2017.2.17 Trump's full speach 
注意国土安全保障省の職員に配布されたとしても承認のために国土安全保障幹部には持ち込みしていない。11ページに及ぶ草案は承認されていないし国家警備隊を利用して違法移民を集めるための努力は一切行われていない。その段階でスパイサー氏違います。 100% 嘘ですと言うのは当然であって、報道機関が言う無責任には当たらないのでは?
これって 内紛を想定してるのでしょうか?
Air Force One

Department of Homeland Security says National Guard plan 'not seriously considered'


Staff members at the Department of Homeland Security told the Associated Press the proposal had been discussed as recently as Friday.


But a DHS official described the memo document as a very early draft that was not seriously considered, and was never brought to the Homeland Security Secretary for approval.


Trump about to arrive at Boeing in South Carolina 

Boeing employees
Boeing employees CREDIT: AP ボーイング社員の信頼:AP

Mr trump is about to arrive on Air Force One at a Boeing plant in South Carolina.

He's there for the unveiling of the new Dreamliner aircraft.

Boeing employs 7,500 people in south Carolina 


Political cartoonists relishing the Trump presidency


It has been a tumultuous first four weeks under the presidency of Donald Trump.

Political cartoonists have been capturing it all and their work has proliferated on social media.


Mark Molloy has been taking a look at some of the most-shared funnies.

See 14 of the best cartoons here

State governors 'unaware' of National Guard plan


Spokesmen for the governors of Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Oregon and New Mexico all said they were unaware of the proposal, and either declined to comment or said it was premature to discuss whether they would participate.

The other three states did not immediately respond.


Sean Spicer denies plan to mobilise National Guard


Sean Spicer, speaking on board Marine One, said: "That is 100 per cent not true. It is false. It is irresponsible to be saying this.


"There is no effort at all to round up, to utilise the National Guard to round up illegal immigrants.

"I wish you guys had asked before you tweeted."

「ツイート前に 聞いてくれるのを、皆さんに願っています。

Spicer couldn’t categorically state that it was never a subject of discussion somewhere in the administration.


He said: "I don’t know what could potentially be out there, but I know that there is no effort to do what is potentially suggested It is not a White House document."
彼は言った: "私は潜在的に可能なのかは分からないが、潜在的に示されている努力は何もないので、それはホワイトハウスの文書ではありません。

Sean Spicer @PressSec

This is not true. DHS also confirms it is 100% false 

本当じゃない。 DHSはまた、それが100%偽であることを確認する

https://twitter.com/ap/status/832611420999184384 …

Not true. 100% false

違います。 100% 嘘です

 https://twitter.com/tamarakeithnpr/status/832611654215012353 …

More than 5.5 million illegal immigrants live in the 11 affected states


If implemented, the impact could be significant. Nearly one-half of the 11.1 million people residing in the US without authorisation live in the 11 states, according to Pew Research Center.

もし、実行された場合、その影響は重要である可能性があります。 ピューリサーチセンターによると、米国に居住している1110万人のうち約半数が11州に住んでいると言われています。

Use of National Guard troops would greatly increase the number of immigrants targeted in one of Mr Trump's executive orders last month, which expanded the definition of who could be considered a criminal and therefore a potential target for deportation.


That order also allows immigration agents to prioritise removing anyone who has "committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offence".


Draft memo is guidance for implementing Mr Trump's executive order


While National Guard personnel have been used to assist with immigration-related missions on the US-Mexico border before, they have never been used as broadly or as far north.


The memo is addressed to the then-acting heads of US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and US Customs and Border Protection.

It would serve as guidance to implement the wide-ranging executive order on immigration and border security that President Donald Trump signed Jan. 25.

Also dated Jan 25 the draft memo says participating troops would be authorised "to perform the functions of an immigration officer in relation to the investigation, apprehension and detention of aliens in the United States."


It describes how the troops would be activated under a revived state-federal partnership programme, and states that personnel would be authorized to conduct searches and identify and arrest any unauthorized immigrants.


The draft document has circulated among Department of Homeland Security staff over the last two weeks.


Draft memo says '100,000' National Guard could be used to round up illegal immigrants



The Trump administration is considering a proposal to mobilise as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants, including millions living nowhere near the Mexico border, according to a draft memo obtained by The Associated Press.


The 11-page document calls for the unprecedented militarisation of immigration enforcement as far north as Portland, Oregon, and as far east as New Orleans, Louisiana.

Four states that border on Mexico are included in the proposal - California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas - but it also encompasses seven states contiguous to those four - Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana.


Governors in the 11 states would have a choice whether to have their guard troops participate, according to the memo, written by U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general.


Kremlin spokesman: 'We never wore rose-tinted glasses'


Nadia Beard reports:ナディア・ビアード報告

The Kremlin has said that it is too soon to determine the course Russia-US relations will chart, but that Moscow is not disappointed with recent statements from the Trump team because “we never wore rose-tinted glasses, never had any illusions”, Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said to journalists today. 


