★1181☆♪38 CJMC♪★ | Le Chateau et des Promesses

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Bonjour♪(*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆

aawwww today NO UNIVERSITY!!!

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss WELCOME PRINTEMPS

Le Chateau et des Promesses

I upload some pictures that me and some friends took!

Le Chateau et des Promesses

the whole "vestidas crew!"

Le Chateau et des Promesses

aaawww Nilo! who always support us jajajajajaajajaja

with the Nyappy with N of sataNNNic!!! jajajajajajaja

he's a really nice guy!!! so funny and nice!

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Kizokuuu he's really nice!
aawwwwwww and he loves Matenrou Opera as mee!!!!!
he's really really nice and an invaluable guy!

Le Chateau et des Promesses

jajajajajaj my cosplay fail for many reasons

and one of that was my Hello Kitty bag!!!!ハート

Le Chateau et des Promesses

♪jajajajajajajaja eating jajajaja xDDD and looking for pictures of cosplay!

Le Chateau et des Promesses

上what the hell!!!!! ハート

jajajajajaja this pictures is awesome xDDDDDDDDDDDD

eating right!!! eating♪

Le Chateau et des Promesses

here my lovers!!!!!!!

Neko, Mia, Ichigo and Nilo! They are awesome

I really appreciate their friendship,

they are always there to talk and have fun!

willing to listen, help and above all willing to tinker a whileハート

Le Chateau et des Promesses

( ̄▽+ ̄*)

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Aoi as Seth and Me as Mana -Sama

I love this cosplay I can't stop to say it!

great day!

Le Chateau et des Promesses

jajjaajajjaja a lovely "vestida"

the sexiest!love

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Aoi! I love her hair!!! is nice and perfect for the next cosplay!あは

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Ichigo and Mia!!!

I love you mes reines!

I love these girls!!!!! >O<

they are awesome! Ichigo is the sweetest, lovely and cute girl I ever meet!!!

Le Chateau et des Promesses

beautiful Ichigo!!!! she looks soo cute that day!love-3.1

I love that pink bonnet!!!! looks so dolly!

Le Chateau et des Promesses

this pictures is of a day before! She looks awesome!!!

sooo awesome and prettylove-3.1

the first Hiko cosplayer I see and the best!!!!

she really looks like HIKO!!!love

Le Chateau et des Promesses

And the final . . . . . . . . . . . .

jajajajaajajajajaj Aoi looks so fun with that shoes‐ω‐ハート


this convention was totally awesome

&gt;&gt;Vivienne&#39;s  Diary♪ ぐっない☆彡(・ω・)/

(^з^)-☆Chu! !&gt;&gt;Vivienne&#39;s  Diary♪