Trump signs orders reviving pipeline projects, TransCanada says it will reapply for Keystone ^---Googl翻訳--

President Trump signed executive orders on Tuesday effectively reviving the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, as a major builder said it will reapply to build one of the projects which had been stalled by the Obama administration under pressure from environmental and other groups. 

大手のビルダーが、環境や他のグループからの圧力を受けてオバマ政権によって停滞していたプロジェクトの1つを再構築すると述べたことから、議論の的となっているKeystone XLDakota Accessのパイプラインを効果的に復活させる書類に トランプ大統領はサインした。

The president said the projects would be subject to a “renegotiation of the terms.” But he made clear the government was resuming consideration for both pipelines, describing them as a potential boon to construction workers.


“We’re going to put a lot of … steel workers back to work,” Trump said. “We’ll build our own pipelines, we will build our own pipes.”

Builder TransCanada said Tuesday afternoon it was "preparing the application" for the Keystone XL pipeline.

トランプ氏は、「鉄鋼労働者の多くが仕事に戻ってくるだろう」と述べた。 「独自のパイプラインを建設し、独自のパイプを建設する
TransCanadaのビルダーは、火曜日の午後、Keystone XLパイプラインのための「アプリケーションの準備」を行ったと語った。

"We appreciate the President of the United States inviting us to re-apply for KXL," TransCanada spokesman Terry Cunha said in a statement.


"KXL creates thousands of well-paying construction jobs and would generate tens of millions of dollars in annual property taxes to counties along the route as well as more than $3 billion to the U.S. GDP," Cunha added. 


According to White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, Trump directed agencies to approve it without delay -- and told agencies to expedite reviews and approvals for the remaining parts of the Dakota project.


“There’s an energy revolution that’s going to happen in this country,” he said.


The president also signed three other orders related to pipeline construction, including one expediting the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects and one directing the Commerce Department to maximize the use of U.S. steel.

Looking ahead, Trump also announced he planned to nominate a justice for the Supreme Court next week, moving swiftly to try to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. The president was summoning top senators to the White House later Tuesday to discuss his upcoming nomination.

トランプ氏はまた、次週、最高裁判所の司法長官を指名する予定で、アントニン・スカリア司法長官の死去で空席になった席を埋めるよう迅速に動き出すと発表した。 大統領は、来るべき指名を議論するために、火曜日後半にホワイトハウスへの上院議員を召喚していた。


The moves on the pipelines had been widely expected, as Trump last year blasted his predecessor for effectively blocking the projects.

Republican allies hailed Tuesday’s orders, with House Speaker Paul Ryan saying in a statement, “It’s about time.”

共和党の同盟国は、火曜日の命令を歓迎し、下院議長のポール・ライアン(Paul Ryan)は声明で「これは時間だ」と述べた。


North Dakota Rep. Kevin Cramer said: “Today’s executive orders affirm President Trump’s respect for the rule of law and his support for responsible infrastructure development, energy production and job creation.”


Former President Obama stopped the proposed Keystone XL pipeline in late 2015, declaring it would have undercut U.S. efforts to clinch a global climate change deal that was a centerpiece of his environmental legacy. 

元オバマ大統領は、2015年後半に提案されたKeystone XLパイプラインを停止し、彼の環境的遺産の中心であった地球規模の気候変動対策を狙うための米国の努力を弱めるだろうと宣言した。

The pipeline would run from Canada to Nebraska where it would connect to existing lines running to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. The U.S. government needs to approve the pipeline because it would cross the nation's northern border.

このパイプラインは、カナダからネブラスカ州にかけて、湾岸沿いの米国の製油所に運ばれている既存のラインに接続します。 米国政府は、国境を越えてパイプラインを承認する必要があります。

Separately, late last year, the Army Corps of Engineers declined to allow construction of the Dakota Access pipeline under Lake Oahe, saying alternative routes needed to be considered. The Standing Rock Sioux tribe and its supporters say the project threatens drinking water and Native American sites, though Energy Transfer Partners, the company that wants to build the pipeline, disputes that and says the pipeline will be safe.

