was lost in thoughts. He realised that he never thought of Mikail as one life. She was nothing but a method for Jupom to get healthy organs to transplant. He was too busy getting unended operations to be done to realise his farm was also a life.

" Why didn't I take Mikail as a human? Why now ? Why can I be this shit ?"

After he did the last transplantation with Mikail’s organ without having any breaks during the last ten days, he took his doctor’s uniform off and dumped them in a bin.

Jupom left the hospital and walked towards the front gate. He waited for a large truck to approach, though before the truck came he turned around and came back to the hospital. 

The nurses saw Jupom go back to the operation room. He told one of the nurse, 

“ Come into the operation room ten minutes later.”

The nurse went into the operation room after ten minutes and found another horrible sight. 

Other staff heard her scream and gathered there finding Jupom with a cut and opened body with his hand holding a scalpel. A large puddle of blood was on the floor. His other hand was holding a paper with his handwriting.

I donate all my organs and every part of my body. 







でも、しまいには「もう、書きたかない!good boyは嫌だ!」って言っていた

