The Venezuelan military will not accept a president imposed by “dark interests,” Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said after Washington and a number of its allies recognized a lawmaker as the new leader in Caracas.

The army will continue to defend the constitution and national sovereignty, Padrino said on Wednesday afternoon, hours after opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido was proclaimed interim president by the National Assembly, in a direct challenge to President Nicolas Maduro.


パドリーノ氏は、野党議員のJuan Guaido氏が、国会で暫定大統領に宣言されてから数時間後に、憲法と国家主権を守り続けると発表した。



Bolivia declared "solidarity with the people of Venezuela and brother Nicolas Maduro" in resisting the "claws of imperialism" in South America, President Evo Morales tweeted.

Maduro responded to the US announcement by cutting diplomatic ties with Washington and giving American diplomats 72 hours to leave Venezuela.




HomeWorld News

Venezuelan army disavows self-proclaimed leader, will defend national sovereignty – defense minister

Published time: 23 Jan, 2019 21:43Edited time: 24 Jan, 2019 03:47

ベネズエラ軍は自称指導者を否定し、国家主権を守る - 国防大臣


Venezuelan army disavows self-proclaimed leader, will defend national sovereignty – defense minister

FILE PHOTO: Venezuela's Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez ©  Reuters / Marco Bello


写真:ベネズエラのウラジミールパドリノロペス国防相©Reuters / Marco Bello


The Venezuelan military will not accept a president imposed by “dark interests,” Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said after Washington and a number of its allies recognized a lawmaker as the new leader in Caracas.


The army will continue to defend the constitution and national sovereignty, Padrino said on Wednesday afternoon, hours after opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido was proclaimed interim president by the National Assembly, in a direct challenge to President Nicolas Maduro.

パドリーノ氏は、野党議員のJuan Guaido氏が、国会で暫定大統領に宣言されてから数時間後に、憲法と国家主権を守り続けると発表した。

ALSO ON RT.COMTrump recognizes US-backed head of Venezuela’s opposition Juan Guaido as country’s interim president

The US quickly recognized Guaido as Venezuela’s legitimate leader, with the Organization of American States (OAS) following Washington’s lead. Canada and France have also recognized Guaido, while Mexico has declined to do so “for now.”

RT.COMTrumpに関するALSOは、ベネズエラの反対派Juan Guaidoの米国支持ヘッドを国の暫定大統領として認識します

アメリカはすぐにグアイドをベネズエラの正当な指導者として認め、ワシントンの指導に従ってアメリカ国家機構(OAS)がそれを認めた。 カナダとフランスもグアイドを承認していますが、メキシコは「今のところ」は承認していません。

Vladimir Padrino 

El desespero y la intolerancia atentan contra la paz de la Nación. Los soldados de la Patria no aceptamos a un presidente impuesto a la sombra de oscuros intereses ni autoproclamado al margen de la Ley. La FANB defiende nuestra Constitución y es garante de la soberanía nacional.


絶望と不寛容は国民の平和を脅かします。 祖国の兵士たちは、曖昧な利益の影に隠された、または法の外で自称された大統領を受け入れませんFANBは私たちの憲法を守り、国家主権の保証人です。





La FANB está unida al Pueblo Venezolano somos respetuosos de la Constitución y las Ley. Venezuela eligió Presidente, somos Soberanos y Leales a nuestro Cmdte en Jefe Nicolás Maduro Moros. Traidores no sigan desde el extranjero irrespetando a la Patria, Lucharemos y Venceremos!


FANBはベネズエラの人々と団結し、私たちは憲法と法律を尊重し、ベネズエラは大統領に選出され、私たちは主権者であり、最高司令官ニコラスマズロモロスの忠誠心です。 裏切り者は、故国を尊重しながら、海外から追いかけてはいけません、我々は戦います、そして、我々は勝ちます!



FANB ratifica su respeto a la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, ratifica su lealt

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Bolivia declared "solidarity with the people of Venezuela and brother Nicolas Maduro" in resisting the "claws of imperialism" in South America, President Evo Morales tweeted.

Maduro responded to the US announcement by cutting diplomatic ties with Washington and giving American diplomats 72 hours to leave Venezuela.




Guaido, however, countermanded that in a tweet and promised that Venezuela “will continue to maintain diplomatic relations with all the countries of the world.”

The issue of diplomats has raised the stakes in the US-Venezuela confrontation, as Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) – one of the driving forces behind the recognition of Guaido – argued that US diplomats should stay put, since leaving would mean recognition of Maduro’s legitimacy.


