Trump to Israeli paper: Settlements are ‘not a good thing for peace’Speaking ahead of Netanyahu meeting, president says he respects Israel, doesn’t want to condemn it, seeks a broad Mideast agreement, is mulling over embassy move
イスラエル紙にトランプ氏和解は '平和のために良いことではない'ネンニヤフ氏の会合に先立ち、大統領はイスラエルを尊重し、それを非難したくない、広大な中東協定を求め、大使館移転を検討している
US President Donald Trump chats with reporters on board Air Force One before departing from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, bound for Palm Beach, Florida, on February 3, 2017. (AFP/Mandel Ngan)

 President Donald Trump does not believe settlements help the peace process and does not consider settlements “a good thing for peace,” he told an Israeli newspaper Friday, in his most direct comments on the matter since his inauguration.


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In an interview with the Israel Hayom newspaper — his first with the Israeli media since being sworn in as president on January 20 — Trump sounded extremely warmly disposed toward Israel,
1月20日に大統領に就任して以来、イスラエルのメディアとのインタビューでイスラエル・ヘイム紙とのインタビューで、トランプ氏はイスラエルに対して非常に暖かく訴えかけたが、和解企業にとっては明らかに批判的だった。 彼の発言は当初はヘブライ語で出版されたが、後に英語版が掲載された。


Settlements, Trump said, “don’t help the process.” He added: “Every time you take land for settlements, there is less land left. But we are looking at that, and we are looking at some other options we’ll see. But no, I am not somebody that believes that going forward with these settlements is a good thing for peace.”

トランプ氏は「和解では平和は得られない。」と付け加えた。「いつも、和解で領土を取ってるが、非道を見ており、展望としていくつかの選択肢が考えられます。。 しかし、ダメですよ。私はこれらの和解が進むことが平和にとって良いことだと信じられません。」

This was not the first time that the Trump administration has expressed reservations over Israel’s settlement construction, but it was the first time the president had personally commented on the issue, and his remarks were more critical than those of his spokesman.


Last week, the White House issued a mild rebuke over a spate of approvals for new settlement homes, warning that expansion in areas Palestinians want for their own state “may not be helpful” to peace efforts. 


“While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful,” press secretary Sean Spicer said on February 3.


Workmen operate heavy machinery at a construction site in the West Bank settlement of Ariel on Jan. 25, 2017. (AP/Ariel Schalit, File)

Workmen operate heavy machinery at a construction site in the West Bank settlement of Ariel on Jan. 25, 2017. (AP/Ariel Schalit, File)

労働者は、2017年1月25日にアリエルの西岸和解の建設現場で重機を操作する。(AP / Ariel Schalit、File)


In Friday’s interview, 

In Friday’s interview, Trump said he was anticipating stronger ties between Israel and the US as well as a strong personal connection with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and expressed his hopes for a regional peace deal, something that eluded his predecessors.


“I think we are going to have a better relationship [with Israel],” he said.

In the interview, conducted ahead of Netanyahu’s February 15 visit to Washington, Trump said he looked forward to the White House meeting the prime minister. “We’ve always had good chemistry, and he is a good man,” said Trump of Netanyahu. 

ネンニヤフ首相の2月15日のワシントン訪問の前に行われたインタビューで、トランプ氏は首相と会談するホワイトハウスを楽しみにしていると述べた。 「ネンニヤフ首相とトランプは相性が良く、彼はいい人」です。

“He wants to do the right thing for Israel. He would like peace; I believe that he wants peace and wants to have it badly. I have always liked him.”

彼はイスラエルにとって正しい事をしたいし 、平和を望んでいる。 私も彼が平和を望んでおり、ひどくそれを望んでいると信じています。 私はいつも彼を好きですよ。

His administration, Trump promised, would not be hostile to Israel. “I don’t want to condemn Israel. Israel has had a long history of condemnation and difficulty… 

彼の政権は、トランプ氏が約束したように、イスラエルに敵対的ではないだろう。 "私はイスラエルを非難したくない。 イスラエルは長い間、非難と難しさの歴史を持っています...

I understand Israel very well, and I respect Israel a lot, and they have been through a lot


. I would like to see peace and beyond that. And I think that peace for Israel would be a good thing for the Israeli people, not just a good thing, a great thing.”

私は平和と未来を見たいと思います。 そして、イスラエルの平和はイスラエル国民のために良いものになると思う。良いことではなく、素晴らしいことだ」

Regarding the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, the president said his vision was for a peace deal for the entire Middle East, not one limited solely to the two sides. To that end, he said, he wanted both parties to behave in a reasonable manner.

イスラエルとパレスチナの紛争に関して、大統領は、両国だけに限らず、中東全体の平和協定のための展望であると述べた。 その目的のために、彼は両当事者が合理的なやり方で行動することを望んだと述べた。

“Well, I want Israel to be reasonable with respect to peace. I want to see peace happen. It should happen. After all these years,” he said. “Maybe there is even a chance for a bigger peace than just Israel and the Palestinians. I would like to see a level of reasonableness of both parties, and I think we have a good chance of doing that.”

