★1169☆♪CHOKER♪★ | Le Chateau et des Promesses

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Le Chateau et des Promesses

Bonjour♪(*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆

Sun! . . . . . is a new day and also I have to go to bed !汗

Today is Thursday, only 3 more days and will be the convention.

I'm afraid about the details, as always


I hope to finish this and feel satisfied.

This cosplay is the most elaborate I've done so far and the most beautiful too.

the sound of each seam makes me think in the result

Le Chateau et des Promesses

To cosplaying
is one of the activities I like to spend my time and effort
. . . Le Chateau et des Promesses

Le Chateau et des Promesses

I hope this time I feel really satisfied and happy of the result.

and be ready and motivated for my next cosplay as JASMINE YOU - VERSAILLES.

The time is near
Le Chateau et des Promesses

>>Vivienne's  Diary♪ ぐっない☆彡(・ω・)/

(^з^)-☆Chu! !>>Vivienne's  Diary♪