


Rising Prices of Sneakers

It tough being a sneakerhead these days. So many great sneakers release every weekend, but the issue at hand isn the overwhelming variety of available options, but the rising costs that have steadily risen over the last few years. Obviously, inflation plays a role in the economy as a whole, but these rising costs of what are generally purchases have us thinking about the future of sneaker commerce and the direction of the movement as a whole. Since the days of basic rubber and canvas, brands have branched out to pumps, air bags, built-in pedometers, and other interesting and somewhat gimmicky advancements, and consumers have used these attractive features as excuses to spend considerable amounts on sneakers that continually rise in price. We can argue that shoes are so advanced in design that creating an intricate outsole or an air pump-infused tongue requires more of a financial investment by the manufacturer, causing MSRPs to go up as well. Manufacturing costs as a whole shipment, production, distribution have all risen in tandem over the years, so consequently the consumer is the one left to cover the bill. Perhaps these brands have gone maybe a bit too far with superfluous technology in sneakers, causing prices to skyrocket to unnecessary levels. Even Retro models like the Air Jordan continue to its way up the price charts, even though production of Retros are more cost-effective in comparison to new models.

But are consumer trends the cause of these rising prices? The age-old relation between supply and demand certainly bodes true in the case of sneakers, and with the demand of high-profile sneaker releases still not met by the supply, perhaps sneaker brands are purposefully creeping up the slope to pricing levels that the public may still deem acceptable. But that only speaking on the retail sector, because sneakerheads are still out there hunting around for pairs after release dates and paying ridiculous after-market prices on high-profile sneakers that have doubled or tripled in price. Do you think there a tipping point where the consumer will finally be fed up and give up the game for good (or is that why the Roshe is so popular)? Will companies controlling the game continue to rise prices knowing that they be anyway, and will other dormant brands return with Retro models to cash in on the sneaker craze? Or will there always be just enough breathing room for us to stay alive in the sneaker game? Let get the What Do You Think discussion on Rising Prices of Sneakers going in the comments section below.

I believe it's the fake "scarcity" that drives the prices up. Nike could flood the market with enough pairs so everyone who has the MSRP money could cop, but that might mean the desire for the sneaker would lessen, which in turn could leave them with inventory they couldn't command full price for, driving down their bottom line. I believe retailers and Nike have had plenty of back-door convos about just that. Plus, these sneakers are viewed as "Luxury" items by most people in sneakerhead culture. The very fact that you paid an arm and a leg for them is a selling point in itself. Until they make the sneakers people want more available, there's always gonna be that *re-seller influenced* high price that people are more than willing to pay.

I love jordan brand to.

Been buying since 2001. in those years the "sneaker game" has changed so much.

All I'm saying is the quality sucks. plain and simple and the prices are going up.

Resellers charging an extra $100 on top of retail forv GENERAL RELEASES. people keep paying the prices. the prices just going to go up more and more.

I'm on a few buy sell trade shoe boards cuz I love trading and gettn new shit all the time

And you got these kids postin pics of shoes they like. for example some dude posted a pic of his new flight 91s. and these kids were rippin on this poor kid cuz "those shoes aint heat" why u buyin this garbage blah blah blah. . You cant be your self anymore becsuse someone is always lookin talk shit. . its messed up how people get off on rippin on someone because they wear whats not bein hyped.

Here's the problem, as prices go up quality is on the down. They are cutting corners on materials on every shoe!!! The Jordan line quality is dropping, while the AF1 line has hit the bottom of the barrel. It's getting crazy. Rose is made of plastic materials and the price is to high for the quality. If they made these type of shoes in the Jordan OG days, customers would have thought Nike was crazy and trying to make Venture or K-Mart shoes.

PTI (pardon the interruption) heres my 2 cents, the way i view is this. forget the inflation, forget immediate rising retail. heres why. at the moment prices are obviously a lil more than i would like to pay (i think EVERYONE would agree) however, J's are STILL AFFORDABLE. When the day comes where prices are out of my budget or prices become to the point where i just dont feel like im okay with paying more than i feel like paying, that will be the end of my J copn days. im looking fwd to it cause it is a rather expensive hobby and from the looks of it, prices will only continue to escalate. SO HAVE AT IT JB cause soon, i wont be putting $$ in your pockets anymore. BET!!

In a perfect world, jordan retros shouldn't increase in price because the shoes are utilizing old technology. The only reason they're going up in price is because demand is rising. I don't mind prices for lebrons, kobes or KDs going up because those shoes are evolving every year. newer and newer technologies are being implemented into the shoe. that's basically what you're paying for. That's the thing with elite models, nike is using carbon fiber, kevlar,andother expensive materials to put in some shoes. so yeah they're gonna be moreexpensive.

OK the Inflation comment is dead. LISTEN. Inflation is a two way street. When the value of one country's currency is "inflated" ie lowered due to high interest rates, low demand for domestic products, or political turmoil the value of another countries currency is increased. Nikes are manufactured in China thus with the the lowered value of the USD the HKD would go up. If the value of the Input today is up or at best the same as the

beginning and the cost to produce have exponentially declined with time

then the overall cost to create should thus be lowered. So why the high prices? Why not! if a consumer will pay todays value for yesturdays product by all means let them. Nikes quarterly reports came out not to long ago and they beat all there projections by pretty wide margins this caused there price per share to jump from $53 to $60. Nikes responsibility is the #1 stakeholder who to them are shareholders not the consumers until consumers start to interfere with the shareholders ie not supporting the products. These MNC like to win and losses are the only thing that will spark change.

Sneakerheads who are loyal to one brand are idiots. Nike knows that they can do what they want, without repercussion, because so many are blinded by the swoosh. You don't feel as "cool" unless you are wearing a pair of Nike shoes, So what they've done, is to look at what these idiots are paying on places like Ebay, and they want "in" on the resell now. Create a bit of hype on places like Nike Talk for a new release, announce what's going to be "limited" on there, then jack up the prices and making a claim of the new shoe being "elite".

Nike knows that sneakerheads are nothing but a bunch of 'simps trying to impress their peers. Every time you fork over more than two hundred dollars for a shoe made out of plastic, camping out no less, Phil Knight sleeps a bit better at night.

You guy want the prices to go down? Stop buying what you probably have multiples of already, and then boycott the new plastic crap that Nike claims is innovative, yet is nothing but a hard sell to a bunch of gullible and thirsty individuals.

Inflation? So a shoe should go up $20 in less than a year due to inflation? It still costs them the same amount to make them in Vietnam and China. Those people's wages don't go up, manufacturing costs might go up but not enough to justify the size of the increase. It's 2 things. 1. They raise the price every year because they can and people will still buy. 2. Greed.

Nike and Jordan raise their prices all the time and quality of the shoe gets no better, if anything some get worse. How come Reebok can keep their prices reasonable and still use quality leather and build a consistent product? I still wear Nike and Jordan but they are the worst offenders.