"まあ、私はイスラエルが平和に関して妥当であることを望んでいる。 私は平和が起こるのを見たい。 それは起こるはずです。 これらすべての年の後、 "彼は言った。 「イスラエルとパレスチナ人よりも大きな平和のチャンスがあるかもしれない。 私は両当事者のレベルが合理的であることを見たいと思っており、私たちはそれを行うチャンスがあると思います」

Pressed on his campaign pledge to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Trump said, “I am thinking about the embassy, I am studying the embassy [issue], and we will see what happens. The embassy is not an easy decision. It has obviously been out there for many, many years, and nobody has wanted to make that decision. I’m thinking about it very seriously, and we will see what happens.”

大使館をテルアビブからエルサレムに移転するというキャンペーン宣誓を踏まえ、トランプ氏は「大使館について考えているところです。何が起きてるのか、大使館を勉強しています。 簡単な決定はできません。 明らかに、何年も何年も前から大使館問題は浮上していましたが、誰もその決定をしたくはありませんでした。 私はそれについて非常に真剣に考えており、何が起こるかを見ていきます」

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump meeting at Trump Tower in New York, September 25, 2016. (Kobi Gideon/GPO)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump meeting at Trump Tower in New York, September 25, 2016. (Kobi Gideon/GPO)

2016年9月25日、ニューヨークのトランプタワーでのベンジャミン・ネンニヤフ首相とドナルドトランプ大統領の会議。(コビーギデオン/ GPO)

Trump said that although many people think a peace deal is impossible, including many clever people around him, he believes an peace agreement is both possible and necessary. The Palestinians, he said, would have to make concessions in any peace deal. 
トランプ氏によると、多くの人々は、彼の周りの賢い人々を含め、平和協定は不可能だと考えているが、平和協定が可能であり、必要であると彼は考えている。 パレスチナ人は、いかなる平和協定においても譲歩をしなければならない、と彼は言った。

“Yeah. They do. Absolutely,” he said. “It has to be good for everybody. No deal is good if it is not good for everybody, and we are in that process, and we will see what happens… So many people think it cannot be made. 

「うん。 彼らはそうする。 絶対に」と彼は言った。 「皆にとって良いことだ。 それは誰にも良いことではない、そして我々はその過程にあり、何が起こるかを見るだろう。多くの人々はそれができないと考えている。」

I have very smart people that … say a deal can’t be made. I disagree with them. I think a deal should be made, and it can be made.”
「私は非常にスマートな人がいる...取引はできないと言っている。 私は彼らに同意しない。 私は契約を結ぶべきだと思うし、それを作ることができると思う」

The president also reiterated his criticism of the Iran nuclear agreement negotiated by Barack Obama, with whom Netanyahu had a notoriously frosty relationship.


As a businessman, Trump said, he knows the difference between a good deal and a bad deal, but the nuclear accord was beyond his comprehension.


“The deal with Iran was a disaster for Israel. Inconceivable that it was made. It was poorly negotiated and executed,” Trump said. 

イランとの契約はイスラエルのための災害だった。 思いもよらずに、うまく交渉され、してやられた。」とトランプ氏は語った。

“You know, as a deal person, I understand all sides of deals. I understand good deals and bad deals, but this deal is not even comprehensible. Beyond comprehension. 

「あなたが知っているのは、取引相手として、私は取引のあらゆる面を理解しています。 私は良い取引と悪い取引を理解していますが、この取引は分かりません。 理解を超えてます。」

And you see the way Iran has reacted; unlike reacting as they should, which is being thankful for President Obama for making such a deal, which was so much to their advantage. 



They felt emboldened even before he left office. It is too bad a deal like that was made.”

Israel Hayom is owned by Sheldon Adelson, an American Jewish businessman with strong ties to Netanyahu and the Republican Party. On Thursday, Adelson and his Israeli-born wife Miriam were guests of the president for dinner at the White House.

イスラエル・ヘイムは、ネンニヤフ氏と共和党との強い結びつきを持つアメリカのユダヤ人のビジネスマンシェルドン・アデルソン氏が所有しています。 木曜日、アデルソン氏と彼のイスラエル生まれの妻ミリアムはホワイトハウスで夕食のために大統領のゲストだった。

Sheldon Adelson is seated prior to the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump at the US Capitol in Washington, DC on January 20, 2017. (AFP PHOTO/Paul J. Richards)

Sheldon Adelson is seated prior to the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump at the US Capitol in Washington, DC on January 20, 2017. (AFP/Paul J. Richards)

シェルドン・アデルソン(Sheldon Adelson)は、2017年1月20日にワシントンDCの米国議会でドナルド・トランプ大統領の就任に先立って座っている(AFP / Paul J. Richards)

Adelson did not commit to a presidential candidate until May 2016, when he endorsed Trump at a time when it was clear the businessman would be the Republican nominee.


Adelson subsequently donated millions to Trump’s election campaign and to his inauguration; the Adelsons were on the dais for Trump’s inaugural oath-taking, a rare honor for campaign funders.

その後アデルソン氏トランプ氏の選挙運動と彼の就任式に何百万ドルも寄付した。 アデルソン氏には、トランプの最初の宣誓の日はキャンペーンの資金提供者のための貴重な名誉になった。









































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