I keep repeating to myself what I say to others...
This is suppouse to happen, why is it hard to deal with it?
I usually try to be prepared for things I can't control...
As least if I can't fin it or solve it , I can't coach myself to handle it the best way.

Past wwekend I pushed myself through bad phisical condition,fear, anger and dissapointment
Thinking.. this is your fault! You decide to come without plans but his
so eigther you roll with it or find a way solve it so you feel you control this situation...
...Actually I wasn't my best choice but when I go out I sometimes think "if something suppoused to happen to me it's fine, hope not..but It does, I'll take it"...
So I took the risk to wander at 3AM at ccs streets expecting worst but thinking I can get through it, so I did...knowing I didn't do it alone, my sister kilometers away spent the night "with me", I also know someone higher than me was there... thanks whoever was there...
Yeah... you could say "she didn't do it alone, she believe in a higher being took care and her sister thought were there too"... Mainly it's needed a single slabon to start a chain, doesn't it?

It's ironic that memories, the only thing you have left from those who are gone is what makes me feel so sad, I cry those moments thinking there won't be more like those..
I'm not fine, but I will be.

Ayer solo llamé a Carola porque sé que entenderia perfectamente, lloré de ratos en el dia, porque sin razón no sentia que seria algo pasajero, yo ya daba por hecho que no estaría, le recordé a Dios que hiciera algo por él, tal vez esto fué lo mejor...Incluso mis ultimas palabras para él fueron que peleara por vivir...

Soon those memories, those words will become gratitude for letting me be part of his life,
For inviting me to witness his passion, thank you S.Y.