By Eva Bartlett

♦ エバ・バートレットさんの2016.8.14配信記事2




Brazenly, Al-Hel online media stole a photo from the Aleppo Medical Association, claiming it depicted doctors in terrorist-occupied eastern Aleppo: “Aleppo doctors are demanding an end to the bombing of the regime … and describe the situation as ‘a humanitarian catastrophe’.”



The equally war-propagandistic Facebook page, Syria Breaking, shared the stolen-photo and Al-Hel article, adding its own lies:

同じく戦争伝播的なFacebookのページ、Syria Breakingは、盗まれた写真とAl-Helの記事を共有し、それ自身の嘘を追加しました:

There are now in the eastern part of the city of ‪#‎Aleppo, no fewer than 300 thousand people, there are only 30 doctors in five hospitals to serve them.



The photo in question was in fact from a May 6th protest (photos here) organized by the Aleppo Medical Association outside of the destroyed al-Dabeet maternity hospital, gutted on May 3rd by a terrorist rocket. According to Dr. Zaher Buttal, more than 150 doctors attended the demonstration.

問題の写真は、5月3日にテロリストのロケットで撃ち殺された、破壊されたアル・ダビットの妊婦病院の外写真で、アレッポ医師会によって組織された5月6日の抗議です。 Dr. Zaher Buttalによると、150人以上の医師がデモに参加しました。

The protest came following the weeks of carnage from terrorists’ relentless bombardment of civilian areas all over government-secured Aleppo – including numerous hospitals – and was, Dr. Buttal said, both in anger at the terrorists’ targeting of hospitals in Aleppo and also to show the world that, contrary to media lies, Aleppo does have doctors.

- 保護アレッポ -   多数の病院を含む - 民間人への激しい砲撃に対する




Of the signs doctors held, Professor Tim Anderson wrote:


Their signs – in English, Italian and German as well as Arabic – read: ‘Syrian Arab Army represents me’, ‘Long live Syria, long live Aleppo’, ‘Terrorists are killing our children’, ‘Armed opposition is destroying our civilisation’, ‘No for armed opposition’.

ドンッサイン - ドンッ

英語、イタリア語、ドイツ語、アラビア語で - 読む:


「長い間Aleppoで暮らし 長い間シリアで生きてる。」


From the terrorists’ May 3rd bombings, a rocket landed on a parked car right next to the al-Dabeet maternity hospital, causing a massive explosion which gutted the hospital interior, severely damaged the exterior, and burned the two cars parked behind it. Footage from a nearby building’s security camera shows the rocket and subsequent massive explosion occurred at 9:36 am, May 3rd.

テロリストの5月3日の爆発から、アル・ダビットの出産病院のすぐ隣に駐車した車にロケットが着き、大規模な爆発を引き起こし、病院の内装を傷つけ、重大な外傷を傷つけ、後ろに駐車した2台の車を燃やした。 近くの建物の警備監視カメラからの映像は、ロケットを示し、その後の大規模な爆発は、5月3日午前9時36分に発生しました。

A Western-backed terrorist rocket explodes outside Dabeet Maternity hospital in Aleppo


While initial reports said 16 civilians were killed in the May 3rd terrorist bombings, by the time the wounded had succumbed to their severe injuries, 25 people were killed and over 100 injured, according to the medical association’s Dr. Zaher Buttal. 


The three women killed were in the al-Dabeet hospital reception at the time, said Dr. Dabeet. One of the injured included a 28-week-pregnant woman who survived the loss of long sections of her intestine due to shrapnel injuries.

死亡した3人の女性は当時のアル・ダビートの病院で受診していたとダビット博士は述べました。 損傷を負った1人は、壊死傷害のために腸の長い部分の喪失をしたにもかかわらず生き延びた28週の妊婦でした。

The operating room was destroyed, along with patient rooms, five of ten incubators (the other five needing repair), and much of his equipment.


One week later the maternity hospital was again hit by a terrorist-fired mortar, destroying the roof and injuring construction workers there, according to Dr. Dabeet.



© Eva Bartlett
Dabeet Maternity hospital after it suffered a direct hit from Western-backed terrorists in Aleppo.


According to Dr. Zaher Buttal, other hospitals hit include the Ibn Rashd hospital, with a mortar hitting the top floor, the Arab Medicine hospital, and the perimeter of the Razi hospital.

Zaher Buttal博士によると、他の病院には、イブン・ラッシュド病院があり、アラブ医学病院、ラズィ病院の最上階周辺に当たったようです。

Starving, Besieged Civilians? Liberated Areas Ignored

飢えた、包囲された民間人? 解放された領域が無視される

While terrorists’ bombings and sniping attacks have been the most pressing issues in Aleppo in the past few months, other crises since 2012 have been those of water and electricity shortages, as well as the terrorist-blockades suffered by the population in government-secured Aleppo, cutting off food, fuel and medicine to the city.





問題は 安全なアレッポ都市への食糧、燃料、薬品の供給不足です。。

The already risky Ramouseh road which I took into Aleppo in early July was recently assaulted by terrorist snipers and shelling, and has been closed to prevent civilian fatalities. 