The statement adds to mounting evidence that the Kremlin is quickly losing its initial faith in Trump’s administration to usher in a period of detente between the two nations. Since his election in November last year, Russian state media has featured relentless coverage of Trump, whose mentions on the news was reported last month to have even eclipsed that of Vladimir Putin. 


But on Thursday, news surfaced that the editorial team at Russia’s largest state-owned television media company, VGTRK, had been ordered by management, who are widely understood to abide by Kremlin instructions, to halt all coverage of Trump.

It was a move that appears to respond to Moscow’s frustration with the White House’s hardening line on Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine and its annexation of Crimea in the days before.


Rush Limbaugh praises 'most effective' Trump press conference  


Rush Limbaugh, the king of US conservative talk radio, called Mr Trump's performance "one of the most effective press conferences I have ever seen".


He added: "The press is going to hate him even more after this. Don’t misunderstand, when I say effective, I’m talking about rallying people who voted for him to stay with him."


President Trump heads to South Carolina 


Later today Mr Trump will focus on American manufacturing as he heads to a Boeing facility in South Carolina for the unveiling of its new Dreamliner aircraft.

Boeing employs more than 7,500 people in South Carolina.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Going to Charleston, South Carolina, in order to spend time with Boeing and talk jobs! Look forward to it.

ボーイング社と話をする仕事のためにサウスカロライナ州チャールストンに行くよ! 楽しみにしてる。


Reince Priebus says Mr Trump did "fantastic job"


Mr Trump's chief of staff Reince Priebus praised his handling of the press conference.

Mr Priebus told Fox News that Mr Trump is a great "salesman" and that "there's no person better to speak for President Trump than President Trump."



He said it "was an effective way to sum up what his message was yesterday and he did a fantastic job".

Mr Preibus called recent media reports about the Trump administration "totally fake" or "grossly overstated."

Vicente Fox criticises press conference


Vicente Fox, the former Mexican president, was not impressed by Mr Trump's press conference.


Mr Fox told CNN: "He sounded so sad, so depressed, that he's not even convinced himself.

"I think he went back to his old job, to be a showman. That's his aspiration.


"Number one we are not paying the wall. He's cheating Congress and the American people because they will have to pay $25 billion for a thing that is not going to work."


Kellogg 'still in play' for NSA role


 General Keith Kellogg, who has been acting in the role since Michael Flynn stepped down, is still "in play" to be Donald Trump's national security advisor, Trump tweeted this morning. 

キース・ケロッグ長官は、マイケル・フリン氏が辞任して以来、ドナルド・トランプの国家安全保障顧問として役割を演じてきた。 トランプ氏は今朝ツイートした。

Three others are apparently also in the running, after first pick Robert Harward declined the role on Thursday. One of them is likely to be former CIA director David Petraeus, who was among the first three men in the running. The other two candidates are yet to be revealed

ロバート・ハーワード氏が木曜日にその役割を断った後、3人は明らかに運営に参加している。 そのうちの1人は、実行中の最初の3人の男性であった元CIAディレクター、デビッド・ペトレウス(David Petraeus)氏である可能性が高い。 他の2人の候補者はまだ明らかにされていない

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

General Keith Kellogg, who I have known for a long time, is very much in play for NSA - as are three others.

私が長い間知られてきたキース・ケロッグ長官はNSAのために非常によく働いています - 他に3人います。

My press conference was 'the greatest ever' says Trump


Donald Trump has been up and tweeting since about 5.30am in New York, when he declared yesterday's extraordinary press conference "one of the greatest ever', according to Rush 


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Thank you for all of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday. Rush Limbaugh said one of greatest ever. Fake media not happy!

昨日の記者会見での素敵な発言をありがとう。 ラッシュ・リムボー氏は、今までにない最高のものの1つと言った。 偽のメディアは幸せではありません!


'Wildest show on earth' - how the papers reacted

1:15 pm
♦「地球上のワイルド・ショー」 - 論文がどのように反応したか

Donald Trump launched an extraordinary attack on the news media on Thursday afternoon in a wide-ranging, wild 75-minute press conference.


Shortly before it emerged that Mr Trump's choice for national security adviser had turned him down, he insisted his team was running "like a fine-tuned machine" and lampooned the mainstream media that he said was peddling "fake news".


“I open the paper and I see stories of chaos, chaos,” he said. “It’s the exact opposite. This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, despite not being able to get my cabinet approved.” 
「私は紙面を開き、混乱した、カオスの話を見るのです」と彼は言った。 「それは正反対でしょ。 行政は、私のキャビネットを承認できないにもかかわらず、精密機械のように作動していますよ。

So how did the newspapers report on the press conference? 

Take a look at a round up here.



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