James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

1:15 P.M. EST

James S. Bradyプレスブリーフィングルーム
1:15 P.M. EST(東部基準時)

MR. SPICER:  Good afternoon.  Happy Valentine's Day.  I can sense the love in the room.  (Laughter.) おねがいラブラブハッピーバレンタインデーラブラブ 部屋中に愛を感じますラブラブ (笑い。)

First off, last night, the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Asset Control -- OFAC -- labeled the Venezuelan Vice President as a specially designated narcotics trafficker under the Kingpin Act.  


Before I continue with the briefing and look forward to your questions, I want to turn it over for a short time to newly minted Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, to issue a brief statement on this and deliver a few questions.

SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  Pleasure to be here on my first busy day in office. 


 Yesterday, the Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Asset Control, known as OFAC, designated Venezuelan national Tareck El Aissami as a specially designated narcotics trafficker pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act for playing a significant role in international narcotics trafficking. 


 El Aissami's primary frontman, Venezuelan national Samark Lopez Bellow was also designated.


These designations follow a multi-year investigation into El Aissami's criminal activities.  And President Trump appreciates the hard work put into this case by the Department of Treasury, the Department of State, as well as the National Security Council and many people throughout law enforcement.

これらの指定は、エル・アイサミの犯罪行為を何年も調査したものです。 そしてトランプ大統領は、財務省、国務省、国家安全保障理事会、法執行機関の多くの人々によって、この捜査に尽力された勤勉さを高く評価しています。

Following the signing of the executive order last week designing to break the back of criminal drug cartels, this action demonstrates the President's seriousness about fighting the scourge of drugs in the United States.  In addition, he wants to send a clear message to the people of Venezuela that America stands with them.  

先週、刑事麻薬カルテルの背景を壊すように構築した執行命令に署名したこの行動は、米国における麻薬撲滅のための大統領の真剣さを実証しております。 さらに、ベネズエラの人々がアメリカと一緒の立場に立っていることを明確に伝えたいと考えています。

And with that, I'm happy to take two or three questions specifically about this.


Q    Secretary Mnuchin, since sanctions are directly relevant, obviously, to the Treasury Department, which is an agency that you now oversee, can you talk a little bit about plans to sanction Russia and if you'll keep Obama-era sanctions against Russia?


SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  Our current sanctions programs are in place, and I would say sanctions are an important tool that we will continue to look at for various different countries.  But it's a very important program within the Treasury Department.

現在の制裁プログラムが整っており、制裁は様々な国々で引き続き検討する重要な事項だと言えます。 財務省の非常に重要なプログラムです。


Q    And for Russia specifically?


SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  The existing policies are in place.


Q    Mr. Secretary, are you contemplating any additional sanctions against Iran?  And can you tell us what you think the bottom line will be at these particular sanctions you announced yesterday and are referring to today with the Venezuelan Vice President?  What's it going to mean?

長官、イランに対する追加の制裁を検討していますか? そして、あなたが昨日発表したこれらの特別制裁で、ベネズエラ副大統領と今日対談されたなかで、最終的にはどうなると思いますか? それはどういう意味がありますか?

SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  Well, first, let me just comment -- again, this is as a result of a very long effort -- まず最初に、コメントします。- 再び、これは非常に長い努力の結果です - 

Q    Did you (inaudible) the implication, by the way?


SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  Yes, this was underway.  This was a very long effort.  But the implication is quite significant.  We expect that there will be frozen tens of millions of dollars and, again, that sanctions are a very important way of us sending a message that we will not stand for illicit activities, whether they're drug trafficking or terrorism. 
はい、進めています。 これは非常に長い努力でした。 しかし、その意味合いは非常に重要です。 何千万ドルもの凍結があり、麻薬取引やテロであろうとも、制裁は私たちが不法行為に許さないメッセージを送る非常に重要な方法です。

Q    On Iran, sir?


Secretary, including sanctions, what other tools are you looking at?


SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  I can't comment on all the tools, but, again, let me just reinforce that sanctions are a very important tool within the department and we will use them as appropriate. 

Q    What about freezing assets?


SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  In this case, we did freeze assets -- again, as I mentioned, tens of millions of dollars of assets.  And that will have a very big impact on this.