マルコ・ルビオ上院議員(R-Florida) - グアイドの認知を後押しする原動力の1つ - が、外交官の問題は米国とベネズエラの対立への関心を高めているため、 マドロの正当性

この話は好きですか? 友達とシェアしよう!





^---AFP  引用ーー

ベネズエラ、反政権デモで13人死亡 人権団体発表

【1月24日 AFP】(更新)南米ベネズエラの人権団体は23日、国内各地でニコラス・マドゥロ(Nicolas Maduro)大統領に対する抗議デモのさなかの騒乱で、過去2日間に全国で計13人が死亡したと明らかにした。





2019年1月24日 11:34 発信地:カラカス/ベネズエラ [ ベネズエラ 中南米 ]



Maduro isolated as Latin American nations back Venezuela opposition leader

LIMA (Reuters) - Most Latin American nations recognized Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president on Wednesday, leaving Nicolas Maduro ever more isolated as he faces unrest at home and threats from the United States.

LIMA(ロイター) - ラテンアメリカのほとんどの国は水曜日にベネズエラの野党党首Juan Guaidoを暫定大統領として認め、Nicolas Maduroは自宅での不安とアメリカ合衆国からの脅威に直面しているため、より孤立したままになっている。


Longstanding leftist allies Bolivia and Cuba were the only countries in the region to explicitly voice support for Maduro as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay and Peru backed Guaido.

The United States and Canada also recognized Guaido - the 35-year-old leader of Venezuela’s opposition-dominated National Assembly - as Venezuela’s legitimate ruler.

However, Mexico - once a vocal member of the Lima Group regional bloc created to pressure Maduro to enact democratic reforms - struck a discordant note under new leftist President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, saying it would not take sides and branding support for Guaido a violation of sovereignty.


The telegenic Guaido declared himself Venezuela’s temporary president on Wednesday at a rally that drew hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans. He accused Maduro of usurping power and promised to create a transitional government.

The diplomatic support for Guaido was a striking move in a region where countries tend to refrain from criticizing each other despite their political differences, underscoring how rattled Venezuela’s neighbors have become by its deteriorating situation.

Criticism of Maduro has grown in recent years as his government has sidelined the National Assembly, held widely-questioned elections and overseen an economic crisis that has forced millions of Venezuelans to flee, mostly to other South American countries.

At the same time, right-leaning governments in South America have risen to power in places where Maduro once had allies.

“Argentina will support all efforts toward rebuilding democracy in Venezuela and reestablishing conditions of life worthy of all its citizens,” Argentine President Mauricio Macri said on Twitter on Wednesday.

Macri took office in 2015, replacing Maduro’s former ally Cristina Fernandez.

Maduro called on the military to stay united and severed diplomatic relations with Washington, which he accused of trying to orchestrate a coup with help from its allies in the region.

U.S. President Donald Trump reiterated that “all options are on the table” and his administration signaled potential new sanctions against Venezuela’s vital oil sector.

Mexico said it would still recognize Maduro as Venezuela’s legitimate president and called for dialogue.




しかし、メキシコ - かつてはマドゥロに民主的改革を実行するよう圧力をかけるために創設されたリマグループの地域ブロックのボーカルメンバーである - が左派大統領アンドレスマヌエルロペスオブラドールの下で不和なメモを打った。主権。






アルゼンチン大統領Mauricio Macriは水曜日、「ベネズエラの民主主義を再構築し、すべての市民にふさわしい生活条件を再確立するためのあらゆる努力を支持するであろう」と述べた。

2015年にMacriが就任し、Maduroの元同盟国のCristina Fernandezが交代しました。




“Mexico does not form part (of) this attempt to take sides and promote a type of internal intervention,” presidential spokesman Jesus Ramirez said in a broadcast interview.

Under Lopez Obrador, Mexico has returned to its traditional foreign policy of non-intervention.

“We maintain our position of neutrality and non-intervention toward the conflict in Venezuela,” Ramirez said.

Reporting by Marco Aquino in Lima, Luis Jaime Acosta in Bogota, Adriana Barrera in Mexico City, Anthony Boadle in Brasilia, Gabriel Burin in Buenos Aires, Corina Pons in Caracas, Daniel Ramos in La Paz and Sarah Marsh in Havana, Writing By Mitra Taj, Editing By Dan Flynn and Rosalba O'Brien




Lopez Obradorの下で、メキシコは伝統的な外来の非介入政策に戻りました。


リマのマルコアキノ、ボゴタのルイスハイメアコスタ、メキシコシティのアドリアナバレラ、ブエノスアイレスのガブリエルブリン、カラカスのコリーナポン、ハパスのダニエルラモス、ハバナのサラマーシュによる執筆 、Dan FlynnおよびRosalba O'Brienによる編集









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