これとは別に、昨年末、エンジニア陸軍隊は、代替ルートを検討する必要があると言って、オアヘ湖のダコタアクセスパイプライン建設を拒否した。 Standing Rock Sioux部族とその支持者は、このプロジェクトが飲料水やネイティブアメリカンの敷地を脅かしていると言いますが、パイプラインを建設したいと考えているEnergy Transfer Partnersは、パイプラインを安全にすると論じています。

The pipeline is to carry North Dakota oil through South Dakota and Iowa to a shipping point in Illinois. The project had been the subject of fierce protests until the Army Corps of Engineers stepped in.

このパイプラインは、ノースダコタ州のオイルをサウスダコタとアイオワ州を通ってイリノイ州の出荷地点に運ぶことです。 このプロジェクトは、陸軍隊員が踏み込むまで、激しい抗議の対象となっていた。

The moves are likely to spark a new fight with environmentalists. Even before Trump’s orders were official, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune put out a statement blasting what he called the “dangerous” decision.  

この動きは環境保護主義者との新たな戦いを引き起こす可能性が高い。 トランプ氏の命令が公式になる前でさえ、シエラクラブのエグゼクティブディレクター、マイケル・ブルンは、彼が「危険な」決定と呼んだ声明を出した。

“The Keystone pipeline was rejected because it was not in the country’s interest, and the environmental review of the Dakota Access Pipeline was ordered because of the threats it poses to the Standing Rock Sioux. Nothing has changed. These pipelines were a bad idea then and they’re a bad idea now,” he said.

「キーストーンのパイプラインは、国の利益にならなかったために拒否され、ダコタアクセスパイプラインの環境審査は、スタンディングロックスーに脅かされたために命じられた。 何も変わっていません。 これらのパイプラインは悪い考えで、今は悪い考えです」と彼は言った。

The moves come as Trump makes the economy and jobs the centerpiece of his administration’s first week in office.


He met Tuesday morning with representatives from the auto industry including GM and Ford, after meeting a day earlier, separately, with business and union leaders.


The pipelines were among the few issues that put the Obama administration at odds with labor unions, some of whom have voiced hope the Trump administration can work with them to promote job creation. Trump said Tuesday during his meeting with auto industry bosses that he considers himself an environmentalist, but called current regulations "out of control."

パイプラインは、オバマ政権と労働組合との不安定化を招く数少ない問題の一つであり、そのうちのいくつかは、トランプ政権が雇用創出を促進するために彼らと協力することができるという希望を表明している。 トランプ氏は、自動車業界のボスとの会談で、環境保護主義者だと考えているが、現在の規制を「制御不能」と呼んだ。

The pipeline orders follow earlier executive actions covering everything from trade to ObamaCare.


Trump on Monday signed measures withdrawing the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, and instituting a hiring freeze for most of the federal government. He also ordered federal agencies on his first day in office to ease the regulatory burden of the Affordable Care Act.

トランプは、米国と豪州との貿易交渉を撤回し、大部分の連邦政府の雇用凍結を開始する措置に署名した。 彼はまた、安価なケア法の規制上の負担を和らげるために、連邦当局を就任1日目に命じた。


Fox News’ John Roberts and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

Fox News 'John RobertsとAssociated Pressがこの報告に貢献しました。

Andrew Williams Jr ^---Googl翻訳ーー

A faulty pipeline has leaked 176,000 gallons of crude oil into a creek and the surrounding countryside 2.5 hours away from the Standing Rock protests in North Dakota.

間違ったパイプラインにより、ノースダコタ州のStanding Rockの抗議から2.5時間ほど離れた川と周辺の田舎に原油176,000ガロンが漏れた。

The spill, which went undetected by the pipeline owners until a local stumbled on it, has spread almost 7 km (5.4 miles) from the site of the leak, and at this stage, it’s not clear what caused the pipe to rupture, or how long it’s been leaking.