So I'll take one more question please.  Yes, in the back.
このケースでは、資産を凍結しました - 私が言及したように、数千万ドルの資産もまた凍結しました。 それはこれに非常に大きな影響を与えます。
もう一度質問してください。 はい、背中に。

Q    During the campaign, the President had made comments about Janet Yellen and whether -- basically inferring that she was being too political and that she should be ashamed of herself.  Do the folks at the Treasury Department and within the administration feel confident with Mrs. Yellen at the helm and to be able to set monetary policy going forward?

キャンペーン中、大統領はジャネット・イエレン氏について、基本的に彼女があまりにも政治的であると推測し、自分自身を恥じるべきかどうかについてコメントしてました。 財務省と行政府の皆さんは、イエレン夫人と自信を持って、金融政策を進めることができるのでしょうか?

SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  Well, let me just comment.  I'm really here today, again, to talk about the Venezuelan situation. 

そうね、コメントしますね。 私はベネズエラの状況について、話したいと思います。

 But let me just say that there is a tradition of the Secretary of Treasury having ongoing meetings with the head of the Federal Reserve, and I look forward to that now that I'm in office doing that and spending time with her.


Thank you very much, everybody.  It's a pleasure to be here on my first day.  

皆さん、ありがとうございます。 最日にここに集えたのは喜ばしいことです。

MR. SPICER:  All right, let's get back to the fun.  We've been reviewing -- and I want to address the events of last night, first and foremost. 

さて、楽しみに戻ってみましょう。 我々は見直しを行ってきました - そして、私は昨夜の出来事に最優先して取り組んでいきたいと思います。

 We've been reviewing and evaluating this issue with respect to General Flynn on a daily basis for a few weeks, trying to ascertain the truth.  

私たちは、この問題を毎日フリン(General Flynn)に関して数週間審査し評価し、真実を確かめようとしています。

We got to a point not based on a legal issue, but based on a trust issue, where a level of trust between the President and General Flynn had eroded to the point where he felt he had to make a change.


The President was very concerned that General Flynn had misled the Vice President and others.  He was also very concerned in light of sensitive subjects dealt with by that position of national security advisors 

大統領は、フリン将軍が副大統領などを欺いていたことを非常に懸念していました。 彼はまた、国家安全保障諮問委員会のその地位によって扱われる敏感な主題に照らしてとても心配しています。

-- like China, North Korea and the Middle East -- that the President must have complete and unwavering trust for the person in that position.


The evolving and eroding level of trust as a result of this situation and a series of other questionable instances is what led the President to ask for General Flynn’s resignation.  Immediately after the Department of Justice notified the White House Counsel of the situation, the White House Counsel briefed the President and a small group of senior advisors. このような状況や疑わしい一連の事件の結果として、進化して削がれつつある信頼のレベルは、大統領がフリン将軍の辞任を求めるように導いた原因となっています。 法務省がホワイトハウスの弁護人に状況を通知した直後に、ホワイトハウス弁護士は大統領と少数の上級顧問に報告しました。

 The White House Counsel reviewed and determined that there is not a legal issue, but rather a trust issue.


During this process it’s important to note that the President did not have his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who he trusts immensely, approved by the Senate.  When the President heard the information as presented by White House Counsel, he instinctively thought that General Flynn did not do anything wrong, and the White House Counsel’s review corroborated that.

このプロセスの間、大統領には彼が大変信頼している上院議員の承認を受けたジェフ・セッション弁護士がいなかったことに注意することが重要です。 大統領がホワイトハウス弁護士の提示した情報を聞いたとき、彼はフリン将軍が間違って何もしなかったと本能的に考えていたのです。そして、ホワイトハウス弁護士のレビューはそのことを裏付けました。

It is not ordinary* [unordinary] for an incoming National Security Advisor to speak with his counterparts about the issues of concern to them.  In fact, he spoke with over 30 of his counterparts throughout the transition.  

