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In Helsinki, Trump and Putin Just Ripped Europe Apart. The Consequences Will Be Catastrophic

ヘルシンキでは、トランプとプーチンはヨーロッパを離れた。 結果は致命的になる

America constructed and sustained a post-war Europe 'whole, free, and at peace,' a liberal order that allowed America itself to flourish. But a treacherous handshake in Helsinki effectively wiped out 70 years of peace in Europe

アメリカは、戦後のヨーロッパを、自由で平和な、全面的に建設し、維持した。それは、アメリカ自身が繁栄できる自由秩序だった。 しかし、ヘルシンキでの厄介な握手は、ヨーロッパでの70年の平和を効果的に払拭した

Chaos is inevitable when a hegemonic power falls into decrepitude. The United States is now that hegemonic power - the sick man of the globe -and chaos is now inevitable.

覇権勢力が衰弱に陥ると、混乱が避けられません。 米国は今、覇権勢力(世界の病気の男)と混乱は避けられない。

After the catastrophe of the world wars, the slogan "America First" was synonymous with shame. The United States repudiated the doctrine of isolationism, having realized at incalculable cost it was a fatal fantasy.

世界大戦の大惨事の後、スローガン "アメリカファースト"は恥ずべきものでした。 米国は孤立主義の教義を否定し、致命的な幻想であったと判断できないほどのコストで実現した

American statesmen thereafter pursued consistent foreign policy aims: a Europe "whole, free, and at peace," made possible by United States’ hard and soft power, in particular, through its construction of NATO and support for the European Union. NATO’s critical Article V placed Europe under a security umbrella underscored by the United States’ superior military power.

その後アメリカの政治家は、一貫して外交政策の目標を追求した。すなわち、特に、NATOの建設とEUの支援を通じて、米国のハードかつソフトな力によって可能となった「完全な自由で平和な」ヨーロッパ。 NATOの重要な第5条は、米国の優れた軍事力によって強調された安全保障傘の下にヨーロッパを置いた。

We sought to expand the free world - the world of open and prosperous liberal democracies, all engaged in free trade - through the construction of specific institutions, such the United Nations and the World Bank.


This foreign policy doctrine derived from the overwhelmingly obvious lesson of World War II. The United States could not flourish without global order, and that order must rest on American power, for no other power capable of providing it met with our trust, and no power that met our trust was capable of providing it. Constructing this order was in our interest, as was sustaining it.
この外交政策の教義は、第二次世界大戦の圧倒的に明らかな教訓から生まれました。 米国は世界的な秩序なしには繁栄できず、その秩序はアメリカの力に任されなければならず、それを提供する能力は他のどの力もありません。 この命令を構成することは、それを維持することと同様に私たちの関心事でした。

If this was true then, it is true now.

Anyone who claims the American-led order is obsolete must answer the question: What exactly has changed? Geography? The rise of a more benevolent hegemon?

アメリカ主導の命令が廃止されていると主張する者は、「正確に何が変わったの? 地理? より慈悲深い覇権者の台頭?

Russia, despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, continues to pursue the same geopolitical aims.


Either oblivious to, or supportive of, Vladimir Putin’s efforts to discredit NATO and pull apart the EU, Donald Trump has repeatedly indicated he shares the Kremlin’s goals, even though the social, economic, and political disintegration of Europe would be as disastrous for the world today as it would have been then.
ドナルド・トランプ氏は、プーチン大統領がNATOを信用せずにEUを引き離そうとしていることに気づいていないか、支持しているが、ヨーロッパの社会的、経済的、政治的崩壊が世界にとって悲惨なものであるとしても 今日のように今日でした。

Despite the division of the United States into antagonistic partisan tribes who insist they have nothing in common, the retreat of the United States into solipsism and indifference to the world actually began under Barack Obama, who campaigned on the promise of a disengagement from the world and "nation-building at home." He was rewarded by the electorate’s enthusiastic affirmation. Trump’s foreign policy does not represent a repudiation of the Obama Doctrine. It is fundamentally the same philosophy.彼らの共通点は何もないと主張する敵対的党派部族に米国を分裂させたにもかかわらず、世界の自由主義と無関心への米国の後退は、世界からの離脱を約束したバラク・オバマ "自宅で国を建てる" 彼は有権者の熱狂的な肯定によって報いられた。 トランプの外交政策は、オバマ教義の否認を表すものではありません。 それは基本的に同じ哲学です。


But Trump has behaved so erratically, and has been so overtly hostile to our allies and so sycophantically enthusiastic about our adversaries, as to cement American isolationism and set the world on an irreversible course toward chaos.



US President Donald Trump poses with Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg , Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May in a group photograph at the NATO Summit in Brussels. July 11, 2018

US President Donald Trump poses with Germany's Chancellor Merkel, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg , Britain's Prime Minister May in a group photograph at the NATO Summit in Brussels. July 11, 2018AFP


Before Trump’s election, America's allies allowed themselves to believe that American foreign policy under Obama was a bizarre experiment, not an inexorable trend, and that the next president would seek to compensate for Obama’s failings, not accelerate them.


But Trump has proven that Obama was no accident. A very sizeable constituency of Americans, of both parties, genuinely no longer sees the need for the postwar order America created, and truly believes we maintain our alliances as an act of foolish largesse - or a dangerous provocation. There is enough public support for American retreat that no country, including Israel, can now say, with confidence, that America will be a reliable ally in three years’ time - or seven.
しかし、トランプは、オバマが事故ではないことを証明した。 両当事者のアメリカ人の非常にかなりの選挙区は、アメリカが作った戦後の秩序の必要性を真に見ていません。本当に、私たちの同盟を愚かな大相撲の行為として、あるいは危険な挑発として維持していると確信しています。 イスラエルを含むどの国も、アメリカが信頼できる味方であることを自信を持って3年後の7か7かろうじて語ることができない、アメリカの撤退のための十分な公的支援が存在する。

Last week, as feared, the president of the United States used the NATO summit to display his ineptitude in diplomacy. He casually insulted our allies while lying to the American public about the nature of the NATO alliance. 

