






                    Erena Velazquezによるチャネリング









私の最愛の魂よ、別の角度から魂の旅立ちを見てください、彼らは進化の次のレベルへと移行しています。この移行の間、何人かは、これらの魂が次のステップの準備ができていないため、3D を継続する予定です。彼らに愛と光を送ってください。この幻想のすべてのベールがなくなるとき、あなた方は顔を合わせます。どうかコスモスには制限がないことを覚えておいてください。私たちはみな一つなので、神の意識を通してつながっています。

光と闇のバランスの回復は、マザーガイアで進行中です。人類に描かれたすべての嘘と欺瞞は赦され、忘れられます。私たちは光の存在であり、恨みを抱くことはありません。ダークソウルには神聖な処罰がもたらされるでしょう。平和、豊かさ、幸福が新しい地球では優位に立ち、あなた方は、3D の古い要素、ネガティブな要素、暗い要素を置き去りにしてゼロから構築するでしょう。







Erena Velazquez

Archangel Michael 💜🌎🗡💜

My Beloved Souls,

I, Archangel Michael, sending healing energies to your planet and humankind as you need today more than ever. You are creating a new narrative in illusion, which is going to come a fruition in future. Your controllers loosing everything, what they built a long time ago.

Everyone, who cause harm to others, is going to destroy themselves with own sword. Please, remember the ones who entertain hate and anger, receive same energies back. Listen with inner ear for guidance during this transition to New World. The illusion of Matrix dissipating each moment more and more despite the appearances.

The fight between Light and Darkness has been going for billions of years in Cosmos. Your planet is not exception, many civilizations went through needed transformation in order to become free from the Darkness. Look at your world like, you are watching a movie or cartoon, don’t take anything seriously, here everything was created to keep you asleep.

Every soul came to Mother Earth with intentions to experience and to help in liberation. Everybody questions most of the times, why are we still in this holographic reality. My Beloved Souls, please, focus on staying in the Now, past and future doesn’t matter, you are building the future in this moment. Detach yourselves from everything negative and sad that happened in your lives.

Especially from departure of loves ones, it’s very hard for humanity to understand a physical death. Nobody ever dies, you leave the shell of physical body and switch to a different form. All of you were reincarnating life after life on Mother Earth, Dark Souls were using the machine to bring you back with no memories from previous life. The Light Beings destroyed most of these machines just a few left, soon this planet is not going to be anymore a prison for the souls.

My Beloved Souls, look at the departure of souls from a different angle, they are moving into next level of their evolution. During this transition, some of them are going to continue in 3D, as these souls are not ready for their next step. Send them Love and Light, you are going to see each other, when all veils of this illusion dissolve. Please, remember there is no limitations in the Cosmos. We are all connected through Divine Consciousness, as we are all one.

The restoration of balance between Light and Darkness is in works on Mother Gaia. All lies and deceptions portrayed to humankind will be forgiven and forgotten, we are beings of Light and we don’t hold grudges. Dark Souls will be brought to Divine Justice. Peace, abundance and happiness will dominate in a New Earth, which you will built from scratch leaving behind the old, negative and the dark elements from 3D.

Thank you Universal Channel. Please, receive my healing powers.

Be a Bright Star in the Night Sky

Archangel Michael

Channeled by Erena Velazquez




Erena Velazquezさん虹ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ
