
An improving regulatory environment and China’s long-term aging challenges are opening up new opportunities for U.S. healthcare-related companies to partner with Chinese businesses.

So says Tony Chu, managing director of New York-headquartered investment firm TPP, a company that was spun off from privately held U.S. pharmaceuticals supplier Eastar. TPP last week wrapped up its “TPP China Healthcare Investment & Partnering Symposium” in Hangzhou, an event that attracted more 800 attendees that included representatives from 50 U.S.-listed companies and investment firms including Balloch Group and Pagoda Investments.  Speakers included McKinsey China partner Lei Hou. TPP organized the event with B. Riley FBR and the Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprise Association.

I talked to Chu this week about the main takeaways from the event. Excerpts follow.

Q. What were some of the most interesting areas that discussed?

A.  We are promoting the idea of having innovation from U.S. to come to China, providing China and Chinese scientists ideas to build on. China is trying to become an innovation country. It has been true for years that new innovation starts in the U.S. but it can but multiplied in the Chinese market.


Now, we also have Chinese capital as well as this Chinese market gaining the attention of the U.S. companies, especially in healthcare. We can help U.S. companies to build up more innovation, get more products into the market, and help innovation in China. One of the key takeaways this year is that a tipping point is here in having U.S. and China working together. Many U.S. and Chinese companies also asked me Hong Kong IPOs for biotech (companies).

Q. Which segments of the market do you think are particularly right for partnership with the U.S.?

A. What I've focused on last year has been transactions in medtech. Because only recently China started changing the policy to help biotech, where you can use clinical data from outside.  Before, it took too long and there were too many uncertainties. With the new policy, the pipeline has become bigger.    What we look at is based on Chinese policy. Now, the policy has changed and is supporting biotech.

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Q. Is that in part a statement about the demographics of China and the urgency of solutions?

A. All of the Chinese healthcare industry is going to grow because of the demographics. You can see all the money from real estate and other industries now coming into healthcare industry. There is a window for investors and businesses, as this is a necessity for China. This is the fastest growing industry in China. Besides areas like cancer and cardiovascular, there will areas such as long-term management and medical foods. There will be more management of diabetes on a long-term basis, as well as diagnostics.

-- Follow me @rflannerychina






ニューヨークに本拠を置く投資会社TPPのマネージングディレクター、Tony Chu氏は、非上場の米国医薬品メーカーEastarから分離された会社だと語った。 TPPは先週、杭州で開催された「TPP China Healthcare Investment&Partnering Symposium」を締めくくりました。このイベントでは、米国の上場企業50社とBalloch GroupやPagoda Investmentsなどの投資会社の代表が参加しました。スピーカーには、マッキンゼー・チャイナのパートナー、レイ・ホウが含まれていました。 TPPはB. Riley FBRと中国医薬品企業協会とのイベントを開催しました。










A.すべての中国の医療業界は、人口統計のために成長するだろう。 あなたは不動産やその他の業界が現在医療業界に参入しているすべてのお金を見ることができます。 投資家や企業にとっては、これが中国にとって必要不可欠であるため、窓口があります。 これは中国で最も急速に成長している業界です。 がんや心臓血管のような領域の他に、長期管理や医療食品などの分野があります。 診断だけでなく、長期的には糖尿病の管理が増えます。





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