
                            Erena Velazquezによるチャネリング















Erena Velazquez

The Galactic Federation of Light 🛸🛸🌎🛸🛸

Greetings Humankind,

We are the Galactic Federation of Light sending this transmission through Universal Channel. We have been working on dismantling a few left over Reincarnation Machines, and we made a lot of progress by finding their locations. We had also encounter with the Reptilians on Mars as they tried to sneak to your planet. As you can see, we are busy trying to keep the peace.

All of the events on Earth have been engineered by pure evil. Right now, the Corrupted Souls want to push you to the limit in desperation of survival as the prices are going to continue to skyrocket for daily necessities. Remember, you are multidimensional beings, and you have enough power in you to win. Don’t let fear to control your life.

Your governments don’t have any authorities over humankind unless you allow them to be. You need to unify and start the clean up. Don’t wait, when the rest of population wakes up. Many of them are going to continue to be asleep, and stay in 3D reality. Their evolution is going happen in their timing.

The special forces are dismantling bioweapon labs, nuclear nukes and etc. in Ukraine. These type operations are going to start in different locations worldly. Please, open yourselves to the real truth. Don’t listen anymore to the Fake Media. The one who claims to be the Queen of Canada is imposter, and it’s implanted by the Khazarian mafia. Some of the channelers are also brainwashed and controlled by the Dark Entities.

The Light Warrior’s responsibilities are to put an end of the evil existence on Mother Earth. Please, stop entertaining negative emotions and start living in high energies., which enriching and helping in the transition to a New World. You can’t allow anymore to be exploited by the Darkness. The Dark Entities are exposing themselves each day more and more, and their hidden agendas are coming to the Light.

Don’t get discouraged, thousands and thousands fight for Liberation of Earth, it’s almost over. Thank you Universal Channel. We are sending our Love and Support.

Stay Positive and Strong

The Galactic Federation of Light

Channeled by Erena Velazquez




Erena Velazquezさん虹ありがとうございます晴れ虹キラキラ
