Both HTML Minify and Autoptimize are popular WordPress plugins for optimizing and minifying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. However, they have slightly different functionalities and features. Here's a comparison to help you decide which one may work better for your needs:

1. HTML Minify
   - Focuses specifically on minifying HTML code.
   - Offers basic settings to enable or disable HTML minification for different parts of your site (e.g., posts, pages, feeds).
   - Simple and lightweight plugin with fewer configuration options.
   - Suitable for users who only need HTML minification without additional optimization features.

2. Autoptimize
   - Offers comprehensive optimization features for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
   - Combines and minifies CSS and JavaScript files, in addition to minifying HTML.
   - Provides advanced settings for fine-tuning optimization options, such as excluding specific files or optimizing inline CSS/JavaScript.
   - Allows for additional optimizations like lazy loading, image optimization, and CDN integration.
   - Popular choice for users looking for a comprehensive optimization solution with more customization options.

In general, if you're primarily concerned with minifying HTML code and prefer a simple, lightweight solution, HTML Minify may be sufficient for your needs. On the other hand, if you're looking for a more comprehensive optimization plugin that covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and offers advanced customization options, Autoptimize may be a better choice.

Ultimately, the best option depends on your specific requirements and preferences. You may want to try both plugins and see which one works better for your website in terms of performance and ease of use. Keep in mind that regularly monitoring your site's performance and making adjustments as needed is essential for maintaining optimal website speed and user experience.