




Luce Light

11月30日 4:59  · 

November 28, 2021

Week 32 Message | Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Light Angelic Warrior Group.

We are nearing a cross point, an apex in the journey of rectifying the wrongs on planet Earth. This cross point will appear slowly within the next couple of months. It involves the crash of the economic system and it will begin to appear to all that it is happening.

When the system finally does collapse the new one will already be up and running, so there will be little work in order to create a transition.

The ones who are going to crash the economic system are you. Not the Alliance, not God – You will do so.

You are wondering how you will do this. You will do this via your thoughts. You understand that there is a new quantum computer system running on the planet, and you believe it is already underway and it is. However there are two systems running concurrently – God's system and the system of evil. It is a question of which system you invest in, which system you believe in, which system you question as being faulty and which one you see as being more powerful.

Why do you not believe that the process of people waking up on the planet is so important? It is the most important factor in all of this. You are going through an individual experience collectively. This collective must stand on the side of God, the side of goodness, so more and more people continue to wake up.

The key factor in all of this is the mind, not your physical reality. Yes, people continue to struggle within the confines of the old economic system, but their minds seek out a better way of life for themselves and their families. Yes, people watch the news and they are upset with what they are seeing, but their minds are seeking out a better way of life for themselves and their families. Yes, they continue to get masks, perhaps they feel helpless and get inoculated in order to keep their jobs, but all of these things are making them think of a better way for themselves and their families. As they always have done!

The energies incoming now are the better way. These energies will now sync with your minds and what you desire to create. Most people on earth want better for themselves, and now this will be created – because it can be. Restrictions imposed upon your minds in history disallowed for this to happen. Now it can happen because these restrictions have been removed.

That is the difference. It is what your minds want, not what you actually are living right now, that is your future. You all want better for yourselves, and so it shall be.

Know that for many years, eons in fact, while humanity on earth was deposed, their minds asked, begged, prayed and wished for better. It could not happen because of restraints put upon you by the intervenors. Now it can happen because these restraints are gone. Your minds can now resume the task of recreating your world. Keep wanting better for yourselves, and when opportunity is created, take action. The only thing standing in your way now is your belief in the old, so release it. Embrace the new, use your imagination to create goodness for all.

On that note, today's task will be to focus upon Australia. The original natives are suffering from prejudice and you see now that this is about global genocide. Please focus your Love and Light, your prayers on Australia in general and on these peoples specifically and strengthen them in order to strengthen their minds.

This is all about manifestation, nothing else. This is a battle of the minds – the minds of the demiurge as it seeks to destroy you, and your minds as you seek to find freedom from this scourge.

I am Archangel Michael. I am with you, you are with me, we are powerful, we are Legion.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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