kindle fire case

kindle fire case

kindle fire case

Develop a visceral weight loss plan for yourself!
And 4-step quiz
Test1: hoarding too many fat around your waist, thin waist method to no avail?
Answer: this is the primary logo of the excess fat, visceral fat in the abdominal cavity, once the excessive accumulation, waist size will grow!
Test2: medical report shows that all normal body, excess nutrients?
Answer: this is not to show you how much your quality of life is high, but tell you, excessive visceral fat has, in part because too many nutrients have already translated into excess fat, around the internal organs.
Test3: without meat is not the joy type do you belong to? Especially when you eat dinner.
Answer: when a long, difficult to absorb, burning fat in the body, only a point around the internal organs, leading to excessive visceral fat.
Test4: constipation already for you, not surprising.
Answer: obviously, as there is no normal defecation, fat cannot be absent from the body, natural phenomenon of constipation can occur!
Second, visceral fat is lurking?
Formation of visceral fat, and is inextricably linked to our lifestyle. Busy everyday life, in your "bad habit", the visceral fat slowly lurking inside you.
1, ignoring breakfast
Many Office workers for the extra sleep in the morning, or in front of a beautiful makeup, leading to morning
Time is in a hurry, they sacrifice the breakfast time. In this way, your entire abdominal cavity in the morning at ease lacking running water, nutritional state, provides sufficient space for accumulation of visceral fat.
2, lunch nutrition
Lunch nutrition and taste this is not wrong, but many workers because the breakfast because of vacancies, at noon
Eat a lot to meet the body, so that the digestive system of tired, fat stay in the abdominal cavity, visceral fat were born!
3, work no time to drink water
As believe many workers and small series, working a busy, don't even have a drink. No water body action power, visceral fat, no "spirit" self-combustion, there is no way for an opportunity to excrete, of course, slightly more and more.
4, the high heat of afternoon tea
This afternoon around 3,,kindle fire case. 4, is a tea time for workers in General. Cakes, cookies, tarts, crisps, chocolate, everything, but you have forgotten, after lunch, you didn't do any activity your body of toxins in the body, you add foods high in calories and fat in your gut's team will become a huge!
Third, 4 ways to let your gut quick results!
1, more intake of cellulose
Want to gut successful slimming, it cannot lack of dietary fibre. It can drain smooth, absorbs harmful substances and cholesterol, and will be based out of the body. Of food containing dietary fibre include oats, mung beans, tomatoes, grapefruit, from now on, more closely at them! Visceral because they are helping you to lose weight is a good helper.
2, eat less carbohydrates
Foods containing carbohydrate are rice, bread and other staples. Too much credit these foods will cause excessive sugar metabolism, which makes visceral fat accumulation in the abdominal cavity. Cannot, of course, don't eat, because when carbohydrate intake to 0 o'clock, mind blank, you will not be able to really concentrate. For women, the daily amount should not exceed 100 grams of carbohydrate, and three meals a day is the ratio of 5:3:2, this would be more useful for digestion and metabolism of the golden ratio.
3, daily 25-minute brisk walk
United States sports experts recently found that can quickly enhance the hormone content of body fat, consume more visceral fat than low speed 47%. But come on rhythm is important only as well as the ability to properly enjoy comfortably, can fully absorb the atmosphere of the body, visceral fat combustion. In addition, the most appropriate exercise time to 25 minutes a day.
4, "spoon massage" visceral fat
In Japan, very popular spoon massage is through a small spoon to press the skin, can achieve good health. First of all, in the abdomen lay grapefruit essential oil, it can promote the metabolism of the body well, and then press the spoon to the navel to be started from outside to inside, to feel abdominal pressure is the best. Through the strength of the spoon will not only within the essential oil molecules pass through the skin, to participate in the metabolism of the body, can increase abdominal temperature from outside the Mainland to enhance self-ability to burn fat.