★1178☆♪VOLUME♪★ | Le Chateau et des Promesses

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Bonjour♪(*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆

aaawww this was the last detail, here my skirt altered!


Le Chateau et des Promesses

I add some volume, buut doesn't look like I want >o<!

is impossible!--;  Hidemi.jp

Le Chateau et des Promesses

the big day is NOW!

sooo I have to sleep and wait for Aoi and do the make up and hair style of both!あは

Le Chateau et des Promesses

I wear just a part of the cosplay, i'm afraid because

I wanted to do make up, hair style and wear

the cosplay but, the time wasn't enought!汗

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Whis me good luck, tomorrow!キラキラ

&gt;&gt;Vivienne&#39;s  Diary♪ ぐっない☆彡(・ω・)/

(^з^)-☆Chu! !&gt;&gt;Vivienne&#39;s  Diary♪