
(ビデオ) HNEX HydroNano細胞外水-抗ウイルス、抗病原体、抗菌-コロイダルシルバーを超えた光年 実際には、暫定軍事米国政府がワシントンDCを乗っ取り、私たちの国を運営していました。 


(1)憲法および国防総省によって軍事法典11.3に基づいて権限を与えられた合法的な暫定軍事米国政府、および(2)違法で不正な外国人による有償、外国人による管理(コロンビア特別区)バイデン政権。 米軍がバイデンを担当しているようで、大統領執務室の舞台装置で彼に空白の大統領命令に署名させた。ホワイトハウスは空っぽだと言われていました。どうして?






これはすべて土曜日の後に可能になりました。 2021年1月9日バージニア州ラングレーのCIA本部での米軍特別作戦チームによる襲撃。この襲撃は、CIA、民主党、その他の裏切り者が、2020年の選挙に干渉するために、中国共産党(CCP)が率いる外国の実体と共謀したという確固たる証拠を生み出しました。 

小さな自己防衛ツールは2秒で270の凶悪犯をフラットに落とします-供給が続く間あなたのものを手に入れてください 危険-スマートメーターを保護してください!


その1月9日の土曜日の朝、トランプと彼の妻メラニアの人生に2回の試みがありました(彼が就任してから12回以上の試みがあったと言われています)。 トランプは十分に持っていた。


















木曜日。 1月28日下院と上院の両方の特定の裏切り者は、彼らが再び彼を弾劾しようと投票したとき、実際にトランプを代行米国大統領として認めました。


憲法の規則の下では、現在大統領に就任していなければ、米国大統領を弾劾することはできません。 ドナルド・トランプは、破産して廃業した米国企業の大統領から弾劾されることを心配していませんでした。


彼には他の計画がありました。 2021年1月11日、ドナルド・トランプが愛国者または憲法党の党首として就任し、再び米国大統領の候補になりました。 

米軍は、1871年以前に書かれた元の憲法の基礎となる法律に米国共和国を復活させようとしていました。その選挙は、市民が使用して投票できる透明で安全かつ瞬時のQuantum Voting Computerを使用して、2021年3月4日に開催される予定でした。自分のコンピューター、または電話。




そして、CIAの襲撃はそれをすべて証明しました。 中国共産党と米国の間の戦争は実際には木曜日に終わった。 1月28日元海軍諜報員のシメオンパークスが南シナ海での対決を報告しました。 CCPは台湾を乗っ取ろうとしていました。台湾は、グローバル通貨のリセットのために、米国を含む国々を支援する金が保管されていた場所でした。


パークスは、アメリカと台湾の戦闘機の間で中国共産党のジェット機との空中戦があり、「中国共産党は大きな時間を失った」と述べた。 新世界秩序のファンは戦争に負けていました。チューリッヒの銀行関係者は、金曜日までにすべてを決済することを約束したと述べました。

 1月29日https://www.simonparkes.org/blog Rinus Verhagenは、


「CCPはビッグリスタート作戦を放棄し、リベラルなエリートがスケジュールしたグローバリズムの再起動に失敗しました。ダボス世界経済フォーラムの会長であるクラウスシュワブの著書「GreatRestoration」で表現されているCOVID-19作戦も失敗しました。 CCPはグローバルオーダーを課しません。彼らの力は、他の商業帝国と同様に、経済拡大に限定されていました。」


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In reality an Interim Military US Government had taken over Washington DC and was running our country. The two US governments: (1) a legitimate Interim Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of Columbia) Biden Administration.

The US Military appeared to be in charge of Biden and making him sign blank Executive Orders on a stage set of the Oval Office. The White House was said to be empty. Why? https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=164754

The whole operation began way last Jan. 2020 during a government shutdown. President Trump was said to have reorganized several agencies including the US Treasury, IRS and Federal Reserve. Now the US Military had control of all assets including taxpayer dollars at the new US Treasury near Reno. Why?