パイプラインの所有者が地面に遭遇するまで検出されなかった流出物は、漏水現場から約7km(5.4マイル)広がっており、この段階でパイプが破裂する原因は何か、 長くそれは漏れています。

According to CNN, an estimated 4,200 barrels of crude oil leaked from the Belle Fourche Pipeline in Billings County, 150 miles (241 km) from Cannon Ball in North Dakota, where protesters have been fighting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.


For months, opponents of the Dakota Access Pipeline have been expressing fears that it would affect local drinking water, because it was to be built under the Missouri River near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation - the primary water source of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.



Last week, the US Department of the Army announced that it would not approve the crossing of the pipeline under the Missouri River.


The massive nearby spill - which was discovered on the same day that the Dakota Access Pipeline construction permit was denied - might have just proved the protesters' point.


As Derek Hawkins reports for The Washington Post, the Belle Fourche Pipeline Co., which owns the leaky pipeline in Billings Country, estimates that 130,200 gallons of oil spilled into the Little Missouri River last week, and another 46,200 gallons leaked onto a hillside.

ビリングス・カントリーのパイプラインを所有しているBelle Fourche Pipeline社は、先週リトル・ミズリー川に流入したオイル量は130,200ガロンで、山腹には46,200ガロンが流出したと推定しています。

The North Dakota Department of Health confirmed that the spill had taken place on December 5, and then again yesterday.


"Due to potentially unstable soil conditions at the point of release, the cause of the incident is not yet known," the Department of Health announced.

"The section of pipeline where the leak occurred has been isolated, and the spill has been contained."


North Dakota Department of Health


According to Bill Suess, an environmental scientist with the North Dakota Department of Health, 37,000 gallons of oil had been recovered as of Monday, but there’s still a whole lot more to go.

ノースダコタ保健省の環境科学者であるBill Suess氏によると、月曜日現在、37,000ガロンの石油が回収されていますが、今後もさらに多くのものがあります。

"It’s going to take some time," Suess told the Associated Press. "Obviously there will be some component of the cleanup that will go toward spring."

And while local drinking water will not be affected, at least two cows have been confirmed dead in the area, but a definitive connection between their deaths and the oil spill has not been made.

SuessはAP通信に「時間がかかるだろう」と語った。 "明らかに、春に向かうクリーンアップの一部があるだろう。

It’s also not clear how the pipeline ruptured in the first place, but Belle Fourche Pipeline spokesperson, Wendy Owen, told the Associated Press that it might have occurred when the hillside slumped due to increased snowfall.


"That is our number one theory, but nothing is definitive," she said. "We have several working theories and the investigation is ongoing."

「それが私たちのナンバーワン理論だが、決定的なものはない」と彼女は語った。 「我々にはいくつかの実務理論があり、調査は進行中です。


Perhaps even more concerning than a freak accident splitting the pipe is the fact that electronic monitoring equipment failed to detect the leak - something that would have prevented the pipe from spilling so much oil out into the countryside.


While there's no guarantee that a leak like this would happen at the Dakota Access Pipeline, this kind of thing is not exactly rare in the area.


As Hawkins reports for The Washington Post, True Companies, which owns Belle Fourche Pipeline Co, has a history of oil leaks in the region, reporting more than 30 spills totalling 320,000 gallons of oil since 2006.


ホーキンスがワシントンポストについて報告したように、Belle Fourche Pipeline Coを​​所有するTrue Companyは、2006年以来合計30万回の油漏れを報告している。

"The Poplar Pipeline, operated by a True Companies subsidiary, leaked about 30,000 gallons of crude oil into the Yellowstone River in eastern Montana in 2015, prompting a town to shut down its drinking water service to 6,000 residents," he adds.


Belle Fourche Pipeline Co. has reported 10 oil spills since 2011.

Belle Fourche Pipeline Co.は2011年から10回の油流出事故を報告している。

So while none of that means the Dakota Access Pipeline is necessarily a risk, the Billings County leak is making the protesters' point for them: it's clear we need to do a better job at ensuring the structural integrity of those pipes.



Standing Rockの抗議者たちはちょうど起こったことを恐れていた



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