Hello everybody!!
Did you read the blog of the previou stime?
I'll write the continuation this time.


In the example above, you can swap "は" and "が", but in that case the interpretation will be different and it will come to have special meaning.

Mr. Sato is the president.
佐藤さんが社長だ。 (Noun sentence)

Mr. Sato is easy.
佐藤さんが優しい。 (Adjective sentence)

Mr. Sato came. 
佐藤さんは来た。(Verb sentence)

An answer to the question such as "Who is the president?", "Who is kind?", "If you are not any other person, Mr. Sato is the only person "Is" president "or" kindness "will be interpreted.
 In other words, in this case it will be an interpretation that identifies a person by excluding other people.
 On the other hand, if you add "ha" to the subject of the verb sentence, it will be interpretation to exclude other people like "Other people did not come, but Mr. Sato came".

.....For some reason characters are getting smaller😱😂😱😂😱😂

Today is here!
See you next time👍

good luck🍀