国家安全保障顧問が自分の懸念事項について彼のカウンターパートと話すのは普通ではないのです。 実際、彼は移行中に彼のカウンターパートの30人以上と話しました。

As Charles Krauthammer said last night, it is “perfectly reasonable for him to do so.”  The issue here was that the President got to the point where General Flynn’s relationship -- misleading the Vice President and others, or the possibility that he had forgotten critical details of this important conversation had created a critical mass and an unsustainable situation.

チャールス・クラッシーマー氏が昨夜語ったように、「彼がそうするのは完全に合理的です」と言いました。ここでの問題点は、大統領がフリン将軍が副大統領や他の人を誤解させていた点、または彼が忘れていた可能性 この重要な会話の批判的な詳細は、大勢の批判で持続不可能な状況を作り出しました。

That’s why the President decided to ask for his resignation, and he got it.  The irony of this entire situation is that the President has been incredibly tough on Russia.  

だからこそ大統領は辞表を求めることにし、彼はその決定を受けました。 この全面的な状況の皮肉なことに、大統領はロシアにとって信じられないほど厳しい状況にあります。

He continues to raise the issue of Crimea, which the previous administration had allowed to be seized by Russia. 

 His Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, stood before the U.N. Security Council on her first day and strongly denounced the Russian occupation of Crimea.  As Ambassador Haley said at the time, the “dire situation in Eastern Ukraine is one that demands clear and strong condemnation of Russian actions.”  
国連大使、ニッキー・ヘイリー氏は、初日に国連安全保障理事会に立候補し、クリミアのロシア占領を強く非難しました。 ヘイリー大使が当時述べたように、「ウクライナ東部の悲惨な状況は、ロシアの行動の明確かつ強力な非難を求めるに値する」と述べました。

President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to deescalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea. 


 At the same time, he fully expects to and wants to be able to get along with Russia, unlike previous administrations, so that we can solve many problems together facing the world, such as the threat of ISIS and terrorism.


The President is currently evaluating a group of very strong candidates that will be considered to fill the National Security Advisor position permanently, and is confident in the ability of General Kellogg, a decorated and distinguished veteran of the United States Army, until that person is ultimately chosen.

大統領は現在、 国家安全保障アドバイザーの位置を永久的に占めると考えられる非常に強力な候補者のグループを評価し考慮してます。


Before I get into the President’s schedule for today, a quick recap of the President’s activity over the last few days, since we haven’t had the honor of spending so much time together



The President has been keeping a close eye on the Oroville Dam situation in California.  We’ve worked closely with Doug LaMalfa, who represents California’s First District, where the dam is located, and other state officials to help people who have been impacted.  

大統領は、カリフォルニア州のオロヴィルダムの状況をよく監視しています。 私たちはダムがあるカリフォルニア州のファーストディストリクトを代表するダグ・ラマルファ氏と、被災された人々を支援する他の州関係者と緊密に協力してきました。

The situation is a textbook example of why we need to pursue a major infrastructure package in Congress.  Dams, bridges, roads, and all ports around the county have fallen into disrepair.  In order to prevent the next disaster, we will pursue the President’s vision for an overhaul of our nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

状況は議会に於いて、主要なインフラストラクチャーパッケージを追求する必要があるテキストの例です。 ダム、橋、道路、郡周辺のすべての港は荒廃してしまいました。 次の災害を防ぐために、私たちは、国の崩壊したインフラ整備のための大統領のビジョンを追求します。

We hope everyone remains safe as the evacuations continue, and we’ll be working alongside with FEMA and appropriate government entities to make sure that we are doing everything we can to attend to this matter.  


The President was honored also to welcome the Prime Minister of Japan last week from their first official meeting at the White House to their joint press conference at Mar-a-Lago -- excuse me, their joint press conference and their time together at Mar-a-Lago. 

大統領はまた、先週、ホワイトハウスでの最初の公式会合からMar-a-Lagoでの共同記者会見まで、日本の総理を歓迎してくれたことを光栄に思っています。 a-Lago。

 The President and the Prime Minister had a productive visit that reaffirmed their determination to further strengthen the U.S.-Japan alliance and economic relationship.


At Mar-a-Lago, the President was proud to stand behind Prime Minister Abe on Saturday to convey the United States’ unwavering support for our Japanese allies in the face of North Korea’s most recent missile launch.  