This sole road leading into Aleppo closed, terrorist actions have again cut the lifeline for the over 1.5 million people inside. In July, Dr. Nabil Antaki explained how terrorists themselves closed the road many times in the past, and the dire effects of doing so.

アレッポにつながる唯一の道は閉鎖され、テロリストの行動は再び150万人を超える人々のライフラインを奪ってるのです。 7月には、Nabil Antaki博士が、テロリストたちが過去に何度も道路を閉鎖してきた経緯と、そのような悲惨な影響について説明しました。

Because the ‘rebels’ control the main roads around Aleppo, Aleppo has suffered blockades, sometimes for a few days and other times for many, many weeks. During those many weeks, nothing was able to enter Aleppo: no food, no vegetables, no fruits, no gas, no medical equipment, no drugs… the people of Aleppo suffered a lot.

The water supply has been cut by ‘rebels’, because the main water stations are in ‘rebel’ areas. Many times they cut the water for weeks or months. So for three years, we had to use the water of wells — we now have in Aleppo 300 wells which we had to use to provide water for the 1.5 million persons living in Aleppo under the Syrian state.

In addition, we don’t have power supply, because the electricity generator and power supply are in the ‘rebel’ portion of Aleppo, and they cut the supply. That’s why people have private subscription to 1 or 2 amperes, just to have 1 or 2 or 3 bulbs during the night. They have to pay very expensive prices just to have this. The people of Aleppo are truly suffering.



Mustapha Melhis of Aleppo’s water authority explained in July 2015:

2015年7月にアレッポ水道局のMustapha Melhis氏は説明しました。

Our water reservoirs are 90 kilometers [56 miles] away, in Hafsa, a region held by IS [Islamic State]. In May, they cut the amount of water [supplied] by half….

The second aspect of the problem is distribution. The water pumped by IS flows to the Suleiman Halabi and Bab al-Nairab stations here [in Aleppo]. Both areas are controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra, and they are using the water as a weapon to impose their demands.

私たちの貯水池はIS [イスラム国家]の保有地域であるハフサまで90キロ[56マイル]離れています。 5月には、[供給された]水の量を半減させられました...。
問題の第2の側面は、分布です。 ISによってポンピングされた水は、[アレッポの]スレイマン・ハラビ(Suleiman Halabi)とバブ・アル・ナイラブ(Bab Al-Nairab)駅に流れています。 両地域はジャブハット・アル=ヌスラによって支配されており、水を武器として使用して彼らの要求を課してくるのです。

In the same article, Aleppo Governor Mohammad Marwan Olabi said:


The power plants are outside the city. Terrorists control two areas from where electricity lines to Aleppo pass. Whenever they want to put pressure on Aleppo, they cut the electricity. And when electricity is gone, the water supply is cut off as well.

発電所は市外にあります。 テロリストは、電力線をアレッポまでの2つの地域を管理しています。 彼らはアレッポに圧力をかけたいときはいつでも、電力をカットするのです。 電気がなくなると、水の供給も遮断されます。


Corporate media have largely ignored these very real crises, and instead manufacture (regarding terrorist-held eastern Aleppo) the same types of propaganda campaigns of “starving civilians” which earlier flooded social media and were endorsed by dubious NGOs, like those on Madaya and Yarmouk. In all cases, no mention is made of the fact that the population in the area includes terrorist factions or why there is any lack of supplies (because of the terrorist factions).

企業メディアは、このような本当の危機をほとんど無視して、以前はソーシャルメディアを浸水させ、MadayaやYarmoukのような疑わしいNGOによって支持された「飢えた市民」と同じ種類の宣伝キャンペーンを(テロリスト同盟のアレッポに関して) 。 すべての場合において、その地域の住民にテロリスト派閥が含まれていること、または(なぜなら、テロリストのために)供給が不足しているという理由は



As with Madaya and Yarmouk, when residents of the terrorist-inhabited regions do manage to speak to media, inevitablythey speak of terrorists stealing food supplies, hoarding goods and selling them at extortionist rates, and preventing residents from leaving to safer areas.


そして、 住民がより安全な地域に出るのを妨害してると必然的に彼らは話しますよ。

On July 28, the Syrian Arab Army fully secured the Bani Zaid and Lairamoun northern neighbourhoods of Aleppo city,liberating them from the western-backed mercenaries who occupied the districts since October 2012.
7月28日、シリアのアラブ軍は、アレッポ市のBani ZaidとLairamounの北部地域を完全に奪還し、2012年10月から地区を占領していた西側支持傭兵から解放しました。

Civilians who had remained in Bani Zaid spoke of the terrorists’ firing of gas canister and other bombs on the civilians of neighbouring government-secured Aleppo districts. Western corporate media largely ignored this significant liberation and the jubilation of liberated residents.



On the same day, President al-Assad issued a decree granting amnesty to Syrians who laid down their weapons and reconciled with the state.