The Military had been tasked with conducting a return to a gold/asset-backed dollar and to insure that the US Republic was restored to original laws of the Constitution as written prior to 1871http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=115613

This was all made possible after a Sat. 9 Jan 2021 raid by US Military Special Op Teams on CIA Headquarters in Langley Virginia. The raid produced firm evidence that the CIA, Democrats and other traitors had conspired with foreign entities led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), to interfere in the 2020 Election.


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Earlier that Saturday morning 9 Jan. there had been two attempts on Trump and his wife Melania’s lives (there were said to have been twelve plus such attempts since he gained office).

Trump had had enough. He immediately instigated the Insurrection Act (put into law by George Bush Jr. after 9/11), and then turned his authority over to the US Military.

With the nation now under Martial Law, Trump would remain as US President until all those who committed treason were arrested, including those who certified the illegal 2020 Election.

Some in the Pentagon had been preparing for this for over twenty years. US Attorney General for Utah John Huber and his 740 investigators had been very busy since 2016. The US government was corrupt throughout including Congress and the three letter agencies. There were a lot of traitors whose cases had already been processed through State Grand Juries. There was an estimated 80 to 140 Congress people thought named in over 223,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts since Trump took office.

Of those, 85% to 95% indicted were Democrats, intermixed with a few Rino Republicans. The majority of charges were said to be pedophilia, child exploitation, misappropriation of US Taxpayer funds and conspiring with foreign powers to influence the 2020 Presidential Election – an act of Treason. Some serious charges couldn’t be brought because Obama pardoned so many in his last days in office.



By Jan. 2 2020 Military Tribunals were said to have already began at GITMO for high profile elites such as the Clintons, Obamas and Bushes. Charges against them were believed to include Capital High Treason, Election Fraud, Child Sex Trafficking, Money Laundering, Misappropriation of US Taxpayer Funds, plus Uranium One, 9/11 and Benghazi crimes.

Deep State Special prosecutor Robert Mueller was believed to have been charged for his involvement in the 9/11 cover-up (he was appointed FBI Director 7 days before 9/11 and oversaw 9/11 so-called “investigations”), plus he conducted an ongoing fake Russian witch-hunt against Trump. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/168059921/

It was no wonder the Democrats wanted to impeach Trump, again. On Thurs. 28 Jan. certain traitors in both the House and Senate did in fact recognize Trump as the acting US President when they voted, again, to try to impeach him. Under rules of the Constitution you could not impeach a US President if he didn’t presently hold the office.

Donald Trump wasn’t worried about being impeached from the presidency of the bankrupt and defunct US Corporation. He had other plans. On 11 Jan. 2021 Donald Trump was inaugurated as head of the Patriot or Constitutional Party, which made him a candidate for US President, again.  

The US Military was about to restore the US Republic to laws underlying the original Constitution as written prior to 1871. That election was planned to be held on 4 March 2021 through use of a transparent, secure and instantaneous Quantum Voting Computer where citizens could vote using their own computers, or phones.



For many years the Chinese Communist Party (not the Chinese government, which was working to become a democracy) had been involved in a takeover of America. That war culminated when just prior to the 2020 US Presidential Election, the CCP bought Dominion Voting machines that through use of an Italian satellite loaned with money at the Vatican, threw what was believed to be millions of Trump votes to Biden. And, the CIA raid proved it all.

The war between the CCP and the US actually ended on Thurs. 28 Jan. Former Navy Intelligence officer Simeon Parkes reported a showdown in the South China Sea. The CCP had been trying to take over Taiwan. Taiwan was where gold was stored that would back countries including the US, for a Global Currency Reset. Parks said that there were air battles between America and Taiwan fighter jets against CCP jets and “the CCP lost big time.”

The New World Order fans had lost their war. A banker source out of Zurich said they had promised to settle everything by Fri. 29 Jan. https://www.simonparkes.org/blog

Rinus Verhagen reported that “the CCP has abandoned their Big Restart Operation and the liberal elite-scheduled reboot of Globalism has failed. Operation COVID-19, expressed in the book “Great Restoration” by Klaus Schwab, President of the Davos Global Economic Forum, has also failed. The CCP would not impose a Global Order. Their power, like any commercial empire, was limited to an economic expansion.” http://www.takecare4.eu/panic-in-dc/  Take care 4 –










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