On Sunday, the President met with now-Secretary of Treasury Mnuchin and Mr. Steve Wynn before returning to Washington.


Yesterday, the President had an incredibly productive set of meetings and discussions with Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, focusing on our shared commitment to close cooperation in addressing both the challenges facing our two countries and the problems throughout the world.


  Our countries share a profound economic interest with more than $2 billion in two-way trade flowing across our border every day.  


The President was pleased to launch the Canada-United States Council for the Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders by holding a roundtable discussion here at the White House.  


Together with Prime Minister Trudeau, his daughter Ivanka, the President discussed the unique challenges that women face in the workplace with an incredible group of successful and respected female business executives from both countries. 



 A full list of the participants is available through the pool.

In addition to his in-person meetings with the prime ministers of Japan and Canada, the President also recently had phone calls with the presidents of Tunisia, Peru, Nigeria, Colombia and South Africa.  Readouts are available on all of those calls.

大統領は、日本とカナダの首相との直接の会談に加えて、最近チュニジア、ペルー、ナイジェリア、コロンビア、南アフリカの大統領と電話をかけました。 これらの呼び出しのすべてについて、読み出しが利用可能です。

Finally, following the Prime Minister's visit yesterday, the President met with Chairwoman McDaniel and Co-Chairman Paduchik of the Republican National Committee. 


 In the afternoon, the President participated in a pinning ceremony for Major Ricardo Turner, one of his military aides. 


 The aides to the President are mid-grade officers, one from of each of the services.  

They provide direct support to the President in his role as Commander-in-Chief, and their primary responsibilities are to serve as an emergency action officer, aide-de-camp, and ceremonial aide.  

It's a longstanding tradition that when the President's military aide is promoted to the next higher grade, the President conducts that promotion.  Major Ricardo Turner, the President's military aide, was recently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and the promotion was held in the Oval Office.

大統領の軍事補佐官が次の位に昇進したとき、大統領はその昇進を行うことは長年の伝統です。大統領の軍事補佐官、リカルド・ターナー(Ricardo Turner)大統領補佐官は最近、中佐に昇進し、大統領府で昇進しました。

The President also spoke yesterday with Maureen Scalia on the one-year anniversary of her husband's passing. 

 The President and Mrs. Scalia discussed her late husband's incredible legacy, and how the President is making every effort to carry it on by nominating Judge Gorsuch, who shares the love of the Constitution, to succeed him on the bench.

Last night, the President obviously hosted the swearing-in of Secretary Mnuchin in the Oval Office. 


「Secretary Mnuchin」の画像検索結果

 Secretary Mnuchin is a world-class financier whose decades of experience with financial and monetary matters make him the ideal person to spearhead the President's plan to develop a dynamic, booming economy that works for all Americans.  We're glad to officially have him on board

Now, moving on to the schedule for today


 -- this morning, the President and newly confirmed Secretary of Education DeVos held a parent-teacher conference meeting with parents and educators from public, private, charter, and home schools this morning.  
- 今朝、DeVos大統領と新しく認可された大統領は、今朝、公立、私立、チャーター、ホームスクールの両親や教育者との親と子の会議を開いた。

The President opened the meeting by congratulating Secretary DeVos for her toughness and staying the course throughout her confirmation process.  He then discussed his vision for all Americans to have an opportunity to climb the ladder of success, starting with making quality education available to every child no matter their zip code.

大統領は、DeVos長官に彼女の頑強さを祝福し、確認プロセスを通じてコースを維持することによって会議を開きました。 その後、すべてのアメリカ人が成功の梯子に登る機会を得るというビジョンを議論しました。まず、郵便番号に関係なくすべての子供に高品質の教育を提供することから始まりました。

Under the current system, the President believes too many of our children are trapped in failing schools, especially in the African American community.  The President told the group to begin addressing this problem, which he views as a civil rights issue.  He wants parents to be able to decide what educational options are best for their children. 