When the Syrian-Russian coordinated humanitarian corridors opened in eastern Aleppo in late July, reports soon after emerged of terrorists preventing residents from leaving, 

including assassinating residents who attempted to leave. When some residents from these areas did manage to evacuate, testimonies showed them thanking the government for providing the basics and cursing the terrorists for having stolen from them, abused residents, and in many cases killed their loved ones.


  基本的に 盗まれ、虐待された住民は、 多くの場合、愛する人を殺れてるので


Russia Today interviewed evacuees who likewise did not praise the west’s so-called “rebels” but spoke of the hell civilians endured under terrorist occupation.

We left with our remaining children. May God punish the rebels. They did not allow us to leave, they deprived us of gas, water, electricity and bread. We were not allowed to leave. There were no medicines. They used to tell us you live with us or die with us,” one woman said.

"私たちは残った子供たちと共に居ました。 神が反逆者を罰しますように。 彼らは私たちが去ることを許さなかったし、私たちからガス、水、電気、パンを奪いました。 我々は逃げることが許されなかったのです。 薬はありませんでした。 彼らは一緒に住むか、死ぬかだと言ってたのです。」とある女性が言いました。

Attacks On Aleppo Continue, To Media Silence


“For three days after the liberation of Bani Zaid, it was very quiet in Aleppo. People were happy, there were no more mortars. Suddenly, yesterday, the terrorists started sending mortars and rockets on Aleppo again, especially on Hamdaniya where thousands of displaced people live. So people are leaving this neighbourhood to find another place,” Dr. Nabil Antaki told me on August 1st .

「バニ・ザイドの解放後3日間、アレッポでは非常に静かでした。 人々は幸せだったのです、それ以上の迫撃砲はなかったから。 突然、昨日、テロリストは、特に数千人の避難民が住むハムダニヤで、迫撃砲とロケットを再びアレッポに贈り始めました。 だから、人々はこの地域を離れて別の場所を探しています」とDr. Nabil Antakiは8月1日に私に語りました。

In a phone call on August 10th, Dr. Zaher Buttal updated that since July 30th, terrorist bombings had killed 30 civilians in Aleppo, and wounded hundreds. By August 11th , Dr. Buttal said another 16 civilians in Hamadaniya, Aleppo, had been killed by terrorists’ missiles, another 45 wounded.
8月10日の電話でZaher Buttal博士は、7月30日以来、テロリストによる攻撃により、アレッポで30人の一般市民が死亡し、数百人が負傷したと改訂しました。 ブタール博士は、8月11日までに、アレッポの浜辺で16人の民間人がテロリストのミサイルで殺害され、別の45人が負傷したと述べました。

Today there was supposed to be a truce between 10 am and 1 pm. Terrorists ignored this and again bombarded Hamadaniya neighbourhood.

今日は午前10時から午後1時の間に停戦が予定されていました。 テロリストはこれを無視し、再びハマダニヤを攻撃しました。

Both Dr. Buttal and truth-based media have reported that terrorists used toxic gas in their bombardment of civilian areas of Aleppo.



The Western corporate media and NGO complex, on the other hand, continue to talk about imaginary “last doctors” in Aleppo, while ignoring the very real suffering of over 1.5 million Syrians in government-secured Aleppo, as well as the doctors who are treating them. This is hardly surprising given that, from the very beginning, the corporate media has toed the NATO agenda on Syria, which is to manufacture every imaginable lie and accusation against the Syrian government, the Syrian Arab Army, and the people themselves, in order to chase the NATO-GCC-Zionist-Turkish dream of imposing a puppet government in Syria. They have failed.

一方、ソロス・メディアとNGO団体は、アレッポの想像上の「最後の医師」について話し続けていますが、政府保証のあるアレッポの150万人以上のシリア人、そして治療している医師 それらを無視してます。 これは当初から







Eva Bartlett is a freelance journalist and rights activist with extensive experience in the Gaza Strip, where she lived a cumulative three years (from late 2008 to early 2013), arriving by boat as a part of the Free Gaza missions. She documented the 2008/9 and 2012 Israeli war crimes and attacks on Gaza while riding in ambulances and reporting from hospitals. Eva accompanied Palestinian fishers and farmers as they came under intensive fire from the Israeli army. She has been to Syria four times since April 2014 and works to convey the voices of a people suffering under the foreign war on Syria. Her writings can be found on her blog, In Gaza.

エヴァ・バートレット氏はフリー・ガザのミッションの一環としてボートで到着し、累計3年間(2008年後半から2013年初め)に住んでいたガザ地区での豊富な経験を持つフリー・ジャーナリストで権利活動家です。 彼女は、2008/9年と2012年のイスラエルの戦争犯罪と救急車に乗って病院からの報告をしながらガザへの攻撃を文書化しました。 イヴァはパレスチナの漁師や農民がイスラエル軍から集中的に発砲された際に同行してました。 彼女は2014年4月からシリアに4回行っており、外交下で苦しんでいる人々の声をシリアに伝えるために働いています。 彼女の執筆は彼女のブログ、In Gazaで見つけることができます。


Western Corporate Media ‘Disappears’ over 1.5 Million Syrians and 4,000 Doctors 




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