先週、恐れていたように、米国大統領はNATO首脳会談を使って外交に不自由を見せた。 NATO同盟の本質についてアメリカの国民に嘘をつきながら、私たちの同盟国を偶然侮辱した。

He lied about everything, in fact, in full view of leaders who know he’s making up every word. He singled out Germany for particular scorn. Nicholas Burns, the former U.S. ambassador to NATO, implored Americans not to "normalize" this: "He is the first American president since Harry Truman ... to not believe that NATO is central to American national security interests."

Following this, the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election issued an indictment of another 12 Russian intelligence officers. This has not dimmed Trump’s insistence upon meeting Vladimir Putin next week - alone, without advisors, without a stated agenda - in Helsinki.

実際には、彼がすべての言葉を構成していることを知っているリーダーを全面的に見て、彼はすべてについて嘘をついた。彼は特定の非難のためにドイツを選んだ。 NATO元駐米大使ニコラス・バーンズは、アメリカ人がハリ・トルーマン以来、アメリカの国家安全保障上の利益の中心であるとは信じないように、アメリカ人が「正常化」しないよう呼びかけた。

The message is unambiguous: As of now, no NATO member, nor any other American ally, can predicate its long-term defense posture on the assumption of American stability or even rational American self-interest. 


The constituency of Americans who were willing to vote first for Obama and then for Trump is so big that no responsible defense establishment could bet its country’s future on the assumption that Article V remains a credible promise.


Every major NATO member will now be obliged to begin considering seriously two options: an independent accommodation with Russia, or the acquisition of an independent nuclear deterrent.


People attend 'Helsinki Calling' protest ahead of meeting between the U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland. July 15, 2018

People attend 'Helsinki Calling' protest ahead of meeting between the U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland. July 15, 2018\ LEONHARD FOEGER/ REUTERS


In 1922, Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Treaty of Rapallo. They agreed to drop all claims against the other, normalize diplomatic relations, and "co-operate in a spirit of mutual goodwill in meeting the economic needs of both countries." Both denied publicly that they had also established extensive military cooperation. But they had.


It is too early to say whether we will see Rapallo redux, or a nuclear-armed Germany, but it is not too early to say both are now imaginable. Either outcome would represent a geostrategic disaster.


NATO wasn’t formed as a charity, nor was the EU created, as Trump believes, to "take advantage" of the United States.NATOは慈善団体として形成されておらず、EUもトランプが信じているように、米国を「活用する」ことはできませんでした。

A world without NATO will be one in which America competes with Russia and Germany for control over the Atlantic and has no control over the new nuclear states that will emerge.


The Sonderweg interpretation of German history holds that Germany can never truly share Europe’s destiny, for history has placed it, unlike the rest of Europe, on a "special path." The thesis that purports to explain continuities between the nineteenth century imperial Germany and the rise of Hitler. Should the European Union disintegrate, Germany may find itself on a new Sonderweg - unleashed from its postwar alliances, and unconstrained by the European Union.

ソンダーウェーのドイツ歴史の解釈は、ドイツはヨーロッパの運命を決して本当に分かち合うことができないと主張しています。 19世紀の帝国ドイツとヒトラーの台頭の間の連続性を説明することを目的とした論文。欧州連合(EU)が崩壊すれば、ドイツは戦後の同盟関係から解放され、欧州連合(EU)の制約を受けない新しいソンダーウェグに出会えるかもしれない。

Either prospect would have predictable consequences: the rest of Europe would revert to its traditional fearful posture toward Germany and resume its efforts to contain German power. Recall that it will be doing so in the wake of the economic calamity that would ensue from the EU’s collapse. We do not have to wonder, theoretically, whether this experiment might go wrong.

いずれの見通しにも予断を許さない結果があります。ヨーロッパの残りの国々は、ドイツへの伝統的な恐ろしい態度に戻り、ドイツの権力を取り入れる努力を再開するでしょう。 EUの崩壊から起こる経済的災害の後でそうすることを思い出してください。理論的には、この実験がうまくいかないかどうかは不思議ではありません。

Souvenir matryoshka dolls depicting Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump on sale in Saint Petersburg, Russia. May 31, 2017

Souvenir matryoshka dolls depicting Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump on sale in Saint Petersburg, Russia. May 31, 2017Bloomberg


The transatlantic alliance has been the heart of the postwar liberal order. But in the past decade, this alliance of free countries with a deep and shared commitment to liberal democracy has been weakened to the point that a strong gust of Trump’s hot air could hasten its collapse.


Trump alone is not responsible for this: Illiberal actors - particularly Russia, the far-right, the far-left, and a host of Islamist groupings and states - understand perfectly that a united West is the prerequisite for liberal democracy’s survival. It is, not incidentally, a prerequisite for Israel’s survival, as well. Russia, above all, has embarked upon a systematic campaign to alienate Americans from Europe and European nations from one other.


Their efforts have been dismayingly successful. We are now seeing their fruit. The president of the United States, for reasons no one quite understands, now gives every impression that he is actively trying to disunite the West and the global order that has allowed it to flourish.


Perhaps this is because he’s a senile dotard who has no idea what he’s doing. Perhaps it is because he is under Russian control. Or perhaps he genuinely wishes to see it collapse. These questions will be debated for centuries by historians.


But for our purposes, it does not matter: The catastrophic effect is the same.







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