現行の制度では、大統領は、子供たちの多くが、特にアフリカ系アメリカ人コミュニティで、失敗した学校に閉じ込められていると考えています。 大統領はこの問題に取り組むようにグループに話しました。彼は市民権問題とみなしています。 彼は両親が子供にとってどのような教育的選択肢が最適かを決めることができるようにしたい。

 The group launched into a wide-ranging discussion that included public and charter schools, home-schooling, dropout prevention, and the BASIS Schools Program, states' responsibilities, and the current state of the U.S. Department of Education.

The President's ultimate goal is to create safe communities, great schools, and well-paying jobs.  He believes that each of these goals is linked to the others, and the Trump administration is taking concrete steps to achieve them all.

大統領の究極の目標は、安全なコミュニティ、素晴らしい学校、賃金の高い職場をつくることです。 彼は、これらの目標のそれぞれが他のものと結びついていると信じており、トランプ行政はそれらをすべて達成するための具体的な措置を取るようになっています。

The President also spoke on the phone earlier today with Prime Minister May of the United Kingdom, continuing the productive conversation they started during her visit earlier this year.  A readout on that call should be coming soon.  

大統領はまた、英国の首相5月と本日電話で話し、今年初めに訪れた生産的な会話を続けた。 そのコールの読みはすぐに来るはずです。

The President then had lunch with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and his wife regarding combatting drug use.


At 2:00, the President will sign House Joint Resolution 41 in the Oval Office.  The resolution is a start of rolling back harmful Obama-era regulations, which have cost the American business consumers a staggering $890 billion, making our companies less competitive and even driving some of them out of business.  

2:00に、大統領は、執行委員会の執行会議41に署名する予定です。 この決議は、米国企業の消費者に8,900億ドルという驚異的な費用をかけて、当社の競争力を低下させ、一部の企業を撤退させてしまう有害なオバマ時代の規制を巻き戻し始めるものです。

The American free enterprise system is the greatest engine for economic prosperity in the world, but for too many, to reach its maximum potential, we must remove the barriers to productivity that are holding back our great workers and businesses.  


Misguided federal regulations, such as the SEC rule addressed by HJR 41, inflict real cost on the American people and put our businesses, especially small businesses, at a significant disadvantage. 

HJR 41で取り上げられたSEC規則などの誤った連邦規制は、アメリカ人に実質的なコストを課し、ビジネス、特に中小企業に大きな欠点をもたらします。

 It's a priority for the Trump administration to fix our broken regulatory system so that it enhances American productivity and wellbeing without imposing unnecessary costs and burdens.  Signing this joint resolution is one more step towards achieving this goal. 

トランプ政権が崩壊した規制制度を修正し、不必要なコストや負担をかけずにアメリカの生産性と福利を向上させることが優先事項です。 この共同決議に署名することは、この目標を達成するためのもう一つのステップです。

Later this evening, the President will meet with Secretary Kelly and Attorney General Sessions to continue discussions on potential options for addressing the very clear national security threats we're facing in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling.


Tomorrow, the President is pleased to be welcoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House.  

They will discuss ways to advance and strengthen the special relationship between our two countries and stability in the Middle East.  They will consult on a range of issues -- regional issues -- including addressing the threats posed by Iran and its proxies, the crisis in Syria, and countering ISIS and other terrorist groups.  

両国間の特別な関係と中東における安定を進め、強化する方法について話し合う。 彼らは、イランとその代理機関が提起した脅威、シリアの危機、ISISや他のテロ組織に対処することを含む、地域の問題であるさまざまな問題について協議する。

As the President has made clear, his administration will work to achieve comprehensive agreement that would end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace and security.  


The way forward toward that goal will also be discussed between the President and the Prime Minister.  They will hold a joint press conference tomorrow, as well, and further guidance will be coming on the time and location. 

その目標を達成するための道筋についても大統領と首相の間で議論される。 明日の共同記者会見も予定されており、時間と場所に関するさらなる指導が行われる予定です。

Looking ahead to Friday, the President will travel to Charleston, South Carolina, to attend the rollout of the first Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner.  


This visit will give the President an opportunity to celebrate a huge milestone for thousands of workers at Boeing, America’s number-one exporter and the millions of American workers involved in aerospace.  


This trip has been months in the making, and we’re thrilled to celebrate the rollout of this amazing plane.


With that, I’d be glad to take some of your questions.  




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