Aleppo Based Journalist Khaled Iskef Exposes Funding Streams and Al Qaeda Ties


アレッポに拠点を置くジャーナリストKhaled Iskef、資金調達の流れとアルカイダの関係を公開


Inside the shared Al Qaeda & White Helmet centre, Bab Al Nairab, East Aleppo. May 2017. (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

共有されたアルカイダと白ヘルメットの中心部、Bab Al Nairab、East Aleppo。 2017年5月。(写真:Vanessa Beeley)

The storm of evidence against the NATO and Gulf state multi-million-dollar construct, the White Helmets, is gathering and causing massive schisms in public opinion in the West. Many are now awakening to one of the most powerful “soft power” scams in history, one that has maintained the dirty war on Syria with terrifying consequences for the Syrian people.



Now the “saviour of all mankind” fantasy is being exposed on a daily basis. Evidence left behind by the so called “humanitarian” group in their haste to abandon Aleppo with Nusra Front-led terrorists, is revealing their funding, their extremist roots and allegiances to mass murdering extremist groups, also funded by the US, UK, EU and Gulf states.

今、「人類の救世主」の幻想が毎日公開されています。 Nusra Front-ledテロリストと一緒にアレッポを放棄する急いで、いわゆる「人道的な」グループによって残された証拠は、米国、英国、EU、および米国の資金提供を受けた大量殺人過激派グループへの資金調達、過激派のルーツと忠誠を明らかにしている湾岸諸国。


Khaled Iskef is an independent journalist, based in Aleppo. Iskef has painstakingly scoured the now deserted schools and buildings that were commandeered by the Nusra allied White Helmets and abandoned when East Aleppo was liberated by the Syrian Arab Army and allies in December 2016. He has connected paperwork and supply chains to complete the bigger picture on the White Helmets and their role as Nusra Front civil defence in the previously, occupied districts of East Aleppo, where Syrian civilians were tortured, executed, starved, raped and universally violated by the many extremist brigades, aided by the NATO state White Helmets.

Khaled Iskefはアレッポを拠点とする独立したジャーナリストです。イスケフは、ヌルスラ連合ホワイトヘルメットによって奪回され、2016年12月に東アレッポがシリアのアラブ軍と同盟国によって解放されたときに放棄された、現在廃墟となっている学校と建物を苦労して洗い流した。彼は書類とサプライチェーンを結び、 NATO州のホワイトヘルメットの助けを借りて、多くの過激派旅団によってシリアの民間人が拷問され処刑され、餓死され、レイプされ、普遍的に違反された東アレッポの占領地区で、ホワイトヘルメットとその役割を果たした。






Written by Brandon Turbeville for Activist Post:

Unlike journalists associated with the Western corporate media, Vanessa Beeley has been reporting from inside Syria on and off since early 2016. In many cases, while the Western corporate press was reporting in the most authoritative manner about the alleged “crimes against humanity” committed by the Syrian government in Aleppo despite having no one on the ground in those areas, Beeley was indeed present and able to directly contradict the lies spread by the corporate press with her own firsthand accounts.

Likewise, Beeley has led the charge against the ridiculous propaganda outfit known as the White Helmets, a terrorist support group that has been used by Western governments to lure well-meaning millennials into supporting al-Qaeda against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad.

It is well-known to anyone who spends even the smallest amount of time researching the Syrian conflict that the United States and Britain have been providing support to not only the White Helmets but also to terrorist groups such as al-Nusra, ISIS, and al-Qaeda among others. Indeed, ample evidence shows that the White Helmets are nothing more than a support group for al-Nusra, essentially acting as a propaganda wing of the organization. In other words, it is evident enough to anyone who exams the situation closely that the White Helmets and Nusra are the same organization.

Vanessa Beeley has now provided one more bit of evidence in this regard after a visit to the M10 hospital in Sakhour, East Aleppo, an area which had long been an al-Nusra Front stronghold and acted essentially as a compound and headquarters for the terrorist group’s operations in the area. After the liberation of East Aleppo, Beeley and a handful of independent journalists were able to travel to Sakhour and the M10 to investigate the aftermath of the battle. What they found was yet more evidence that the West’s precious White Helmets are nothing more than al-Nusra’s propaganda wing, as both Vanessa Beeley and I have documented repeatedly in the past.

In this compound, which is supposed to have housed only al-Nusra, one can clearly see White Helmets supplies, uniforms, and other stage props, including ambulances. In other words, the al-Nusra compound and the White Helmets compound were one and the same.

Notably, these ambulances were clearly donated to the White Helmets/Nusra team by Western countries as one can see in the pictures. In addition, another healthy dose of supplies have come from Western countries, as is evidence by the English writing on the labels. The supplies originated from German healthcare company, Fresenius, a corporation that does a great deal of business in the United States. However, supplies are provided to the White Helmets by the United States, Britain, EU, Qatar, Japan, and Norway, not necessarily by specific corporations.

So while England’s Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, readies for war against the Syrian government, one question he should be answering is why English ambulances and English medical supplies continually end up sitting in al-Qaeda compounds in Syria?

Vanessa Beeley’s pictures, posted below, show the Western ambulances belonging to the White Helmets and their proximity to the Nusra/al-Qaeda compound.

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