\(^▽^*) wonderland (*^▽^)/ -5ページ目

Japan Day 1

I always prefer warm>cold
I cannot stand coldness LOLOL

so I thought I'm going to be fine with the temperature in Japan because I'm used to it in Singapore ...

It's a whole new level LOL

Anyway ... let's start
The airline I took to Japan

キラキラ-drum roll-キラキラ

Delta (cost around $499)ハート

My flight is morning 06:50
I checked in around 0345 (?)

About 7 hours of flying, my seat is near the window so it's not that bad.
I got the view, just that it's quite troublesome to get out and go toilet.

Reached narita and took the express train for about an hour to Tokyo.

My butt is screaming for help.
(Excuse me, 8 hours. #first timer)

Bought the Japan version of ezlink card (suica) and took the normal train.

Hotel is located at kanda. Checked in, luggage down and OFF WE GO

First stop! Tokyo Dome HAHAアップアップ

I think there's baseball match going on that day. クラッカー
The place is selling the giants goods.

It's like a theme park shopping mall.

With ferris wheel and rides.
Nomnomz and took the ferris wheel.
(THIS IS SO YUMMMMMY wthOMG)アップアップアップラブラブ

anyway, why did I even suggest on taking ferris wheel.
walao eh so high , what if it drops... argh.

get a drink and continue exploring the place.

Went home at the wrong timing because the match just ended, it’s packed with human.

reach hotel safely.
sleep and get ready for tomorrow (ノ´▽`)ノ